Shorter MSNBC: Nonpartisan Elections in Ferguson Are 'Shenanigans' Whi

August 21st, 2014 6:07 PM
One week after staff writer Zachary Roth hinted  that Ferguson, Missouri's April municipal elections are racially discriminatory, MSNBC host Joy Reid took that argument out for a spin on the Thursday, August 21 edition of her eponymous Reid Report program with guests MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor and Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal (D). Oddly enough, Ms. Reid laid some…

WashPost Writer Steers Daughter from Redskins Outfit for Teddy Bear Be

August 21st, 2014 5:45 PM
Washington Post parenting writer Mari-Jane Williams took to the paper’s Thursday "Local Living" section to continue the paper’s advocating the name “Redskins” be stripped from the city’s NFL team through a conversation she had with her seven-year-old daughter after she wanted “to buy a Redskins outfit” for a bear she had at home. Upon hearing her daughter’s request, she told readers it was then…

Chris Matthews Triples Down on 'Sue Congress' Plea, Once Again Spewing

August 6th, 2014 10:00 PM
He just won't let it go. MSNBC's Chris Matthews returned once again to his hare-brained idea that the president should sue Congress, joined tonight  by another dynamic duo of hard-core lefties in cheering on the idea: the perpetually sanctimoniously smug comedian John Fugelsang and MSNBC daytime anchor Joy Reid. The Hardball host is ostensibly unafraid of conflict, but thus far he has failed to…

Israel's Attacks on Gaza Have Killed as Many People as a Hundred 9/11s

August 5th, 2014 8:05 PM
It's not hard to tell which side MSNBC's Joy Reid is regarding the conflict between Israel and Hamas over the Gaza Strip. During Tuesday's edition of The Reid Report, she hammered the United States's staunchest ally in the region over an attack on a United Nations elementary girls' school that resulted in the deaths of 16 civilians -- including several children -- and injured more than 100…

Pro-Palestine MSNBC Guest: Israeli Spokespeople ‘Blame Victims For T

July 23rd, 2014 5:05 PM
Following an antagonistic interview with Benjamin Netanyahu’s spokesman Mark Regev, MSNBC’s Joy Reid brought pro-Palestinian guest on to her July 23 Reid Report program for his reaction. Reid lobbed a few softballs and let Yousef Munayyer – executive director of the Jerusalem Fund and Palestine Center – direct cheap shot after cheap shot at Israel, irrespective of the facts. But what really…

MSNBC's Matthews Invokes Bush v. Gore During Freak-out Over Federal Co

July 22nd, 2014 10:15 PM
In the midst of a panel discussion this evening freaking out over the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals striking a blow to the ObamaCare, MSNBC's Chris Matthews invoked a favored 14-year-old bogeyman of the Left, the Supreme Court ruling in Bush v. Gore. "Don't tell me you're shocked by the fact there's a partisan ruling," the Hardball host screeched to fellow MSNBCer Joy Reid. "We had President…

Citing ‘Legitimacy of the Court,’ MSNBC's Melber Hopes John Robert

July 22nd, 2014 6:09 PM
In the aftermath of a DC circuit court ruling today that would effectively end ObamaCare as we know it in the 36 states with federal exchanges, MSNBC's The Reid Report feared the worst, and attempted to rally the troops, so to speak. Host Joy Reid played the part, bringing on two guests who rejected the notion that this ruling would be accepted by the full appeals court panel or the Supreme…

Joy Reid Alludes To Inherent Republican Racism

June 23rd, 2014 5:20 PM
Joy Reid has never been afraid of stating her true opinion of the Republican Party. On the June 23 edition of her eponymous program The Reid Report, the MSNBC host invited colleague Chris Hayes of All In With Chris Hayes to talk about his newest segment, “Behind The Color Line,” which investigated de facto segregation in American schools. When Hayes told Reid that this segregation was…

MRC's Notable Quotables: Journalists Plead with Hillary to Run: 'If No

June 23rd, 2014 8:55 AM
Now online: the June 23 edition of Notable Quotables, MRC’s bi-weekly compilation of the latest outrageous quotes in the liberal media. This week, as Hillary Clinton embarks on a book tour, feminist journalists urge her to run for President. “If not you, who?” lobbied longtime NBC anchor Jane Pauley, now with CBS.  As for Hillary’s gaffes, such as claims she and her husband were “dead broke”…

CNN Anchor Don Lemon: 'Redskin' Is the New 'N-Word

June 20th, 2014 7:39 AM
The debate over whether the National Football League team in the District of Columbia should change its name from the Washington Redskins to something “less offensive” was the subject when CNN Newsroom weekend anchor Don Lemon was a guest during The Tom Joyner Radio Show on Thursday. Lemon started his commentary by talking about “bad words, words that you shouldn't say,” comparing the “N-…

Sensitive MSNBC Host Warns Viewers About Someone Saying the 'Racial Sl

June 18th, 2014 4:10 PM
MSNBC is the network where ex-host Martin Bashir suggested that someone defecate and urinate on Sarah Palin. Yet, the suddenly sensitive Joy Reid on Wednesday warned viewers that she was about to feature someone saying the word "Redskins," what she deemed to be a "racial slur." [See video below. MP3 audio here.'] Hours after the U.S. Patent and Trademark office had cancelled the Washington…

MSNBC's Joy Reid: 2009 Homeland Security Report On Right-Wing Extremis

June 10th, 2014 6:00 PM
It seems the hosts of MSNBC’s daytime programs for June 10 have been sharing the same, predictable anti-conservative talking points concerning the Las Vegas shooting earlier this week. While Andrea Mitchell asked her guest if the increase in violence had anything to do with having an “African American president,” Joy Reid claimed that these events proved the rise of “right-wing extremism…

The Reid Report Defines Southern Republican Support As 'A Race Issue

May 21st, 2014 10:29 AM
Leave it to MSNBC to group all Southern Republicans together as misguided racists. On the May 20 edition of The Reid Report, anchor Joy Reid invited Democratic strategist Tara Dowdell and Jimmy Williams, an MSNBC contributor and executive editor of, to discuss the inability of Democrats to garner substantial support in the South. While Obama received support from 39…

MSNBC's Joy Reid Cracks 'Paul Ryan Wants to Fire Big Bird

April 30th, 2014 9:02 PM
On the Wednesday, April 30, The Reid Report, MSNBC host Joy Reid attacked Wisconsin Republican Rep. Paul Ryan's budget plan, claiming that it "guts" programs to help people in poverty, and ended up cracking that he, like Mitt Romney, "wants to fire Big Bird" because the budget would end federal government funding for PBS. [See video below.]