Sarah Kliff

In Wake of Planned Parenthood Prez’s Ouster, NYT Downplays Abortion
July 18th, 2019 2:56 PM
The front of Thursday’s New York Times followed up on the unceremonious ouster of Planned Parenthood president Leana Wen, after just eight months on the job leading the country’ largest abortionist, in a fight over the group’s direction during a time of pro-abortion laws under pressure: “Health Provider or an Advocate? Planned Parenthood’s Quandary.” But an “advocate” for what? The headline…

Vox's Kliff Explains Huge Obamacare Premium Hikes
October 24th, 2016 8:41 PM
Imagine if your main shtick in life is acting as a cheerleader for a program that turns into a colossal flop. Such is now the situation of Sarah Kliff of Vox since it was reported today that Obamacare premiums are due for a huge price hike.
Before we see Kliff struggling to explain the death spiral price hikes predicted for years by "evil" conservatives, let us read the sad bedside news of the…

Planned Parenthood Thanks Reporters with 'Emergency Chocolate'
December 29th, 2015 11:40 AM
Planned Parenthood supporters might be surprised to discover the newest use of their donations — funding Christmas presents for journalists.
On December 28, Vox’s deputy managing editor for visuals Sarah Kliff tweeted a photo of her gift with the caption “Planned Parenthood sends a holiday gift to reproductive health reporters: Emergency Chocolate.”

Vox's Kliff Finally Returns to Reveal Really Bad Obamacare News
December 14th, 2015 1:15 PM
Last Friday your humble correspondent noted the absence of Sarah Kliff on the topic of ObamaCare and now he is unhumble enough to believe that this put pressure on her to return to that painful topic today at Vox after nearly a month of avoiding it. As you can read, poor Sarah seems to have gone from acting like a cheerleader aboard a sinking Titanic to taking on the role of radio reporter…

Vox's Sarah Kliff Goes Silent as Obamacare Co-Ops Collapse
December 11th, 2015 8:48 PM
For years, first at the Washington Post's Wonkblog and now at Vox, Sarah Kliff has been happily chirping away about the wonders of Obamacare. She has been perhaps its biggest cheerleader by far. And then the predictable collapse of its cooperatives hit and now poor Sarah has gone silent on the whole topic of Obamacare since November 19 when she sadly delivered apocalyptic news about the nation's…

Vox's Kliff Biting Fingernails Awaiting SCOTUS ObamaCare Ruling
June 24th, 2015 3:05 PM
Anxious much, Sarah?
Sarah Kliff of sounds like she needs to take a page out of the playbook of South Park's Eric Cartman who couldn't wait the three weeks for the Wii video game console to be released so he had himself frozen to spare himself the waiting time from his POV. Although Kliff only has to wait another day or two until the Supreme Court releases its ruling on the Obamacare…

Sarah Kliff Discovers Obamacare Stinks
May 20th, 2015 4:39 PM
Over the past few years there has been no greater Obamacare cheerleader than Sarah Kliff of General Electric Vox. Therefore it was quite a revelation today to discover she had a change of heart and has found her formerly beloved program to be deeply flawed. Is it too harsh to claim she now thinks Obamacare stinks? Well the Vox headline on her article used the term "crummier" as in "Health…

Vox's Sarah Kliff: Please Believe in Gruber's Obamacare Integrity
March 2nd, 2015 12:00 PM
Please believe in the integrity of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber. If he disavowed his own remarks, emphatically repeated several times on video, that only state based health exchanges were eligible for subsidies you can believe this honorable gentleman. Such is the attitude of General Electric Vox's Sarah Kliff as she regales us with the history of the King vs Burwell case which will be…

Vox's Sarah Kliff Slams Obamacare Plaintiffs as Obama Haters
February 10th, 2015 1:32 PM
Forget about the legal merits of the King vs Burwell case which states that the Obamacare law actually means what it says: that subsidies should only go to state-run, not federal exchanges. What really counts according to Sarah Kliff of Vox is that the plaintiffs in this case are guilty of the thought crime of thinking ill of (GASP!) President Obama.

Vox Trots Out Straw Man Argument: Some Think Rape Isn't 'a Real Issue'
December 6th, 2014 9:12 AM
The straw man argument is a fundamentally dishonest fallback tactic employed by someone whose side is losing a debate: Make up a position the other side has never taken, and then shoot it down.
The leftist fever swamp known as Vox, perhaps reacting to the utter implosion of Rolling Stone's University of Virginia fraternity gang-rape story and the potential impact it might have on keeping…
Sarah Kliff: 'States Don't Know How They'll Pay for Year Two of Obamac
June 23rd, 2014 10:27 AM
Up a creek without a paddle. That pretty much describes the situation next year facing states that decided to set up their own Obamacare exchanges. And who is reporting this gloomy outlook? None other than one of the biggest media cheerleaders for Obamacare, Sarah Kliff of General Electric Vox.
Kliff delivers the sad news in a story appropriately titled, "States don't know how they'll pay for…

Sarah Kliff Praises CT Obamacare Website Hours Before Security Breach
June 9th, 2014 8:58 PM
Sheesh! Talk about poor timing...
On Sunday, Sarah Klifff of General Electric Vox gleefully reported on the "success" of the Connecticut Obamacare website. In fact so successful according to Kliff that Access Health CT is now thinking about selling its software to other states. However, unknown to Kliff who trumpeted her story with "How Connecticut built a that actually works…

Sarah Kliff Reports Latest Excuse for Obamacare Failure: Lousy Managem
May 18th, 2014 5:22 PM
At first liberals were blaming Republican governors for "sabotaging" Obamacare as an excuse for its failure. However as Obamacare failure reports poured in from liberal states with liberal governors such as Oregon, Massachusetts, and Maryland, a new excuse was desperately needed. And now Sarah Kliff of General Electric Vox reports on the latest Obamacare failure excuse: lousy management.…
$1 Billion Obamacare Contractor Gives Employees Little or No Work; Wil
May 14th, 2014 10:39 AM
The government is paying private contractor Serco $1.2 billion over five years — and likely more, as will be seen later — to process paper Obamacare applications. In turn, according to a report by television station KMOV, Serco has hired and continues to pay a reported 1,800 workers who have virtually no work to do.
Massive waste like this should develop into a national story and create a…