Neil Cavuto

Bozell, Cavuto Discuss Media WMD Double Standard: Iraq and Bush v. Syr
August 26th, 2013 6:02 PM
"With all the talk that took place" during the Bush administration "on Iraq about the need for congressional approval, before there was a military strike, have you heard anyone in the media question how unilaterally Barack Obama can decide to send us to war [in Syria] without congressional approval?" NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell asked Neil Cavuto on the August 26 edition of his Fox News…

Be Fair and Balanced, Include Conservative Perspectives, Bozell, Cavut
August 6th, 2013 6:25 PM
"Try a little editorial balance, that might bring in a few more readers to the [Washington] Post," Fox News Channel's Neil Cavuto advised Jeff Bezos in a segment on Cavuto's 4 p.m. Eastern Fox News Channel program Your World. "Last time I checked, that has not hurt Fox News, or the Wall Street Journal, or even USA Today" which are media enterprises which are "all known for hearing all sides or…
NB's Bozell: Media Peddling False 'Grand Bargain' Meme Regarding Obama
July 31st, 2013 11:33 AM
Even though President Obama promised a cut in the corporate income tax on the campaign trail in 2012, the media are playing up as a "grand concession" or "grand bargain" his offer to Republicans to cut the federal levy in exchange for a boatload of new deficit spending -- and hidden taxes. On Tuesday evening, Fox Business Network anchor Neil Cavuto brought NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell on…

Senate Amnesty Supporters Boast Marco Rubio ‘Neutralized’ Limbaugh
June 17th, 2013 9:46 PM
New Yorker reporter Ryan Lizza caused a bit of a stir in the conservative media world today in a report he filed for the New Yorker about the ongoing debate in the U.S. Senate over an immigration bill that is currently opposed by many conservatives. According to the piece, the so-called Gang of Eight see the role of Florida Republican Marco Rubio as being to “neutralize” conservative talk radio…

Cavuto Cuts Mic on 'Obnoxious' Liberal Guest Echoing White House Talki
June 8th, 2013 4:16 PM
Now THAT’S what I’m talking about.
Fox News host Neil Cavuto on Saturday cut the mic of the incredibly "offensive" and "obnoxious" liberal shill Julian Epstein for refusing to have a serious discussion about the current White House scandals and instead insisting on echoing Democrat talking points (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Neil Cavuto to Charlie Rangel: 'Your Party Lies a Lot
March 1st, 2013 6:03 PM
Conceivably the best line uttered by a member of the media this week concerning the sequester debate came from Fox News's Neil Cavuto Friday
In a Your World discussion about the budget deliberations with Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.), Cavuto marvelously said, "It seems that your Party lies a lot."
Video: On FNC's Cavuto, NB's Graham Slams Media for Being 'Repeaters
March 1st, 2013 11:20 AM
"We have two kinds of people in Washington in the press, we have the reporters and the repeaters," NewsBusters senior editor Tim Graham told Fox News's Neil Cavuto on Thursday's edition of his Your World program. "We've had the repeaters all week of panic, you know, big scoops of sequester panic ripple" from the media who were busy parroting fallacious Obama administration talking points. […

Bozell, Cavuto Discuss Media's Failure to Criticize President Obama's
February 12th, 2013 12:55 PM
"What do you think would [have] happen[ed]... if the media learned, if George Bush announced, that he was having 23 executive orders to limit the authority of Planned Parenthood?" NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell posed to Neil Cavuto on the February 10 edition of his eponymous Fox Business Network program. The media, of course, would be predictably outraged, the Media Research Center…

Dr. Carson: 'An Uneducated Populace Will Fall For Anything' Including
February 11th, 2013 8:56 PM
"If you go and you talk to most people, they mean well but they don't have much of a breadth of education, of knowledge, of understanding what the real issues are, and therefore they listen to pundits on television who tell them what they're supposed to think, and they keep repeating that and pretty soon they say, 'Oh, that must be true.'”
So marvelously said Dr. Benjamin Carson - the…

On Fox Business, MRC's Tim Graham Rips GOP 'Civil War' Narrative of th
January 6th, 2013 9:26 AM
MRC director of media analysis Tim Graham appeared on Neil Cavuto's prime-time show on Fox Business on Thursday night to discuss how the media rained down critiques of House Speaker John Boehner for delaying more federal aid for Hurricane Sandy victims. Cavuto said they tried to turn Boehner into "Satan" as the New York Daily News ran the headline "STABBED IN THE BACK: N.Y. pols blast Sandy…
BMI's Julia Seymour on FNC: Networks Blame Congress, Not Obama, for Fi
November 16th, 2012 5:28 PM
BMI Assistant Editor Julia Seymour appeared on "Your World" with Neil Cavuto to discuss the media's coverage of the Fiscal Cliff on November 15.
Seymour cited a BMI study which found that the three major networks blamed Congress 16 more times than they blamed President Obama for the approaching Fiscal Cliff. (Video below)

Liberal Media In Full Advertising Mode for Obama Reelection, NB's Grah
September 19th, 2012 4:58 PM
"The problem we have in this country is the [pro-Obama] advertising is what goes on in between the commercials" of the liberal media programs that have interviewed the president thus far this year, NewsBusters senior editor Tim Graham complained on the September 19 Your World with Neil Cavuto. The liberal media are in advertising mode for the president's reelection, Graham argued, judging by…

NB's Graham: Washington Press Corps a 'Pathetic Pack of Politicizers
September 13th, 2012 6:15 PM
"We got about 10 minutes on the three evening newscasts" last night about "how Romney must have made a mistake" with his statement on the deadly Benghazi consulate attack instead of devoting any significant attention to the question of "What is wrong with the state of our security at our embassies in the Middle East?" NewsBusters senior editor Tim Graham complained to Fox News Channel's Neil…

Brent Bozell, Neil Cavuto Discuss Media Ignoring, Excusing 'You Didn't
July 19th, 2012 9:03 PM
If Mitt Romney hadn’t brought up President Obama's "you didn't build that" crack about business owners, the mainstream media wouldn’t have reported on it, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told Fox News Channel's Neil Cavuto on his Your World program today.
"This was a bombshell story. Now look at the coverage. You cannot-- this is a classic example of the two-sided nature of this campaign…