Kelly Evans

On CNBC, Reiner Stands By 'Strain of Racism' Charge About Trump's Base
May 5th, 2016 5:35 PM
On Thursday's Closing Bell on CNBC, Rob Reiner repeated his charge that Donald Trump's supporters are "not all racists, but there is a strain there." Host Bill Griffeth wondered, "Don't you think just people are angry — they're angry at Washington; they're angry at their boss?" Instead of immediately pointing to "racism," Reiner admitted that "there is a big chunk of Trump supporters who are very…

CNBC's Evans: Socialist Sanders Out of Touch with Small-Town America
February 2nd, 2016 5:44 PM
Bernie Sanders is out of touch with the experience of many small-town Americans, CNBC anchor Kelly Evans hinted on the February 2 Closing Bell program. The local Walmart in her small town growing up was a "godsend," according to Evans, who was raised in Lexington, Va.

Harwood: Clinton Probably Just Used 'Excessive Caution' with Emails
March 3rd, 2015 5:25 PM
Wrapping up a segment on CNBC's Closing Bell on Tuesday, reporter John Harwood suggested that Hillary Clinton's use of personal email to conduct State Department correspondence may well have been just a case of "excessive caution" on her part.

John Heilemann: Bush v. Gore Ruling 'Pure Politics and Purely Corrupt
March 25th, 2012 10:20 PM
With the Supreme Court about to decide the fate of ObamaCare, Americans are destined to hear all kinds of accusations about the so-called partisan nature of the conservatives on the bench.
New York magazine's John Heilemann did his part on this weekend's Chris Matthews Show claiming the Court's ruling in 2000's Bush v. Gore case "was pure politics and purely corrupt" (video follows with…