Selena Roberts

Hypocritical NYT Cheers the WNBA Embracing Planned Parenthood
July 25th, 2017 11:18 AM
Demonstrating that the New York Times’ political bias permeates every section of the newspaper, comes a glowing news story by Howard Megdal on the WNBA's Seattle Storm donating ticket proceeds to the abortion provider Planned Parenthood: “Franchise In W.N.B.A. Is a Platform for Activism.” Yet while the Storm's activism was "historic," the Times is rather hostile toward signs of patriotism (much…
ESPN Doc Marks Duke Lacrosse ‘Rape’ Case -- a Stain on the NYTimes
March 15th, 2016 9:29 AM
It’s been ten years since the Duke lacrosse rape hoax, an occasion marked by “Fantastic Lies," the latest entry in ESPN’s acclaimed 30 for 30 documentary series, which aired last Sunday night. Former New York Times Public Editor Daniel Okrent made an appearance, but evidently spoke in only general terms about the media frenzy, while the New York Times’ own sorry complicity in the saga didn’t get…

Bozell Column: The Ugly End of the Duke Lacrosse Story
November 30th, 2013 9:04 AM
On November 22, with the national media focused on the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy’s death, few noticed the story of a jury in North Carolina convicting Crystal Mangum of murder in the 2011 kitchen stabbing death of her boyfriend Reginald Daye. Why should that fact fixate the national media?
On its own, it shouldn’t. But in 2006 and 2007, Mangum’s false charges of rape against three…

NHL Star Praised for Brave Support of Gay Marriage in NY Times
May 10th, 2011 6:57 AM
New York Rangers hockey player and team "enforcer" Sean Avery is speaking out in support of gay marriage in New York State as part of an ad series sponsored by the left-wing Human Rights Campaign. He was profiled in glowing terms in a New York Times news story by John Branch in Sunday's sports section, "In Rarity, a Player Speaks Out for Gay Rights." But how have the paper's columnists treated…
Reunited: NY Times Columnists Who Slimed Duke Lacrosse Team
March 3rd, 2009 6:26 PM
In his column "Exposing the Truth About Exposing the Truth," New York Times sportswriter Harvey Araton defended his "good friend" Selena Roberts -- a former Times sports columnist now reporting for Sports Illustrated -- from "misogynist ravings" launched after her recent reporting on steroid use by Yankees baseball star Alex Rodriguez. Roberts has Rodriguez dead to rights on his steroid use and…
SI’s Selena Roberts Predicts Olympic Softball Might Be Saved by Obam
August 21st, 2008 1:19 PM
Sports Illustrated’s Selena Roberts, when asked during an interview on the SI website about the future of softball as an Olympic competition on Thursday, added some liberal commentary into her prediction about the sport’s redemption: "One other wildcard for 2016 is the exit of the Bush administration. The undercurrent of anti-Americanism within the IOC, which some say has hurt the U.S. because of…
Vick Suspended: Media Still Pushing Victim Story
August 24th, 2007 7:30 PM
The National Football League has finally acted, suspending former Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick indefinitely without pay in the wake of Vick admitting that he was the primary funding behind the dog-fighting operation run from his property. The question now is- what will the NAACP and Vick's media enablers do?
Vick the Victim: NYT Article Paints QB As 'Failed by Friends
August 18th, 2007 4:44 PM
See incredible Roberts double-standard Update at foot.Michael Vick, victim. That's how Selena Roberts's article in today's New York Times largely portrays the NFL QB accused of involvement with dogfighting. The article's headline sets the tone: Vick Is Trapped in His Circle of Friends. Excerpts:The crooked circle Michael Vick drew around himself has tripped and squeezed him. The first to fail…
NY Times Columnist Selena Roberts' Huge Hypocrisy on Rutgers-Imus Flap
April 11th, 2007 12:09 PM
After sliming the Duke lacrosse players falsely accused of raping a stripper, Times sports columnist Selena Roberts returned to school on Wednesday with "A First Class Response to a Second-Class Putdown," about the Don Imus-Rutgers University women's basketball team controversy, in which the talk radio host denigrated the team by referring to them as "nappy-headed ho's." Roberts gushed about the…