Savannah Guthrie

Michelle Pfeiffer Happy to Play ‘Pro-Choice,’ ‘Feminist’ Betty Ford
Appearing on NBC’s Today show Thursday morning, actress Michelle Pfeiffer talked about how eager she was to play the late First Lady Betty Ford for Showtime’s upcoming 10-part series, The First Lady. While discussing the new role with co-host Savannah Guthrie, Pfieffer hailed the wife of late President Gerald Ford as a “pro-choice Republican” who “took on a feminist agenda…

NBC Bemoans ‘Disney Thrust Into Culture Wars’ Over ‘Don’t Say Gay’
On Monday, NBC’s Today show lamented how Disney was supposedly “thrust into the culture wars” when the woke corporation chose to hurl political attacks at Florida’s new Parental Rights in Education law preventing young grade school students from being indoctrinated with radical classroom discussions of sexual orientation. Only once did the network morning show actually mention the…

Tables Turned: ABC Seethes Over Cruz Asking Jackson About Race
On Wednesday, the liberal media-wide PR campaign for Supreme Court pick Ketanji Brown Jackson continued apace on the broadcast network morning newscasts with ABC’s Good Morning America continued to screech about the “Republican attacks” she’s faced despite Democratic attempts to allow her time to show emotion when it comes to “the realities of being a working mom.”

NBC Gushes Over Jackson Being ‘Like An Olympic Athlete’
Moments before the second day of Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Senate confirmation hearing began on Tuesday morning, the panel during NBC News special coverage eagerly touted comparisons between the left-wing Supreme Court nominee and an “Olympic athlete who has been training for this...her whole life.” In addition, expected tough questions from Republican lawmakers were preemptively dismissed as “…

Nets Spoonfeed Viewers WH Spin for Jackson, Screech at GOP Criticism
Monday morning prior to the start of Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, ABC, CBS, and NBC shoveled White House talking points that reveled over Jackson’s “historic nomination” and the “legal and political gauntlet” ahead and fretted Republicans are ready to “attack” with “fireworks” that could trigger “a political bounce” for President Biden.

NBC’s Today Pushes False Biden Spin of ‘Putin’s Price Hike’
On Friday, NBC’s Today show went all in pushing false White House spin that months of record-high inflation and soaring gas prices were somehow exclusively caused by the two-week-old war in Ukraine rather than bad economic policy from the Biden administration. The coverage even parroted the President’s dishonest talking points word for word by repeating the phrase “Putin’s price hike…

Don’t Worry, CBS Says Biden Policies ‘Are Not Hurting Oil Production’
Immediately following President Biden’s announcement late Tuesday morning that the U.S. would finally ban Russian oil over the ongoing war in Ukraine, CBS went to work spewing White House propaganda that the administration’s left-wing environmental agenda was “not hurting oil production in this country.” Instead, the network claimed there were “no good options” other than turning to other…

Barr Tells Off NBC: Mueller Probe ‘Was A Lie Which the Media Pushed'
Appearing on NBC’s Today show for a live interview Monday morning to promote his new book, former Attorney General Bill Barr called out the left-wing media for pushing the “lie” that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election. He also defended his decision to accurately summarize the nothing-burger findings of the Mueller investigation in 2019…

NBC Uses Russian Propaganda to Scold Graham for Urging Putin Overthrow
On Friday, NBC’s Today show went after Republican Senator Lindsey Graham for urging Russians to rise up and “take out” brutal dictator Vladimir Putin. The broadcast scolded the South Carolina lawmaker for his “controversial call” and even quoted propaganda from Putin’s regime denouncing the comment.

Ukraine Parliament Member on NBC: Biden SOTU a ‘Total Disappointment'
Appearing on NBC’s Today show Wednesday morning, Ukrainian parliament member Oleksandra Ustinova slammed President Biden’s State of the Union address as “a total disappointment” in the midst of her country being “executed” by Russian forces. In addition to pleading for a NATO-enforced no-fly zone over Ukraine, Ustinova also demanded “real sanctions” against Russia and Putin.

Nets Play Biden Lapdog, Tout SOTU Speech Filled With 9/11-Like ‘Unity’
Reacting Wednesday to President Biden’s State of the Union address from the night prior, the broadcast network mornings newscasts on ABC, CBS, and NBC largely decided to play White House stenographers in touting Biden’s “call[s] for unity” and focus “on common ground and not...partisanship.” It resulted, one network said, in cheers that were akin to American unity after 9/11.

NBC Was Left Uninspired and CONFUSED By Biden’s SOTU Address
NBC News was finally in tune with most of America Tuesday night after President Biden’s State of the Union address left them feeling unsure about the fate of Ukraine and confused by some of what was said on the House floor.

NBC Brings on Obama’s Russia Ambassador to Praise Biden on Ukraine
On Wednesday, NBC’s Today show brought on former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul to discuss the Russian invasion of Ukraine and heap praise on President Biden’s failed foreign policy. Given McFaul’s diplomatic tenure in Moscow occurred during the Obama administration and ended just prior to Vladimir Putin’s initial 2014 invasion of Ukraine, perhaps he wasn’t the best person…

Week One of Spying Scandal: Nets, CNN Bury Claims Against Clinton
Just over one week ago, a bombshell broke in the world of politics. But if you got your news solely from the networks, you might have missed it. On Friday, February 11, Special Counsel John Durham alleged in a court filing that the 2016 Clinton campaign effectively spied on the Trump campaign to push a Russian collusion narrative.