Laurie Goodstein

NYT Eagerly Cites Pope on Climate Change, Cheers Capitalism Criticism
June 19th, 2015 4:24 PM
Strange new religious respect: The formal release of Pope Francis's long-anticipated encyclical on global warming dominated Friday's New York Times, which avidly covered it from both environmental and religious angles -- quite unlike the paper's hostile treatment of the Vatican's stands on abortion and birth control. Laurie Goodstein, the paper's chief religion reporter, seemed to thoroughly…

After TX Terror, NYT Arrogantly Parses 'Free Speech vs. Hate Speech'
May 7th, 2015 8:00 AM
There is a grievous double standard at the heart of the New York Times' coverage of stories at the intersection of free speech and terrorism. The paper has self-righteously refused to reprint "offensive" cartoons of Muhammad, while refusing to admit why: not out of respect for people of faith, but for fear of reprisal. The proof? The same paper has eagerly reprinted offensive anti-Christian art,…

NY Times, AP Tout Vatican Ending 'Crackdown' on Dissenting U.S. Nuns
April 16th, 2015 6:25 PM
Laurie Goodstein spotlighted that "the Vatican abruptly ended its takeover of the main leadership group of American nuns" in a Thursday article for the New York Times. Goodstein played up that the final report of the supposed "takeover" was a "far cry from three years ago, when the Vatican's doctrinal office...issued a report finding that the [nuns] had 'serious doctrinal problems.' It said the…
NYT Headlines Scare Quotes Around So-Called 'Religious Freedom'
April 4th, 2015 8:19 AM
On the front page of the New York Times sat "Religion Laws Quickly Fall Into Retreat," a label-heavy (14 "conservative" labels) 1,500-word story on Indiana's controversial religious freedom law. The Times' coverage has also been consistently slanted with both that labeling bias and scare quotes surrounding the term "religious freedom."
What Protesters? WashPost, NY Times Ignore 'March for Marriage,' Print
June 23rd, 2014 7:08 AM
Protests are usually designed as attention-grabbers, publicity-seeking events. But liberal reporters cannot be dragged to a conservative protest. Thursday’s “March for Marriage” was blown off by The Washington Post and The New York Times. Attendance too small? The Post has written 10,000 words glorifying three anti-nuke protesters. The Times thinks four illegal aliens hiking is a hot protest…
Some Nerve: NYT Finally Covers March for Life, Only to Bury It Under S
January 28th, 2013 8:45 AM
Every January tens of thousands of people participate in the March for Life in Washington at the anniversary of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion. And for five years in a row the New York Times failed to run a single story on the march in its print edition (it marked the 2011 march with a couple of photos on page 12).
This year, the 40th anniversary of the March, the…

Liberal Media Cheer on Pro-Gay Discrimination
June 18th, 2012 2:38 PM
The week of June 16-June 24, 2012 has been designated by the homosexual community as Gay Pride Week, during which LGBT people take pride in their triumphs over “violence and discrimination against gay, lesbian, and transgendered individuals.”
Funny, but they’re not making much noise about using government to discriminate in favor of their lifestyle. One Canadian activist even declared: “We’ll…

NYT Puts Catholic Church on Defensive Again: 'Lightning Rod for Critic
June 14th, 2012 1:37 PM
New York Times religion reporter Laurie Goodstein, in Atlanta to cover the annual meeting of Roman Catholic bishops, "Bishops Defend Fight Against Obama's Policy on Birth Control Coverage," portrayed the church as on the defensive over its fight for religious freedom, as did the story's text box ("Acknowledging criticism, even from some Catholics"). It was embellished with a photo not of the…
No Good Deed: NY Times Slaps Cardinal Dolan For Actually Getting Rid o
June 3rd, 2012 11:20 PM
One frequent demand from Catholic Church abuse victims is that abusive clerics be laicized or removed from the priesthood as expeditiously and quickly as possible.
So if the Archdiocese of Milwaukee discovered a fast and economical way to make that happen, wouldn't that be a good thing for both victims and the Church? Not according to the New York Times' Laurie Goodstein.

NYTimes 'Takes Issue' With Santorum's Catholic Faith, Which Is Not Ope
March 6th, 2012 7:28 AM
Sheryl Gay Stolberg and religion reporter Laurie Goodstein profiled GOP candidate Rick Santorum for the front of Sunday's New York Times and seemed uncomfortable with the candidate's brand of strong Catholicism: "From 'Nominal Catholic' to Clarion of Faith – In Santorum's Religious Journey, Wife and Family Were Key."
The Times described how Santorum's dinner-table discussion with his future…

NYTimes Religion Reporter Spreads False "98%" Figure on Catholic Birth
February 15th, 2012 3:50 PM
New York Times reporter Laurie Goodstein portrayed Obama’s “compromise” on his requirement that religion institutions provide contraception coverage as causing conflict within the Catholic church that could damage it politically, in Wednesday’s lead National section story, “Obama Shift On Providing Contraception Splits Critics.”
Goodstein, the paper’s religion reporter, hasn’t shown much…

Strange New Respect for Mormon Faith When It Comes to Amnesty for Ille
February 3rd, 2012 4:46 PM
After warning for years of the dangers posed by the Religious Right in politics, the New York Times is suddenly interested in injecting Mormon (and Catholic) religion into politics, at least when it comes to pet issues like amnesty for illegal immigrants. The top of Friday’s National section featured religion reporter Laurie Goodstein’s “Romney’s Tough Immigration View Is at Odds With His…

N.Y. Times Dwells on the 'Sexism Is a Sin' Watch for 'Womenpriests
August 10th, 2011 6:45 AM
The New York Times is seriously stretching the maxim “all the news that’s fit to print” in celebrating a small band of liberal activists for women priests in the Catholic Church. On Tuesday, religion reporter Laurie Goodstein publicized the latest twist: radical leftist Father Roy Bourgeois, best known for feverishly protesting the U.S. armed forces training center called the School of the…
While Trumpeting 'Female Priests,' NYT's Goodstein Commits More Faulty
July 25th, 2011 1:44 PM
When reporting stories concerning the Catholic Church, the New York Times' Laurie Goodstein has had a very troublesome track record with the facts. (For starters: 1, 2.)
Unfortunately, Goodstein's record only gets worse after another faulty and misleading front-page article (Sat., 7/23/11).
In attempting to trumpet the case for "female priests" in the Catholic Church, Goodstein and the…