
Georgia Run-Off: Walker 88% Negative News, 71% POSITIVE for Warnock

December 1st, 2022 8:30 AM

With the decisive Georgia run-off just days away, a new study by the Media Research Center finds the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts have blasted GOP candidate Herschel Walker with 88 percent negative coverage, while Democratic incumbent Raphael Walker has enjoyed 71 percent positive press.


Here We Go Again: Nets Try Swarm Walker With More Abortion Claims

October 27th, 2022 3:26 PM

With things continuing to break against their liberal pals running for office, the major broadcast networks chose Thursday to spend nearly eight minutes (seven minutes and 49 seconds) flaunting a second supposed abortion allegation against Georgia Republican senatorial candidate Herschel Walker with some help from far-left attorney Gloria Allred to boost incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock (D…


Nets Trumpet ‘Sweeping,’ ‘Landmark Victory’ for Dems in Spending Bill

August 8th, 2022 12:51 PM

Happy days are here again was the mantra Monday for the broadcast network morning news shows following the Senate’s passage of the massive spending boondoggle, deeming it a “landmark,” “sweeping,” and “hard-fought win” for President Biden as Democrats hope to win the midterm elections. This was despite the fact that, tucked inside their exuberant segments, not only was President Biden barely…

NewsBusters Podcast: The Prime Time Riot Special Fails to Impress

June 10th, 2022 10:23 PM

Democrats talked all the networks (except Fox News) into a breathless hearing (or retelling) of January 6. But it felt like a summer rerun.


ABC Moves on From Abortion Activists Torching Pro-Life Clinic

May 9th, 2022 9:06 PM

After a weekend of leftist abortion activists tormenting the six conservative Supreme Court justices at their homes and desecrating or setting pro-life clinics on fire, ABC’s World News Tonight decided to ignore the destruction of property and menacing behavior that took place for the simple reason that their behavior makes their demonic abortion agenda look bad. 


Excited CBS Swoons Like Teens at Boy Band Concert Over Jackson Vote

April 8th, 2022 12:20 PM

Reaching to new Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Senate confirmation vote, Friday’s CBS Mornings debased itself with cartoonish fluff and hero worship over Jackson and the “emotional,” “exciting,” and “proud” moment that so many had “[ing]” that the country’s “collectively...beaming with...pride” for her.


Insufferable CBS Goes Gaga for Jackson, Demand GOP Do 'Soul-Searching'

April 7th, 2022 4:16 PM

As was the case on ABC and NBC, CBS flaunted its liberal leanings and gush Thursday for incoming Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson following her Senate confirmation vote, couching their admiration in her being someone to revere beyond ideology (given her gender and skin color) while admonishing Republicans for having “wasted” her confirmation hearings and suggested senators do “soul-…


CBS Whines It Was ‘Difficult,’ ‘Tough’ to See Jackson Being ‘Attacked’

March 24th, 2022 1:00 PM

Thursday’s CBS Mornings devolved into a world divorced from reality as, led by co-host and Democratic Party donor Gayle King, the show said Republican questioning of Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson was “tough” and “very painful to watch” as “[i]t felt so personal watching her being really attacked” and “needled” in “searing” fashion over “something that has nothing to do…


‘No Spark’; CBS Sneers at ‘Debunked’ GOP Claims About Jackson

March 23rd, 2022 6:43 PM

Wednesday’s CBS Mornings went above and beyond to prop up Biden Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson with almost 11 minutes of eye-rolling spin, denouncing Republican queries as unrelated to Jackson and instead to please their base, mocked concerns about her history on sentencing child sex predators as having “no there there,” and described Republicans as having failed to “…


‘History on the Horizon’; Nets Go Syrupy Over ‘Emotion’ in KBJ Hearing

March 22nd, 2022 12:51 PM

Following day one of Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Senate confirmation hearings, the liberal bias and hero worship were nauseatingly abundant on Tuesday morning as ABC, CBS, and NBC swooned over “what a moment” it was for America with “history on the horizon” for the first Black woman nominee. All the while, she was never labeled a liberal or progressive (as was the case on…


Nets Spoonfeed Viewers WH Spin for Jackson, Screech at GOP Criticism

March 21st, 2022 1:06 PM

Monday morning prior to the start of Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, ABC, CBS, and NBC shoveled White House talking points that reveled over Jackson’s “historic nomination” and the “legal and political gauntlet” ahead and fretted Republicans are ready to “attack” with “fireworks” that could trigger “a political bounce” for President Biden.


ABC Refuses to Tie Texas Democrats to D.C. Covid Superspreader

July 21st, 2021 1:07 AM

Masquerading as an attempt to save democracy, Tuesday saw the PR stunt from Texas Democrats further blow up in their faces as not only had the number of infected lawmakers grown to six, but their charade turned into a superspreader event with an infection in the Speaker’s office and cases inside the Biden White House. And yet, ABC’s World News Tonight felt the need to defend the Lone…


Misinformation: Nets LIE as GOP Saves Country from Election Power Grab

June 22nd, 2021 8:53 PM

On Tuesday, Senate Republicans saved the country of the Democratic-led federal takeover of the county’s election via the For the People Act. But the liberal broadcast networks were out in force that evening to gaslight their audiences and suggest Republicans had shot down an effort to “expand voting rights” that would have “overhauled” the system. And, of course, they spewed their false claims…


CBS Lauds ‘Progressive’ Biden’s ‘Bold’ Speech of ‘Simplicity’

April 29th, 2021 3:03 AM

Though not as over-the-top as NBC following President Biden’s Wednesday night address to Congress, CBS made sure viewers knew they were thoroughly behind his speech, calling it a speech consisting of “a broad, bold new plan” for America built on “bipartisan appeal,” lowering “the temperature,” and “simplicity” even though it was “very progressive.”