Shaila Dewan
NYTimes Shrugs Off Big DA Boudin Loss in SF,Suggests Fear, Disinfo Won
Two weeks after the smashing electoral recall of San Francisco district attorney Chesa Boudin, New York Times reporter Shaila Dewan, who covers criminal justice issues, defended the political sustainability of the far-left vision of criminal justice “reform” -- no cash bail, no jail time, and selective enforcement of crime: “Liberal D.A.s Draw Lessons From San Francisco Recall.” The “…
NY Times Spins Waukesha Massacre, Fears Could Hurt Bail Reform
Career criminal Darrell Brooks sped through the barricades of a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, killing six and injuring dozens, and the New York Times on Saturday engaged in damage control for the left-wing “bail reform” movement nationwide.
“Waukesha Suspect’s Previous Release Agitates Efforts to Overhaul Bail,” by Glenn Thrush and Shaila Dewan offered up plenty of…
NY Times Bemoans Right to Self-Defense Prevailed in Rittenhouse Trial
The headline alongside Saturday’s front-page New York Times “news analysis,” “How the Acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse Shows the Burden for the Prosecution in Self-Defense Cases,” demonstrated the Times joining the rest of the press in lamenting the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse of homicide charges during anti-police riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin in August 2020. The analysis by…
After Murders, NYTimes Cries White Racism Against Asians, Blames Trump
The murder of eight people at three Atlanta-area massage parlors led the news. Six of the victims were Asian and the killer is white, a fact that sparked liberal shouts of “hate crime” from the media, including the New York Times. Taking it further, the Times even blamed year-old Trump statements accurately pointing out the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.

End of a Sorry Student Testing Saga for the New York Times and Beverly

New York Times, Friend of the (Government) Worker

NYT's Peters Notes Gov. Nikki Haley Once Hit With 'Unfounded Blog Repo

Why Yesterday's Jobs Numbers Don't Signify 'Gaining Steam' or a 'Surge

Job Figures Give Obama 'Head of Steam,' Says NYT Reporter Who Once Saw
Year Before Truth Emerged, NY Times Reporter Vindicated Atlanta School