NBC's David Gregory: Christie Should 'Prove He Didn't Create an Atmosp

January 10th, 2014 6:51 PM
A frontrunner for the award going to the most obvious media double standard of the week certainly has to be NBC reporter and Meet the Press host David Gregory. Asking a question virtually no one in the press has asked about President Barack Obama in matters far weightier than Chris Christie's "Bridgegate," Gregory addressed the following tweet to New York Times White House Correspondent Peter…

Cozy: New York Times Picked Its Own Reporter's Bush-Cheney Book As a T

December 26th, 2013 4:32 PM
A month back, I noticed the usual back-scratching that goes on when The Washington Post makes a list of the year’s best books, and two of the top five nonfiction books of the year were former Posties. When the New York Times list came out in mid-December, a similar thing happened: one of their Ten Best Books came from Times reporter Peter Baker, "Days of Fire: Bush and Cheney in The White…

Surprisingly Unanimous Journalist Panel: Media Lean Left, Exist in Soc

December 18th, 2013 1:30 PM
"Top journalists from The New York Times, NBC News and CNN acknowledged Wednesday that, generally speaking, the national media has a liberal bias," Politico's media reporter Dylan Byers noted in a December 18 post recapping a Politico Playbook breakfast discussion held earlier on Wednesday morning. More than one panelist opined that it's not just that journalists tend to be liberal on policy…

NY Times Goo: Obama Book List Shows He's 'Really Searched His Soul In

December 5th, 2013 11:23 PM
The New York Times could only devote 53 words in the Business section on Thursday to Martin Bashir resigning from MSNBC, but swooned over Barack Obama’s latest list of book purchases in a story headlined “In Obama’s Book List, Glimpses of His Journey.” Reporter Peter Baker explained “A reading list offers a rare window into the presidential mind, a peek at what a commander in chief may be…

NY Times' Baker on CBS: President Bush 'Felt That the Paper Had Not Be

October 22nd, 2013 10:49 AM
On Monday's CBS This Morning, the New York Times' Peter Baker didn't reveal anything shocking about George W. Bush's opinion about the liberal paper. Charlie Rose wondered about one detail concerning Baker's new book on Bush and Dick Cheney: "Why wouldn't President Bush talk to you?" He replied, "President Bush didn't believe that a book written by a New York Times reporter could be fair. He…

Surprise – NY Times Picks David Frum to Hail NY Times Reporter’s B

October 21st, 2013 2:06 PM
"The Bush administration opened with a second Pearl Harbor, ended with a second Great Crash and contained a second Vietnam in the middle." That sounds like a liberal. Guess what? It is. David Frum was selected by the New York Times to review a new book on Bush by New York Times reporter Peter Baker. This arrangement is so cozy that Frum admits that Baker interviewed him for this masterpiece…

NYT Changes Headline, Content of Report on Obama's Failure to Win 'Wid

September 8th, 2013 10:53 AM
On Friday, as seen in Google News search results showing posts and feeds at other web sites, a report at the New York Times by Peter Baker and Steven Lee Meyers had the following headline "Obama Fails in Bid for Wide Backing for Syria Attack." On Twitter, self-described "conservative academic" Will Antonin wondered (HT Twitchy), "How long until this NYT headline is changed?" The answer: Not…

Taranto: Reporters Look Like 'Obama's Pet Hamsters' In Avoiding His St

September 5th, 2013 10:12 PM
NewsBusters wasn't the only site collecting strange media treatment of Obama's strange denial that he'd ever set a "red line" against Syria's use of chemical weapons. James Taranto at The Wall Street Journal wrote on Thursday that "The fierce watchdogs of the press, confronted with this brazen falsehood, show themselves once again to be Obama's pet hamsters." Take the "fact checkers." Instead…

Obama Speaks Staunchly to Planned Parenthood: Skipped by ABC, CBS, NBC

May 2nd, 2013 11:39 PM
Last Friday, Obama made “history” by being the first president to address Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest purveyor of abortions. Obama did this in spite of the terrible timing, during the Kermit Gosnell trial. But like the Gosnell trial, Obama’s speech drew a blackout: no story on  ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, or NPR. MSNBC's Chris Hayes hailed it was a "history-making" speech, but…

In NYT's Cornucopia of Stories on 2016 Prospects, It's Hillary 1, GOP

April 9th, 2013 3:08 PM
Campaign 2016 has already started, and the New York Times weighed in on the presidential hopefuls in three stories Tuesday. So far, it's a hail for Hillary, a ho-hum greeting for Joe Biden, and hostility toward Republican governors Chris Christie and Bobby Jindal. David Halbfinger's Tuesday front-page story was loaded with hostility toward New Jersey's governor: "Brash Christie Plays Rutgers…

Why Did Bill Clinton Sign DOMA? Sleep Deprivation and '96 Opponent Bob

March 26th, 2013 3:16 PM
As two gay-marriage cases reach the Supreme Court this week, the New York Times's Peter Baker served up Bill Clinton's mea culpa on the Defense of Marriage Act, which the president signed into law in 1996, in the heat of his re-election campaign. While letting Clinton explain his reversal on DOMA, which ensured that no state is obligated to recognize a same-sex marriage conducted in another…

Wapo, NYT Omit Obama Nominee's Radical Past

March 21st, 2013 11:41 AM
On Monday, President Obama tapped Thomas Perez, currently the head of the Civil Rights Division in the Justice Department, to take the helm at the Department of Labor, replacing outgoing Secretary Hilda Solis.  This will be the third controversial Cabinet appointment after Brennan and Hagel.  In covering the story, Peter Baker of the New York Times mentioned Republican opposition to his…

New York Times Again Unfairly Slams Sarah Palin for Giffords's Shootin

January 17th, 2013 8:13 AM
New York Times reporter Peter Baker explored the metaphorical challenges of the gun debate: "In Debate Over Curbing Gun Violence, Even Language Can Be Loaded." It was a politically balanced, if perhaps oversensitive, analysis, until an unfair reference tying Sarah Palin, the former GOP vice presidential candidate, to the shooting by schizophrenic Jared Loughner of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. It's…

Bozell Column: A Dreadful Media Campaign

November 6th, 2012 11:18 PM
Throughout the very long presidential election cycle, two trends remained consistent. The media lauded Obama no matter how horrendous his record, and they savaged Obama’s Republican contenders as ridiculous pretenders. From the start of the Republican race in 2011, every candidate who took the lead then took an unfair beating.  They even slimed Sarah Palin in case she decided to run. Martin…