Slate Brings Back Hitchens To Trash Pope's 'Stench of Evil

February 13th, 2013 11:33 AM
Christopher Hitchens has been brought back from the dead by Slate, but it won’t do them any good. Yesterday, they republished a hit piece by the atheist from 2010 that was vintage Hitchens: the man was a great polemicist but a third-class scholar. Facts never mattered to him. ("The Pope's entire career has the stench of evil about it.") Hitchens said the scandal “has only just begun.” Wrong…

NBC Hypes Unfounded Rumors of 'Vatican Intrigue' Surrounding Pope's Ab

February 12th, 2013 5:08 PM
At the top of Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie suggested ulterior motives behind Pope Benedict XIV's abdication: "Vatican intrigue. Is there more to Pope Benedict's sudden decision to step down?" In the report that followed, chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel also insinuated something more: "Although there's no evidence to suggest a motive, other than old age, the Pope's…

CNN Hammers Catholic Church to Change Teaching on Gay Marriage, Birth

February 12th, 2013 3:02 PM
On Monday night, CNN's Erin Burnett badgered the Catholic church to change its doctrine and accept birth control, gay marriage, and women priests. All day long on Monday, CNN asked if the church was going to change with the times but Burnett was blatant in her push for liberalization of doctrine. "Isn't it time for the church, which is supposed to be an inclusive, generous, giving…

ABC: The 'Anyone But Catholics' Network

February 12th, 2013 2:44 PM
According to an analysis by the Media Research Center, the three broadcast networks are using the abdication of Pope Benedict XVI to advance their left-wing social agenda and attack the Catholic Church’s centuries-old doctrine on the priesthood, abortion, and gay marriage. While NBC Nightly News and CBS Evening News predictably dwelled on scandals and the Pope’s "conservatism," their anti-…

ABC Leads Pack Attacking Pope, Church

February 12th, 2013 12:23 PM
As if more proof were needed that the broadcast networks don’t get religion, and really don’t get Catholicism, analysis of the evening news programs from Feb. 11 showed a how inadequate the assumptions of liberal secular journalists were in explaining the Church, its mission and its role in the lives of the faithful. On the day of the surprise resignation of 85-yr-old Pope Benedict XVI, ABC,…

Wannabe Pope Bill Press, John Fugelsang: Benedict XVI 'Running the Cat

February 11th, 2013 6:34 PM
Radical talk show host Bill Press couldn't resist bashing Pope Benedict XVI one last time on Monday as the news broke that the pontiff would be abdicating at the end of February. Press, along with sidekick Peter Ogburn and regular guest John Fugelsang, forwarded common misconceptions from the left about Benedict's reign as pope and his previous work as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, especially his…

MSNBC's Ball Insists Pope Benedict Bashed Dissident Nuns for Caring fo

February 11th, 2013 6:12 PM
Discussing the legacy of Pope Benedict XVI on the February 11 edition of MSNBC's "The Cycle," co-host Krystal Ball praised the retiring pontiff for being a "real advocate for addressing climate change" and for joining Twitter, but lamented that he was "outspoken in keeping women from being ordained" and "went after the largest group of nuns in America for basically spending too much time…

MSNBC's Wagner, Guests Use Papal Abdication As Fresh Excuse to Bash Ca

February 11th, 2013 4:09 PM
Early this morning, Pope Benedict XVI announced that he’d abdicate the papal throne at the end of the month, which is the first time a pontiff will have stepped down in seven centuries.  Such breaking news was bound to set off rampant media speculation about next month's meeting of the College of Cardinals --which will decide Benedict's successor -- and talk in the media about the outgoing…

Farewell, Pope Benedict: Soledad O'Brien Promotes 'Riveting' Anti-Cath

February 11th, 2013 3:14 PM
Only an hour after Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation from the papacy, and not ten minutes into Monday's Starting Point, CNN's Soledad O'Brien hosted the director of an anti-Catholic documentary who has called Pope Benedict a "criminal" and a "deeply flawed human being." Director Alex Gibney was O'Brien's first guest on her show. His new film on the clerical sex abuse scandal has…

Razing Ratzinger: Media Won’t be Sad to See Benedict Go

February 11th, 2013 2:02 PM
It will be interesting to see if the media soften their almost uniform hostility to Pope Benedict XVI in the few remaining weeks of his papacy. It’s doubtful, since resigning his office won’t make Joseph Ratzinger any less Catholic. And his real sin, in liberal eyes, is just being too Catholic. When the long, vigorously orthodox pontificate of John Paul II came to an end in 2005, liberals in…

NBC Recalls Pope Being 'God's Rottweiler'; Highlights Church Sex Abuse

February 11th, 2013 12:31 PM
On the day Pope Benedict XVI announced that he would be stepping down from the Papacy, NBC's Monday Today featured a report by correspondent Michelle Kosinski, who offered these highlights of the Pontiff's tenure: "As a Cardinal, some criticized him for being strict and conservative, calling him, 'God's Rottweiler.' Becoming Pope meant he had to take on the Church's sexual abuse scandal that…

MSNBC's Jansing Highlights NYTimes Columnists's Tweet Calling for Fema

February 11th, 2013 11:43 AM
A daily feature of MSNBC host Chris Jansing's 10 a.m. Eastern program Jansing & Co. is the "Tweet of the Day." Given the astonishing breaking news about Pope Benedict XVI's decision to abdicate the papacy at the end of the month, it was almost certain the tweet highlighted would have to do with this development. But given that this is the "Lean Forward" network, Jansing highlighted the…

Media Turn Pope's Deep Speech on Gender Politics Into a Personal Chris

December 26th, 2012 7:33 AM
Does anyone in the media ever attempt to read and understand the speeches of Pope Benedict? The New York Daily News account of his December 21 speech to the curia (the “Vatican bureaucracy”) is being mangled by the Daily Kos into “Pope gives special holiday hate speech against gays because it's Christmas.” The Mediaite headline (off London’s Daily Mail) is “Merry Christmas? Pope Benedict XVI…

Pro-Military T-Shirt Company Posts Vulgar Photoshop of Pope on Faceboo

December 8th, 2012 6:54 PM
[Update, Saturday, 9 pm Eastern: Ranger Up also promoted the vulgar image on their Twitter account.] On Friday, Ranger Up, an apparel company that sells "shirts for the military and the patriotic Americans who love the men and women of the Armed Forces", inexplicably posted a crude rendition of Pope Benedict XVI on their Facebook page, which has over 82,000 fans. The graphic invokes a famous…