Krissah Thompson

WaPo's Hearts and Flowers for Anita Hill and the 'Hearing That Never A
October 7th, 2011 7:57 AM
Twenty years ago, Senate Democrats and National Public Radio reporter Nina Totenberg colluded to try and ruin the Supreme Court nomination of Clarence Thomas by promoting the never-substantiated sexual harassment allegations of Anita Hill. If a woman ever claimed Barack Obama talked up Long Dong Silver porn films to her, you can bet it would be seen as an ugly, racist right-wing smear promoted…

WaPo Skips Over Obama Protesters, But Perry Campaign Story Dominated b
August 19th, 2011 7:46 AM
The Washington Post reported on Obama's bus tour without making much of the protesters (but promoted supporters strangely suggesting he "inherited a very big deficit.") The president's conversation with Tea Party activist Ryan Rhodes only appeared once -- in the Fact Checker column, as the Post's Glenn Kessler suggested it was dubious for Rhodes to claim Vice President Biden compared the Tea…
WaPo Story on 40th Anniversary of Congressional Black Caucus Omits Inc
April 2nd, 2011 2:24 PM
In her April 1 Washington Post story, staffer Krissah Thompson explored how the "mission" and "challenges" of the Congressional Black Caucus have "evolved" from its initial aim "to eradicate racism."
Yet nowhere in Thompson's 23-paragraph article is any mention of how the CBC has denied entry to prospective members on the basis of skin color, such as liberal Democrats Steve Cohen (Tenn.) and…
In Preview Stories on Liberal NAACP Rally, Will Media Miss Ben Jealous
September 30th, 2010 7:18 AM
On Thursday, The Washington Post reported plans for the liberal One Nation rally, and even used a label in reporting "liberal groups" were organizing the event that "they expect to draw tens of thousands of people." Reporter Krissah Thompson quoted organizers of the event: "We aren't the alternative to the tea party; we are the antidote," said NAACP President Benjamin Jealous, who is also a lead…
WaPo Publicizes Feminists Outraged at Insulting Senator as 'Attractive
September 2nd, 2010 7:17 AM
Never tell a feminist politician she's "attractive" and "a good mother." To some, that's a "toxic" insult. Thursday's Washington Post offered a story on how "Women's groups target sexism in campaigns: Advocates monitoring what they call 'toxic' media environment." Reporter Krissah Thompson never identified the groups as "liberal," or even "feminist," or noted that one of them, the Women's Media…
WaPo Writer Attempts to Kickstart New 'Grassroots' Coffee Party Via An
July 10th, 2010 10:39 PM
Psst! Two words that dare not escape the pen of Washington Post writer Krissah Thompson: "Coffee Party."Yes, Ms Thompson writes yet another article about a "grassroots" liberal alternative to the Tea Party movement. If you have a feeling of "been there, done that," it is because Thompson's hype about the "One Nation" movement sounds almost identical to all the PR the mainstream media gave to the…
Students in Constitution Class Are Probably Fringy Militia Types, WaPo
June 5th, 2010 4:35 PM
Saturday's Washington Post carried a story by reporter Krissah Thompson on constitution classes in Springfield, Missouri on its front page. The headline was anodyne: “For answers to today's problems, Fathers know best: Conservative group's course on Constitution touts founders' wisdom.” But Thompson is traveling halfway across the country to identify the fringes of the right wing, a Glenn Beck-…
WaPo Cherry-picks Poll to Portray Tea Parties as on Defensive About Ra
May 5th, 2010 3:03 PM
"Tea party groups battling allegations of racism," reads a May 5 page A3 Washington Post print headline. The online version header softened the word choice a tiny bit, substituting the word "perceptions" in for "allegations."The underlying poll data which prompted the story tells us more about the Post's prism through which it views the Tea Parties than how the public at large does.After three…
WaPo Finds 'Never More Than Three' Protesters at a Democrat's House in
March 29th, 2010 7:40 AM
Monday's Washington Post continues the "ugly" health-care protest theme by somehow making a national story out of a protest "which never included more than three people at a time" outside the home of freshman Rep. Steve Driehaus in west Cincinnati. That's on A-3. The Post said the poor Democrat found "angry protesters wouldn't allow him a full escape from the raw and vitriolic discussions that…