Noah Rothman
Mediaite Mini-Study: MSNBC Ignores Poll Showing Nearly 3/4ths of Ameri
August 17th, 2012 3:54 PM
A Washington Post poll published on Monday shows that 74 percent of Americans favor requiring photo ID to vote. Significant majorities of African-Americans and the elderly -- two groups liberals claim are likely to be "disenfranchised" by such requirements -- support a photo ID requirement.
But as Mediaite editor Noah Rothman noted yesterday, in the 19 segments on voter ID that the liberal…

Mediaite's Rothman Eviscerates MSNBC Host Hayes' Simplistic, Fact-defi
July 23rd, 2012 6:12 PM
"A little perspective would inform [Chris] Hayes’ inflated sense of self-worth, particularly when he attempts to demean the notable careers of others."
That's how Mediaite editor Noah Rothman concluded a scathing piece written to address a misleading charge made by the MSNBC host in a recent Talking Points Memo (TPM) interview. Fox News is captained by Roger Ailes, who is "a lifetime, hard-…

Time Reporter on Aurora Shooting: 'Sometimes There’s Nothing Wrong W
July 20th, 2012 12:25 PM
Michael Grunwald is doubling down on what many liberals in the media are only hinting at. "[T]here is nothing wrong with politicizing tragedy," the Time senior national correspondent wrote this morning, reacting to the Aurora movie theater shooting. "If advocates or experts or even politicians think their policy ideas can prevent the next Aurora—by preventing potential killers from obtaining…