
Halperin: Kerry 'Tired' When Speaking of 'Legitimacy' of Charlie Hebdo

November 18th, 2015 7:09 AM
Suggestion for John Kerry: if traveling makes you so tired that you say things undermining the war against radical Islamic terrorism, do us all a favor—stay home on Nantucket and conduct your diplomacy by Skype . . .  On today's Morning Joe, here's how Mark Halperin explained Kerry's despicable statement about the "legitimacy" and "rationale" of the Charlie Hebdo attacks: "Secretary Kerry has a…

Halperin: MSM Double-Standard on Hillary Laughing at Carly Strangling

November 12th, 2015 9:26 AM
Hillary Clinton found the notion of Carly Fiorina being strangled a laughing matter. But on today's Morning Joe, Mark Halperin acknowledged that Fiorina is "exactly right" when she suggested that if a conservative candidate had laughed in similar circumstances, the liberal media would be all over it. "I don't think there's any ambiguity about that," added Halperin.   No doubt. Can you imagine…

Scarborough, Wallace on Carson: 'One Lie After Another, Bald-faced'

November 9th, 2015 7:54 AM
Joe Scarborough and Nicolle Wallace went on an animated tag-team attack against Ben Carson on today's Morning Joe, accusing him of "one lie after another" and "bald-faced lies," respectively. And Scarborough emphatically denied that there is any bias behind the media's inquiries into Carson's biography. Scarborough, Wallace and Mika Brzezinski also criticized panelist Mark Halperin for not…

Sounds Like Carville Just Called Ben Carson 'Chauncey Gardiner'

November 4th, 2015 6:41 PM
Can you imagine the liberal outrage if a Republican called a prominent African-American Dem candidate "Chauncey Gardiner," the simple soul from the Peter Sellers film Being There? The cries of racism might well cost such a hapless Republican his job.  But don't expect James Carville to pay any price. On today's With All Due Respect, Carville said that a frustrated Bush "can't believe that…

Scarborough: No Republican Hosted Sunday Show or Newscast in 50 Years

November 2nd, 2015 8:24 AM
In the wake of the CNBC debate debacle, Joe Scarborough went on an epic rant on liberal media bias on today's Morning Joe. He summed things up this way, in challenging the panel: "you can't do it and nobody here can do it: name the single Republican that has hosted a Sunday show, that has been an anchor of a news network for the big three networks over the past 50 years: you can not do it." …

Bernie's Wife: He Throws a 'Holiday' Not 'Christmas' Party

October 26th, 2015 7:21 PM
God forbid  it should be said that Bernie Sanders throws a "Christmas" party!  Sanders wife, Jane O'Meara Sanders, was interviewed on today's With All Due Respect. When Mark Halperin asked the affable Mrs. Sanders to share a side of her husband that people might not know, she twice mentioned that Bernie organizes an annual "Christmas" party. And twice she promptly corrected herself, calling it a…

NBC: Hillary May Have ‘Best Day’ With ‘Partisan’ Benghazi Committee

October 20th, 2015 10:21 AM
During a discussion with Bloomberg Politics editor Mark Halperin on Tuesday’s NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie touted how Hillary Clinton had “set the table” for her testimony before the Benghazi Committee on Thursday. Halperin proclaimed: “This appearance has been looming on her calendar and her staff’s calendar with dread, thinking this could be the worst day of the year for her. It could…

Halperin: To 'Be Honest, a Lot of FBI Agents Don't Like the Clintons'

October 19th, 2015 8:47 AM
Joe Scarborough says there's an effort underway to delegitimize the FBI investigation of Hillary's email. Did Mark Halperin just abet that effort by alleging that FBI agents conducting the investigation are driven in part by personal animus toward the Clintons? Appearing on today's Morning Joe, Halperin said that "of all the entities in the United States that represent a threat to Hillary…

NYT's Martin: Ivanka Different from Donald—'Poised, Smart, Capable'

October 14th, 2015 8:57 PM
Even conservatives not inclined toward Trump might rally to the Donald's defense after seeing this sneering condescension from the New York Times . On this evening's With All Due Respect, the Times' Jonathan Martin was asked, after viewing a clip of Ivanka Trump, how her more active involvement would affect the campaign. Responded Martin: "the comments that you heard right there are so stark to…

Union Boss Trumka Says He's Not a Capitalist, Either

October 13th, 2015 6:16 PM
First Sanders, now Trumka—are there any capitalists left on the left? On the most recent Meet the Press, Bernie Sanders made news when Chuck Todd asked him if he was a capitalist.  "No," shot back Sanders, "I'm a democratic socialist." Mark Halperin was obviously taken enough by the question as to pose it on today's With All Due Respect to Richard Trumka, President of the AFL-CIO. "No, I'm a…

Reporter Ignored by Clinton Gets Answer When Voter Asks Same Question

October 7th, 2015 6:55 PM
With former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton losing ground in virtually every poll, it looks like she and her campaign staff have decided that answering a question posed by a long-time reporter is not as important as responding to the same query from an "average voter." That was apparently the case on Monday evening, when Bloomberg Politics reporter Mark Halperin received no answer from…

Scarborough: We Cut Clip of Dem Focus Group—Too Negative About Hillary

October 7th, 2015 8:45 AM
Is it the MSM's role to protect Hillary Clinton's image by preventing the public from seeing what members of her own party think of her?  Today's Morning Joe played a clip from a Dem focus group in New Hampshire in which there was near unanamity that Hillary's personality could be a serious turn-off to voters, particularly male ones. Joe Scarborough then said: "we actually cut a good bit in…

'Morning Joe' Hails 'The Year of the Bern'

October 5th, 2015 3:52 PM
Monday on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough discussed Bernie Sanders and how strange it is the crowds he draws, and young people in particular. Brzezinski would highlight the numbers Sanders' campaign has brought in compared to President Obama. Brzezinski and Scarborough would address the rise of Sanders and the strong young voter base he has. The discussion would lack at…

NR Writer Infuriates Morning Joe Panel, No New Ideas

October 2nd, 2015 3:56 PM
On Friday's Morning Joe, National Review writer Charles Cooke shook up the roundtable discussing the shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon. Joe Scarborough talked about new gun laws likely wouldn’t have stopped the massacre. Cooke articulated that no one knew how to address the problem of gun control because of the millions of guns on the street. The panel seeking to correct Cooke went…