
PBS Anchor Claims 'the American People' Are Critical of GOP Over Court

September 24th, 2020 10:44 PM

On Tuesday's PBS NewsHour, as she interviewed Wyoming Republican Senator John Barrasso over the issue of filling Ruth Bader Ginsburg's vacant seat on the U.S. Supreme Court, host Judy Woodruff twice framed criticism of Republicans as coming from "the American people" as she spent the entire interview pressing him over the push to confirm a new justice before the election.


PBS's Alcindor: 'Inaccurate' to Say Schools Teach Kids to Hate America

September 18th, 2020 6:50 PM

On Thursday's PBS NewsHour, correspondent Yamiche Alcindor claimed that it is "inaccurate" for President Donald Trump to claim that liberals have tried to undermine respect for United States history and its founders by fixating on slavery as she dismissively spoke of the President's idea for a 1776 commission to promote the country's history.


PBS Asks Stelter If He'd Work At Fox? Only If It's Hour of FACTS!

September 6th, 2020 10:36 AM

At the end of another softball interview on public broadcasting, PBS host Judy Woodruff unexpectedly asked CNN host Brian Stelter if he'd ever work at Fox News. Stelter ducked, but said "if anybody at Fox could peel off an hour where it's all about fact-checking, all about being as accurate as possible, then there should be room for that." Hilarious.


PBS Pundits Agree Democrats Are in Trouble on 'Law and Order'

August 29th, 2020 11:32 AM

Something surprising happened on Friday’s PBS NewsHour. Both pundits agreed the Democrats are in trouble of standing on the wrong side of looting and rioting.


PBS Host Pelts Trump Aide with Hardballs, But Easy-Peasy on Biden Aide

August 28th, 2020 6:47 PM

On Thursday night, PBS anchor Judy Woodruff hammered top Trump aide Mark Meadows with hardballs, that the Republicans are mercilessly exaggerating Biden as some sort of if liberal journalists don't exaggerate Donald Trump into a lunatic extremist and racist who's a danger to democracy. Last week, Biden's deputy campaign manager was pitched softball questions.


PBS Story Blurs Candace Owens with Extremists Who Killed a Black Cop

July 6th, 2020 6:08 AM

Friday's PBS NewsHour ran a report promoting the leftist campaign to boycott Facebook because it allows viral content liberals don't like. But PBS really went too far this time, conflating a recent video by conservative activist Candace Owens with a couple of members of an extremist group who murdered a law enforcement officer, Dave Underwood. 


On PBS, David Brooks Praises the 'Jefferson Project' of Never-Trumpers

July 4th, 2020 12:23 PM

On Friday night's PBS NewsHour, David Brooks gaffes, calls the Lincoln Project of ex-McCain advisers the "Jefferson Project." He claims THEY are conservatives, Trump is merely an anti-leftist.


Propaganda PBS Claims Trump Has Only Built Three Miles of 'New Wall'

June 26th, 2020 9:00 AM

On Tuesday's PBS NewsHour, correspondent Stephanie Sy misleadingly tried to diminish the Donald Trump administration's success in building more than 200 miles of border wall since last year by asserting that only three miles of it is "new wall." But, by contrast, on Wednesday's Fox and Friends, co-host Brian Kilmeade gave Yuma, Arizona, mayor Douglass Nicholls a chance to…


After Celebrating Trump’s SCOTUS Losses, Nets Hide Deportation Win

June 25th, 2020 10:44 PM

Last week, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) celebrated two Supreme Court Rulings that went their way with some help from the conservative justices; one about gay rights and the other protecting DACA. But when it came to Thursday’s decision on a deportation case, which saw liberal Justices Breyer and Ginsburg join conservatives for a 7-to-2 majority in President Trump’s favor…


LA Times Executive Editor: The Term 'Looting' is Racist

June 11th, 2020 9:40 AM

Tuesday’s edition of PBS NewsHour featured a discussion about “the differences in the experiences of black journalists as contrasted with their colleagues.” One of the guests, Los Angeles Times Executive Editor Norman Pearlstine, talked about how “one of the active debates we had over the past week was about the use of the word ‘looting’ to describe the destruction of the…

Column: Biden's Safe Space in the Liberal Media

June 3rd, 2020 6:12 AM

CNN mocked the governor of Florida under the headline "Stuck in his safe space: DeSantis hides on Fox. This kind of shaming fails to address that the entire rest of the national media are a "safe space" for Democrats like Joe Biden. In a round of interviews with PBS, CNN, and MSNBC, Biden found a safe space for tender questions and anchors who found him "fascinating," and a "delight" to hear…


PBS's Woodruff: 'How Many Lives Were Lost' Because of Trump's 'Delay'?

April 18th, 2020 10:58 PM

There's a reason why Donald Trump hasn't granted an interview to PBS since he announced his run for president in 2015. That reason came out in a contentious PBS NewsHour interview on Friday with Vice President Mike Pence. It's nothing like the softness Woodruff has offered Hilllary Clinton. She asked Pence "How many lives do you believe were lost as a result of the delay by this administration…


On PBS, David Brooks Hammers Trump for 'North Korean Loyalty Tests'

April 11th, 2020 7:15 AM
On the PBS NewsHour Friday night, pundits David Brooks and Mark Shields trashed President Trump's "North Korean-style loyalty tests" and praised Bernie Sanders. Brooks said a commission to make recommendations on reopening the economy is a good thing, but there's the sense that being nice to President Trump is essential to being appointed. 

PBS Anchor Nawaz Frets Trump Is Stoking Racism with 'Chinese Virus'

April 3rd, 2020 8:15 AM

On Wednesday's PBS NewsHour, correspondent Amna Nawaz fretted about President Donald Trump accurately linking the COVID-19 virus to China during a segment highlighting reports of increased racism being faced by Asian-Americans in recent weeks.