Melissa Chan

Tapper to Dem: ‘Do You Worry the Left Has Gone Too Far' in Rhetoric?
June 16th, 2017 10:30 AM
While hosting a late-night edition of the CNN Special Report program on Wednesday, June 14, Jake Tapper asked Democratic Representative Eric Smalwell for his reaction to the shooting earlier that day of Republicans engaged in baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia, by posing a surprising question: “Do you worry that the Left has gone too far in its rhetoric?”
“I worry that anyone would think… Hodgkinson's 'Motive Is Still Unclear'
June 15th, 2017 12:25 PM
On Tuesday, Time Inc. announced yet another in a long series of corporate downsizings. Wednesday evening, a horrid post by reporters Melissa Chan and Jennifer Calfas on "What to Know About Suspected Virginia Shooter James Hodgkinson" illustrated why the parent company is and deserves to be a continually shrinking enterprise.

Late-Term Forced Abortions Exposed on Chinese 'Twitter
November 2nd, 2010 10:38 AM
Last year when Michael Jackson died, average people all over the world knew it within minutes, thanks in part to advances in social media technology such as Facebook and Twitter that make information sharing instantaneous. But maybe these new media have a role in getting out actually important, yet under-reported stories. That may be the case with the horror of violent forced abortions in China…