
WEIRDOS: Matthews, Reagan Joke Trump Supporters Sleep with MAGA Hats

August 23rd, 2019 11:54 AM
Thursday’s Hardball began with a now-tiresome and CNN-like consistency for painting an apocalyptic picture of America under President Donald Trump, trying to leave its audience cowering in fear. Throw in a dictator comparison, a helping of willing panelists, and questions about President’s mental health and you have yourself a par-for-the-course case study in cable news gaslighting.

‘Hardball’ Catches Betomania; ‘Magical’ O’Rourke Has ‘Vibrancy’

March 15th, 2019 1:32 AM
Has Robert O’Rourke captured the heart of Chris Matthews? After having watch the host of MSNBC’s Hardball over the last year, it’s safe to say that O’Rourke very well might and especially after Thursday in which he and his A-block panelists touted the Democratic presidential candidate’s “charisma,” “magical” qualities, “vibrancy,” and “youthfulness” to name a few.

Morning Joe Engages In Omar Whataboutism, Despite Contrary Claims

March 7th, 2019 1:25 PM
On the Thursday edition of Morning Joe, Daily Beast editor Sam Stein took the bulk of his time to go after President Trump's travel ban in a segment that was supposed to be about Rep. Ilhan Omar's anti-Semitic dual loyalty statements and the intra-party fight Democrats are having over how to respond.

Morning Joe: Trump Is A Putin Puppet, Lamentable McCabe Isn't Trusted

February 18th, 2019 1:23 PM
According to fired FBI Deputy Director Andy McCabe, intelligence officials were briefing President Trump on the state of North Korea's ballistic missile program when Trump said he did not believe North Korea possessed the capability to launch missile attacks on the United States because Russian President Vladimir Putin told him that Pyongyang did not possess such missiles.

Morning Joe Hits Dems, Feminists For Hypocrisy On Justin Fairfax

February 7th, 2019 1:14 PM
MSNBC's Morning Joe had a rare moment of journalistic integrity on Thursday morning when they took Democrats to task for refusing to tell Virginia Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax to resign after he was accused of sexual assault.

Awful: MSNBC Panelists Place Kids Alongside Neo-Nazis, Segregationists

January 21st, 2019 5:21 PM
On Sunday’s Kasie DC, the MSNBC panelists did their best to have it both ways when it came to the liberal media-fueled controversy involving the Covington High School students. Over the course of their discussion, they insisted that the story symbolized the need to be careful when jumping to conclusions while plowing ahead by placing the students alongside neo-Nazis, the KKK, and segregationist…

Weekend CNN, MSNBC Spend Over 53 Minutes Trying to Smear KY Students

January 21st, 2019 3:43 PM
Between Saturday morning and Sunday night, CNN and MSNBC spent 53 minutes and 20 seconds on the fallout from Friday's confrontation between Covington High School students in Washington for the March for Life, a Native American veteran named Nathan Phillips, and the Black Israelites. 29 of those minutes came before anyone realized that perhaps things weren’t as they wanted it to appear. Of course…

Rush Gloats Over Liberal Media’s Obsessing with Him as D.C. ‘Villain’

December 21st, 2018 6:45 PM

Seeing as how he had been the bane of the liberal media’s existence for the last 24 hours plus as he’s supposedly the real president, conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh was in an ebullient mood for his Friday show. He said that he was supposedly “the new villain in Washington D.C.” ahead of a possible government shutdown that was portrayed as if the world was “end[ing] even before…

‘Morning Joe’ Gives More to Ivanka E-Mail Than Day One of Hillary

November 20th, 2018 3:57 PM
On Tuesday, MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-hosts and former Trump enthusiasts dedicated just over five minutes more during their first show after a Washington Post scoop about Ivanka Trump using a private e-mail address to conduct official government business than they did on March 3, 2015 for the first show since The New York Times blew the whistle on Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail address and server.

Brzezinski Urges Trump Cabinet to Invoke 25th Amendment

October 18th, 2018 4:16 PM
During Wednesday’s Morning Joe, the panel expressed outrage at President Trump calling porn star Stormy Daniels "horseface" and so the outrage culminated in a rant by co-host Mika Brzezinski against Trump, questioning his fitness for office and urged cabinet officials to invoke the 25th Amendment.

Sam Stein Demands Press Corps Conspire to ‘Punish’ White House

July 26th, 2018 3:42 PM
Joining in the overwrought media reaction to the White House barring a CNN reporter from a Rose Garden event on Wednesday, on Thursday’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, Daily Beast Politics Editor Sam Stein urged the press corps to join together in a “collective pact” to “punish” the Trump administration.

‘Hardball’ Panel Peddles Fake News on Sessions Chanting ‘Lock Her Up’

July 24th, 2018 10:30 PM
For those who follow this author on Twitter, you’ll find that I’m not a fan of Turning Point USA. That said, the liberal media’s fake news machine reared its head on Tuesday when numerous outlets falsely claimed Attorney General Jeff Sessions chanted the infamous “lock her up” chant about Hillary Clinton when prompted by students at their high school conference.

MSNBC Panel Shamelessly Stumps for Democratic Candidate Conor Lamb

March 13th, 2018 12:49 PM
With a highly publicized electoral race on the line, the panelists on MSNBC’s Morning Joe dropped their facade of objectivity on Tuesday and spent the morning stumping for Pennsylvania special election Democratic candidate Conor Lamb.

Morning Joe on Uranium One: ‘Dumb Conspiracy Theory’, ‘Debunked’

November 15th, 2017 4:32 PM
On Wednesday’s Morning Joe, the panel breathed a collective sigh of relief over the news that during yesterday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions rebuffed the notion that he would launch a special prosecutor’s investigation against the Clintons for their alleged corrupt conduct related to the Russian acquisition of Uranium One. The liberal pundits proceeded to…