
Whoopi: We Don’t Allow Lies on The View

June 24th, 2024 7:54 PM

On Monday, Whoopi Goldberg had the gall to claim without evidence on ABC’s The View that she and her co-hosts were unbiased. The View, which has been previously caught spreading misinformation, attempted to identify as a source of factual…


‘Raise My Dreads’: Whoopi Tees up Fauci to Call Opponents ‘Bastards’

June 20th, 2024 3:46 PM

After teasing it was a while ago, ABC’s The View finally had Dr. Anthony Fauci on the show to help him hawk his new book. The much-reviled public health official received copious amounts of praise from the liberal ladies and no questions about how the policies he pushed harmed a generation of children and infringed on individual liberties. Instead, he got a platform to lash out at…


Whoopi Whines Young People Don’t Protest Anymore, ‘We Were Forced’

June 19th, 2024 2:43 PM

Four years after the Black Lives Matter Riots and just a couple of months after the pro-Hamas/anti-Semitic encampments on college campuses and the death threats to Congress over the possible ban of TikTok, ABC moderator Whoopi Goldberg took to Wednesday’s edition of The View to whine that young people supposedly don’t protest and “stand for stuff” like how she was “forced to do.”


Rachel Maddow & The View Fearmongering with Fake Trump Hit List

June 19th, 2024 7:23 AM

ABC’s The View played host to MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday, allowing her to fear monger regarding the potential re-election of former President Donald Trump. Maddow explains the dangers she saw as a threat from the former President, and the possibility of his revenge. Painting Trump as an unhinged, vindictive, and violent threat to many, co-host Joy Behar, and other co-…


Joy Behar on Supreme Court: ‘I Don’t Trust It! … I Don’t Trust Them!’

June 13th, 2024 10:45 PM

On Thursday, ABC’s The View’s Joy Behar responded to the recent Supreme Court decision to not restrict access to the abortion drug Mifepristone by attacking the institution itself, proclaiming: “I don't trust it. But I don’t trust them!”


Whoopi Calls for Class Action Suit on Justices, The View Disagrees

June 11th, 2024 7:11 PM

Another week, another phony Supreme Court justice scandal covered by ABC’s The View. This one being especially , only Whoopi Goldberg tried to insist it was actually a scandal. On Tuesday morning’s segment, the group discussed a deceptive audio secretly taken in hopes of embarrassing both Justice Samuel Alito and his wife. The tape, being of no great consequence, only highlighting the…


The View Uses Deceptively Edited Vid to Label Trump ‘Senile,’ ‘Crazy’

June 10th, 2024 7:08 PM

On Monday morning, following another eventful weekend, The View took to the air to, once again, complain about Donald Trump, in their own words, “you-know-who.” The women reacted to a video recap of Trump's comments from a rally. Yet their confusion from the video should more accurately be attributed to the deceptive and chaotic editing, and not the delivery of the former President…


Hostin Says Black Republicans Don't Exist, 'Like Looking at Unicorns'

June 7th, 2024 2:56 PM

Staunchly racist and anti-Semitic co-host of ABC’s The View, Sunny Hostin (the descendant of slave owners) was at it again; spewing her hate on Friday’s show and claiming that black Republicans didn’t exist at all, just like “unicorns.” She was joined by the liberal white ladies who lectured black Republican Congressman Byron Donalds (FL), who they suggested was ignorant of black…


The View Whines Biden 'Forced' into Border Order in an Election Year

June 5th, 2024 5:50 PM

After spending almost four years claiming there was nothing he could do about securing the U.S.-Mexico border (which echoed his claim about lowering inflation), President Biden finally issued an executive order to supposedly secure it. The purported effectiveness of the orders remained to be seen, but the liberal ladies of ABC’s The View spent the first part of their Wednesday show…


The View’s Faux GOPer Whines Hunter Trial ‘Distraction’ from Issues

June 4th, 2024 5:08 PM

Hunter Biden was finally brought to trial this week to answer for his alleged crime of lying on a federal background check form when purchasing a firearm, a felony. But ABC’s Alyssa Farah Griffin, one of The View’s faux-conservatives, finally found a trial she didn’t like. After previously cheering on the ethically dubious trial of former President Trump, on Tuesday’s show she was…


The View Has Suspicion COVID’s Origin ‘Wasn’t in this Country’

June 4th, 2024 2:49 PM

ABC News is not sending us their best. That much was obvious during Tuesday’s edition of The View when the Cackling Coven went to bat for Dr. Anthony Fauci following a House hearing the previous day. Amid their rambling, one of them shared their new sneaking suspicion that the origin of the COVID-19 virus lay outside the United States. Not only that, another heard rumors that it came…


Hypocritical View Hosts Defend Caitlin Clark after Racist Remarks

June 3rd, 2024 6:16 PM

If there’s one thing The View watchers can count on, it’s the hosts’ capriciousness and hypocrisy. Monday morning’s episode of the ABC show saw the hosts seemingly forget Sunny Hostin’s racist comments against WNBA star Caitlin Clark, that she spouted less than two weeks prior. Instead, they changed tunes and championed Clark’s cause, praising her sportsmanship and various successes…


The View Was 'Leaking' in Excitement After Trump Was Found Guilty

May 31st, 2024 5:41 PM

Friday’s edition of ABC’s The View was exactly what one expected it to be after former President Trump was found guilty on 34 felony counts. Between TMI admissions that they were “leaking” with excitement in the aisle of a store and pearl-clutching exasperations of how far America had fallen and the obligatory demands he be sent to prison, the Cackling Coven’s reactions had it all.…


He’s ‘Trash’: The View Tries to Pressure Radio Host to Endorse Biden

May 24th, 2024 5:21 PM

For the second time in a week, the liberal ladies of The View were told to go pound sand by a guest after they tried to pressure them into becoming a shill for President Biden’s reelection effort like they were. On Wednesday’s show, they spoke with radio host Charlamagne tha God and wanted him to do more for Biden than say former President Trump was a danger to democracy and unfit for…