Savannah Guthrie

Meyers Marks Five Years of Late Night Liberal Activism

Bozell & Graham Column: NBC Names Debate Moderators, or Celebrators

CBS/NBC Tout Their Companies Possibly Joining Georgia Abortion Boycott

NBC Ignores Impact of World's Tiniest Baby on Abortion Debate

NBC Eagerly Hypes ‘Mounting Pressure’ on Dems to Impeach Trump

NBC Reporter Wonders if ‘Violent Act’ Ever Occurred at Abortion Clinic

NBC’s Guthrie to Biden: Is Trump ‘Threat to Very Essence' of U.S.?

Andrea Mitchell Gushes Over Biden’s ‘Dramatic’ Campaign Attack Ad

NBC Uses Ex-Obama Official to Boast Trump Could Be Charged Later
Just as they did during their Special Reports on Thursday after the Mueller report’s release, NBC’s Today turned Friday morning to former Obama official Neal Katyal for legal analysis and touting the possibility President Trump could be criminally charged once he leaves office and that current Attorney General Bill Barr wasn’t acting like the AG for the country but instead just for Trump.

NBC Decries Ohio’s New Pro-Life Heartbeat Law Protecting the Unborn

‘Democrats Still Not Happy’: NBC, ABC Hype Partisan Whining Over Barr

NBC Asks if Barr ‘On the Level,’ Fears Mueller ‘Cop Out’

Sarah Sanders BLASTS Liberal Media, Demands Apology