Tina Brown

Year-End Awards: 'The Kamikaze Award' and 'Let Them Eat Dog Food
December 27th, 2013 9:15 AM
Today’s installment of the Media Research Center’s “Best Notable Quotables of 2013,” as selected by our 42 expert judges: the “Let Them Eat Dog Food Award, for Freaking Out Over the Sequester’s Puny Cuts,” and “The Kamikaze Award, for Disparaging Conservatives During the Shutdown.”
In late February, as automatic spending cuts were about to take a tiny sliver off of the $3.5 trillion annual…

Year-End Awards: The Pantsuit Patrol Award, for Boosting Hillary Clint
December 25th, 2013 9:36 AM
Today’s installment of the Media Research Center’s “Best Notable Quotables of 2013,” as selected by our distinguished panel of judges: The Pantsuit Patrol Award, for boosting Hillary Clinton.
Championing Hillary has been a media fixation for decades; 20 years ago, the Best Notable Quotables of 1993 featured the “I Am Woman” award, won that year by then-Time White House correspondent Margaret…
Bozell Column: Safeguarding Obama Throughout
December 17th, 2013 10:15 PM
Liberal journalists were glowing and full of hope after Barack Obama won a second term. As 2012 drew to a close, there was the traditional hour of ABC’s Barbara Walters fawning: “Mr. President, Mrs. Obama. There is a photograph of you [hugging] that went viral, became the most shared photograph in the history of Twitter. How do you keep the fire going?”
As the second inauguration neared,…

LOL: Forget Obamacare, Tina Brown Says Obama's Legacy Will Be His 'Sma
November 26th, 2013 9:52 AM
How shambolic of a smoking ruin is the Obama presidency? When Tina Brown surveys the wreckage, the best—the best!—thing she sees, the thing she believes will be Barack Obama's shining legacy, is his handling of Iran and Syria, which she declares to be "smart," and of course, "nuanced."
The Obamacare catastrophe? Not to worry. On today's Morning Joe, Brown assured us that those problems are…

Tina Brown: Why is Mitch McConnell Rand Paul's 'Bitch' in Tea Party 'J
October 10th, 2013 6:09 PM
[***UPDATED*** October 11, 11:15 ET, More analysis and full transcript added]
In an interview with Senator John McCain for The Daily Beast's annual Hero Summit on Thursday, the blog's editor-in-chief Tina Brown launched into an unhinged rant blaming conservatives for the government shutdown: "The story of this political crisis is really, you know, the culpability not just of the Republican…

The Top 8 Nastiest Liberal Media Quotes Blaming the GOP for the Shutdo
October 9th, 2013 10:40 AM
The liberal media have taken sides in the government shutdown debate and not surprisingly holds only one party to blame - the GOP. In the last week liberal anchors, reporters and writers have depicted fiscal conservatives in terms usually reserved for terrorists as they’ve hyperbolically charged that Republicans were being run by a “suicide caucus” that is holding America “hostage.”

Tina Brown: GOP Donning 'Suicide Vests,' Boehner a 'Rallier of These C
October 2nd, 2013 12:32 PM
On Tuesday's AC360 Later, Tina Brown said that Republicans are fighting ObamaCare with "suicide vests" and that President Obama looks "statesmanlike" in talking to Iran but not the GOP.
"Maybe Vladimir Putin can break the logjam here," The Daily Beast co-founder quipped. She added, "it is just incredible to me to watch these Republicans putting on their suicide vests and thinking this is going…

NPR Pressed to Correct False Rape-and-Pregnancy Story by Daily Beast B
September 6th, 2013 2:05 PM
Washington Post media blogger Erik Wemple recalled Daily Beast boss Tina Brown hate-tweeting her former Washington bureau chief Howard Kurtz: “am I forgetting something or didn’t I fire you for serial inaccuracy?”
“That was a bit of classlessness that simply wasn’t going to go unpunished,” Wemple wrote. “And now the journalism gods have spoken, via a correction that is available on NPR.” On…

Tina Brown's Daily Beast to Lose $12 Million This Year
August 27th, 2013 9:54 AM
The news for Tina Brown continues to go from bad to worse.
Following her failure to turn Newsweek around, it was reported Monday that her online magazine The Daily Beast is expected to lose $12 million this year.
AdWeek reports:

Tina Brown Blasts Howard Kurtz: 'Didn't I Fire You for Serial Inaccura
August 5th, 2013 4:48 PM
Daily Beast founder and editor Tina Brown sure has a thin skin.
Responding to a seemingly innocent comment by former employee Howard Kurtz regarding Monday's New York Times article about her, Brown tweeted, "Hey @HowardKurtz am I forgetting something or didn't I fire you for serial inaccuracy?"
Allergies Caused By Global Warming According To Newsweek
June 10th, 2013 2:51 PM
If you’re one of the millions of Americans who suffer from airborne allergies you should start by blaming “global warming” for your sneezing and itchy eyes. This according to an online piece by Newsweek/The Daily Beast’s Josh Dzieza who claims that “global warming “could be to blame” for increased allergy symptoms.
After hyping “First the heat…Then the storms…Now the…pollen?” Dzieza claimed…

No More Feast at the Daily Beast for Howard Kurtz: Tina Brown Drops Hi
May 2nd, 2013 6:43 PM
Politico’s Dylan Byers reported “The Daily Beast is dropping Howard Kurtz, the veteran media critic who made headlines this week for his erroneous report about NBA star Jason Collins.” Kurtz erred in suggesting Collins hadn’t been forthcoming about his fiancee, even though he discussed her on both ABC and in the Sports Illustrated cover story that made “history.” Kurtz’s story was retracted on…

Daily Beast Offers Hate Forum for '80s Pop Star Who Sang of 'Margaret
April 8th, 2013 10:38 PM
On his well-titled 1988 solo album “Viva Hate,” the British pop star Morrissey sang “Margaret on the guillotine / Cause people like you / Make me feel so tired / When will you die?”
Twenty-five years later, Thatcher has died, and Morrissey’s hate is still going strong. Tina Brown’s Daily Beast website provided a forum for Morrissey proclaiming Thatcher was “a terror without an atom of…

No Social Conservatives on CBS's List of 'Eye-Opening Women
March 4th, 2013 3:41 PM
On Monday, CBS This Morning launched a week-long set of interviews for Women's History Month, but the majority of the women they picked for their list of "Eye Opening Women" are dedicated liberals, particularly on social issues. The morning newscast first conducted a fawning interview of former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who was part of the Supreme Court plurality that upheld the Roe v. Wade…