Kate O'Beirne

Bloomberg’s Carlson Accuses Lieberman of ‘Violating Every Democrat
January 22nd, 2011 1:35 AM
On Friday’s Political Capital, during a discussion of Democratic-turned independent Senator Joe Lieberman’s retirement, Bloomberg’s Margaret Carlson took a shot at him as she charged that, "Since he broke Iraq, let him go fix it," before suggesting that he be appointed ambassador to Iraq. After asserting that Lieberman "got a little bitter in his later years," she accused him of "violating…

Election Predictions from Bloomberg's 'Political Capital' Prognosticat
October 29th, 2010 8:26 PM
Al Hunt ended Friday's weekly Political Capital show on Bloomberg TV by asking his usual pundits, Time magazine veteran Margaret Carlson, now a Bloomberg.com columnist, and Kate O'Beirne, President of the National Review Institute, for their election predictions:
National Review’s O’Beirne Corrects Bloomberg’s Carlson on FNC A
July 26th, 2010 11:09 AM
On Friday’s Political Capital, Bloomberg’s Margaret Carlson – formerly of CNN and Time magazine – left the impression that FNC coverage of the Shirley Sherrod video was partially responsible for her firing, prompting the National Review’s Kate O’Beirne to clarify that FNC did not show the video until after the USDA employee’s resignation. After host Al Hunt asked, "did it also say something bad…