Nate Cohn
NYT Buries Abrams’ Mask Hypocrisy, Touts Useless Mask Studies As Proof
As even blue-state governors are doing an about-face on mask mandates, Wednesday’s New York Times front page buried the controversy over perennial Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, a strong proponent of mask mandates, posing maskless in a sea of masked-up children and teachers, in a now-infamous photo. The team of reporters Lisa Lerer, Luis Ferré-Sadurní and Astead…
NOW They Tell Us? NY Times Admits Dem Voting Bill 'Flawed' Mess
The Democrats’ all-encompassing “voting rights” bill, the so-called For the People Act, formally known as H.R.1, is dead in Congress for now. The New York Times lead story on Wednesday by Nicholas Fandos explained: “G.O.P Blockade in Senate Thwarts Voting Rights Bill – After 50-50 Tie, Democrats Pin Their Hopes on a Push to Abolish the Filibuster.” The Times loved the…

Giddy NYTimes Prematurely Blessed Biden Blowout: 400 Electoral Votes!
The New York Times got ahead of itself in more ways than one over Election 2020. On the afternoon of Election Day, the paper was obliged to delete a tweet that arrogantly stated “the role of declaring a winner of the presidential election falls to the news media….” Um, no. The Times joined the “Biden blowout” brigade around a month ago with increasingly confident predictions…

NYT Works Its Ossoff Pushing Georgia Democrat in Special Election
The Democrats’ mid-term election hope, the man who may turn the Trumpian tide, is Jon Ossoff, a young progressive candidate for the Georgia congressional seat vacated by Tom Price. Ossoff hopes to triumph in the open primary in Georgia’s congressional district to be held April 18, and he has the whole of the New York Times reporting staff solidly behind him. On Wednesday, Trip Gabriel and…

NYT Keeps Anti-Trump Hope Alive; Won Thanks to Whiter, Less Educated

NY Times Correlates Trump Support With Racism — on Google Searches