Maria Elena Salinas

After Years of Media Rage, Immigration Is Trump’s BEST 2024 Issue
For the four years of his presidency, the media savaged Trump’s immigration policies as “cruel,” “evil,” “inhumane,” “torture” and “profoundly racist.” Yet polls show Trump besting Harris by wide margins on the issue, suggesting the Biden administration’s abject incompetence has been more persuasive than years of media rhetoric.

ABC's Salinas Shamelessly Shills For Woke ‘Latinx Museum’
To close out its special coverage of Hispanic Heritage Month, ABC News published a one-sided report intended to gin up support for the beleaguered National Museum of the American Latino. The result: race-essentialist propaganda passing itself off as news.

ABC Blames GOP Flipping Miami on 'Disinformation' in Latino Community
One of the early races to be called on Election Day was the Florida gubernatorial race when incumbent Republican Ron DeSantis trounced Democrat Charlie Crist by a historic margin, and the key to that victory was flipping historically blue Miami-Dade County red. But according to ABC’s Maria Elena Salinas, the county flipped because Democrats had given up fighting for Florida and the “…

Bitter Nets: GOP ‘Disinformation’ ‘Scared’ FL Latinos Away from Dems
In the early hours of Tuesday’s election night specials on the broadcast networks, multiple liberal journalists were beset by the fact that President Trump was doing far better than expected in Florida and South Florida, due in large part of what they called “disinformation” that successfully “scared” Latinos with fears of Democrats implementing “socialism.”

Nets Annoyed There’s No ‘Hope’ at ‘Aggressive,’ ‘Dark,’ ‘Red Meat’ RNC
In contrast to their reactions last week to night one of the 2020 DNC, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC were dismayed, perturbed, and upset by night one of the virtual 2020 RNC that they deemed a night that was almost entirely “apocalyptic,” “dark,” and thus the opposite of “upbeat and optimistic.” Along with their reaction to Senator Tim Scott’s speech, various network…

Heart of Joe: CBS Lauds Biden’s ‘Incredible,’ ‘Soaring’ DNC Speech
While nowhere near Barack Obama in terms of infatuation, the liberal media did their best on Thursday night to sing the praises of Joe Biden following his 2020 DNC acceptance speech. And CBS did its part, trumpeting his “great,” “incredible,” “soaring” speech “from the heart” that was the “strongest” of his career.

Networks Profess Love for ‘Very Relatable’ Kamala’s ‘Soaring Speech’
As much as the broadcast networks would have liked to, they couldn’t spend all week talking about Barack and Michelle Obama during their coverage of the virtual 2020 DNC. That said, they were able to muster fawning praise Wednesday night for vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris’s “soaring speech,” ensuring Americans “saw [Harris and Joe Biden] as human beings.”

CBS Omitted U.S. Attorney Pledging to Prosecute Empoyers of Illegals

CBS Presses for Employers of Illegals to Be Separated from Families

Telemundo Analyst Says Dems Speaking Spanish Shows 'They Care'

Desde el baúl de los recuerdos: ¡niños, no crucen la frontera!

Throwback Thursday: Don’t Cross the Border, Kids!

Univisión se alista a culpar republicanos de fracaso de DACA