Mollie Hemingway Named First Winner of Noel Sheppard Blogger Award

August 4th, 2015 11:58 AM
At the Tenth Anniversary party for NewsBusters on Monday night, attended by more than 100 at the Hamilton in Washington, DC, the first annual Noel Sheppard Media Blogger of the Year Award was presented to Mollie Hemingway, Senior Editor of The Federalist blog.  Noel Sheppard, a founding blogger for NewsBusters who long served as our Associate Editor, passed away from cancer in March of 2014. Ann…

The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway Destroys Overwrought, Trivial Lament

April 24th, 2014 3:30 PM
A popular hashtag folks like to use on Twitter is #firstworldproblems, often to accompany some lament about a minor nuisance or inconvenience. It's a way of sharing your gripe but recognizing, that, yes, we have it oh so good to have problems oh so trivial. But with the American Left, there's not such self-awareness about the relatively trivial nature of many of their gripes and grouses, and…

Audio: Sandberg's 'Ban Bossy' Campaign More un-American Language Polic

March 11th, 2014 7:51 PM
Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg's celebrity-studded "ban bossy" campaign is thoroughly absurd, fundamentally un-American, and ends up coddling American girls rather than fostering the self-reliance it aims to promote, Mollie Hemingway argued in both a March 11 Federalist article and subsequent radio interview with Breitbart writer and WMAL host Larry O'Connor. "It's time to stand up to…

The Federalist's Hemingway Deconstructs Abortion Lobby's Latest PR Pus

November 19th, 2013 5:44 PM
Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist has an excellent post today deconstructing how the liberal Texas Tribune website served as an uncritical PR agent for a Texas couple -- Marni Evan and John Lockhart -- who lamented how a new Texas law pushed them to seek an abortion out-of-state In "Planned Parenthood's Abortion Theater," Hemingway notes how (emphasis mine):

WaPo's Sarah Kliff Defends Gosnell Blackout: 'I Cover Policy for the

April 12th, 2013 12:44 PM
The media's censoring of the Kermit Gosnell murder trial is appalling.  But why, exactly, are reporters failing to cover the Philadelphia abortionist's trial? Mollie Hemingway of the Patheos blog Get Religion thought she'd ask Washington Post staff writer Sarah Kliff, who responded via Twitter that she isn’t writing about it because she “cover[s] policy for the Washington Post, not local crime…

Liberal Media Showed True Colors In Heavily Slanted Treatment of Komen

February 7th, 2012 5:57 PM
Media critic Mollie Hemingway, a contributor to, has an excellent post up today at CNN's Belief Blog about how the liberal media did a horrible job when it came to objectively reporting the implications of the recent Komen for the Cure/Planned Parenthood row. In fact, the media have shown themselves "effective partisans" by telling only "half the story," the half spoon-fed by…

Fox Presses White House on Religious Freedom Controversy; Will Big Thr

January 31st, 2012 9:46 PM
Fox News's Ed Henry challenged White House Press Secretary Jay Carney during a Tuesday briefing over the growing controversy surrounding the Obama administration's move on January 20 to force most employers to cover sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and contraceptives in their health care policies without co-pay. This new federal mandate would force Catholic institutions, like hospitals…'s Excellent Take on WaPo's War on Catholic Church in D

March 5th, 2010 12:54 PM
Having closely examined this week's slanted coverage by the Washington Post of the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington's decision to end spousal health care benefits,'s Mollie Z. Hemingway zeroed in on the heart of the media bias present in today's piece, "Catholic Charities' health-plan change called 'devastating'"*, which begins with a former Catholic Charities officer lamenting…

ABC and CNN Propel Phony Porn Study

March 4th, 2009 4:25 PM
ABC and CNN, two reputable news sources, have done their part in promoting a “study” that posits conservatives are the nation’s biggest consumers of online pornography. Problem is, many think the study is full of holes and fuzzy math. ABC and CNN bought it: hook, line and sinker. “Porn in the USA: Conservatives are biggest consumers” is a New Scientist article by Ewen Callaway that alleges…