Maureen Fiedler

CNN Asks If Catholic Church Is Waging 'War on Women
June 12th, 2012 1:32 PM
CNN is friendly to Christianity -- as long as the priests, ministers and religious play into the network's liberal agenda. If Christian guests stand up for traditional marriage, however, they can expect a much colder welcome if they even make it on air.
So it was no surprise that CNN has been promoting a dissenting nun's struggle with the Vatican, and making clear that it is siding with…

CBS's Morning and Evening Shows Hype Vatican's 'Inquisition' of Dissen
May 31st, 2012 5:23 PM
CBS made little effort to hide that it was siding with liberal dissenters inside the Catholic Church on Wednesday's CBS Evening News and Thursday's CBS This Morning. Scott Pelley hyped that there was a Vatican "crackdown on America's 57,000 nuns." Gayle King touted how "some Catholics compare it to the dark days of the Inquisition, a crackdown on a prominent organization of nuns accused of…

CNN Promotes Liberal Nun's Fight Against Vatican, Hosts No Guest From
May 29th, 2012 6:43 PM
The liberal host of the public radio show Interfaith Voices, Sister Maureen Fiedler has cheered for the Occupy protests, railed against the Ryan budget, advocated for single-payer healthcare, and pined for the Obama of 2008 – and it is now her taking umbrage at the Vatican that got her a nice soft interview on CNN, Tuesday morning.
Anchor Carol Costello actually made light of the Vatican's…
CNN: Vatican Conducting 'Inquisition' Against Dissenting Nuns
September 17th, 2010 6:01 PM
On Friday's American Morning, CNN's Carol Costello followed up on her biased report from the previous day, which promoted Catholic women posing as priests, with a second report on dissenting Catholics, focusing on heterodox nuns inside the U.S. Costello promoted the claim of the nuns, who accuse the Vatican of conducting an "inquisition," or wanting to "silence nuns when they disagree with the…