Scott Bauer

AP's Scott Bauer Fails to ID Party of Dem Charged in Racial Incident
May 6th, 2018 12:56 PM
Despite relatively recent Associated Press Stylebook changes mandating that elected officials' political party "should be routinely included" in stories about them, the wire service appears to be backsliding. On Saturday, I noted the wire service's failure – before being shamed into a partial remedy — to tag DC politicians engaged in public anti-Semitic outbursts and conspiracy theories as…

AP's Scott Walker-Obsessed Bauer Blows Two Easy 'Fact Checks'
January 26th, 2018 4:50 PM
Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker gave his annual State of the State speech Wednesday. Naturally, Scott Bauer at the Associated Press, who has been on a seemingly singular mission to dispute and distort Walker's statements and actions during the Governor's seven years in office, treated absolutely true statements Walker made during that speech as somehow untruthful in a Thursday "Fact…

AP Treats Wisconsin's Abusive John Doe Probe As a Mere 'Partisan' Spat
December 15th, 2017 8:15 AM
Last week, Wisconsin's Attorney General issued a report recommending contempt charges against six former workers at the state's now-defunct Government Accountability Board and three employees in the Milwaukee County prosecutor's office for their involvement in or knowledge of illegal and criminal leaks of GAB documents relating to what has become known as the "John Doe" investigation of Wisconsin…

Bitter AP: Scott Walker 'Effectively Ended Collective Bargaining'
November 10th, 2017 2:12 PM
On Monday, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced that he will seek a third term as Badger State Chief Executive next year. At the Associated Press, Scott Bauer, still bitter over Walker's successful attempt to rein in the power of the state's public-sector unions in 2011, falsely insisted, as he has for over 6-1/2 years, that Walker's Act 10 legislation "effectively ended collective…

Hillary Loses Again; AP Plays Race Card to Explain Away Sanders' Win
April 5th, 2016 11:18 PM
At Politico tonight, the headline is: "Sanders crushes Clinton in Wisconsin." Given Mrs. Clinton's frontrunner status and the fact that, as the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel noted on Saturday (HT Ann Althouse), "Wisconsin has a nearly unbroken modern-day record of voting for party front-runners in its presidential primary," that's an accurate characterization of Sanders' 12-point lead over Mrs.…

AP's Scott Bauer Has a New Obsession: Negatively Describing Ted Cruz
January 5th, 2016 5:31 PM
At the Associated Press, Wisconsin-based reporter Scott Bauer, who has spent the better part of the past five years describing Badger State Governor Scott Walker as "polarizing," has been given the opportunity to get involved with 2016 presidential campaign coverage.
Leftists and Democrats rarely earn negative descriptors in Bauer's reports, while Republicans and conservatives receive them…

AP Covers Whining About Walker's Security, But Not 'John Doe' Thuggery
April 26th, 2015 11:35 PM
The Associated Press is one of many national establishment press outlets which has from all appearances utterly ignored National Review's chronicling of police-state tactics used by law enforcement in a "John Doe" investigation targeting Republican Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin. Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm's fishing expedition, which began in 2012, has attempted but thus…

USA Today: 'Hundreds of Thousands' Could Lose Their Vote In Wisconsin
March 23rd, 2015 12:57 PM
Today the U.S. Supreme Court, as the Associated Press's Scott Bauer reported, "turned away a challenge to Wisconsin's voter identification law," meaning that "the state is free to impose the voter ID requirement in future elections." Bauer then focused on the impact of the state's off-year primary elections on April 7.
Bauer's relatively tolerable (for him) report tagged the law as "a political…

Walker Refuses to Answer Off-Topic Evolution Query; AP, Time Pounce
February 15th, 2015 11:41 PM
In London, England earlier this week, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker delivered a speech about global trade at the Chatham House think tank. Given that the group's mission is "to help build a sustainably secure, prosperous and just world," and that it encourages "open debate and confidential discussion on the most significant developments in international affairs," it seemed a reasonable…

AP Couldn't Bring Itself to Say 'Walker Won' in Wisconsin Tues. Night
November 6th, 2014 10:00 PM
That the folks at the Associated Press have had it in for Scott Walker for over 3-1/2 years has been quite obvious. The wire service's reporters, particularly Scott Bauer, have made their personal opposition quite clear, sometimes quite bitterly and often dishonestly, to Walker's Act 10 and other policies in their supposedly "objective" reports.
So it wasn't any surprise, or really even a…

AP's Scott Bauer Effectively Admits That Media Didn't Vet Mary Burke
October 29th, 2014 11:17 PM
M.D. Kittle at's Wisconsin Reporter scooped everyone covering the Badger State Governor's race on Tuesday when he reported that Democratic candidate Mary Burke's resumé is not what her campaign's web site says it is.
Burke's campaign bio claims that she "played a central role in Trek’s expansion as the Director of European Operations." Kittle found "multiple former Trek executives"…

Press Ignores Errors, Inaccuracies in Burke's Plagiarized 'Jobs Plan'
September 20th, 2014 9:37 PM
The real problem with Wisconsin Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke's "jobs plan," the detailed version of which appears to be no longer available at her campaign's web site, isn't its plagiarized material. It's the content. The presence of certain obviously wrong facts and patently pathetic assertions indicates that Ms. Burke, a successful entrepreneur who one would think should have…

At AP, Wis. Dem's Plan to Pass Out Klan Hoods at GOP Gathering Was a
May 11th, 2014 8:48 AM
While I was aware that a fever-swamp Democrat in Wisconsin was planning to pass out Ku Klux Klan hoods at some kind of Wisconsin Republican gathering, I had no idea until this morning that the Associated Press actually considered it a national story back on May 1. It was really even more than a national story at the self-described "essential global news network." It was so vital that the nation…

Bitter AP Focuses On Politics and Not Free-Speech Import of Wis. 'John
May 7th, 2014 3:07 PM
In his "analysis" on Tuesday's U.S. District Court ruling which called a halt to "a secret investigation into his 2012 recall campaign and conservative groups that supported" Scott Walker, Wisconsin's Republican Governor, Scott Bauer at the Associated Press basically gave away what the prosecution's agenda really has been all about.
It really hasn't been about cleaning up political campaigns…