
Five Wacky Late-Night MSNBC Moments on the Final Night of the DNC

July 29th, 2016 3:45 AM
After having had a great time piecing together a list for readers of some crazy, surprising, and downright weird moments/statements from MSNBC’s late Monday night/early Tuesday morning coverage of the Democratic National Convention (DNC), I thought it would be an appropriate time to do another one for the DNC’s closing night. 

Matthews, Williams on ‘Wonderful’ Obama: ‘Will Not See His Kind Again'

July 28th, 2016 2:36 AM
The crew at MSNBC late Wednesday were locked and loaded to respond to President Barack Obam’s speech to the Democratic National Convention (DNC) and didn’t disappoint as breaking news anchor Brian Williams informed everyone that “we will not see his kind again” before Rachel Maddow ruled that “[t]here’s nothing else like him” while Hardball host Chris Matthews admitted that “it’s pretty well…

Joy Reid: ‘Hillary Clinton Is Going to Teach Us’ a Lesson on Sexism

July 27th, 2016 3:07 AM
While the early Wednesday morning portion of MSNBC’s Democratic National Convention (DNC) coverage wasn’t quite the spectacle it was from the day before, AM Joy host Joy Reid provided two noteworthy instances denouncing Hillary Clinton critics as sexist who complain about her not wearing skirts and predicted that she’s “going to teach us” a lesson about sexism by the end of the election. 

MSNBC Touts ‘Profound’ BLM Mothers; Trashed Smith for Ruining RNC

July 26th, 2016 10:10 PM
Right on cue, Tuesday night’s MSNBC coverage of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) heaped effusive praise on a team of Black Lives Matter mothers whose sons died in police-involved shootings as a “profound experience” for those in attendance just eight days after they trashed Patricia Smith over a speech about her son’s death in the 2012 Benghazi terror attack.

Five Crazy, Silly, and Surprising Moments from Late-Night MSNBC

July 26th, 2016 3:37 AM
Each night of the Republican National Convention (RNC) and presumably for this week’s Democratic National Convention (DNC), MSNBC has and will continue to offer live coverage through 2:00 a.m. Eastern time and in the final two hours, some strange and wacky moments came about for those of us watching at NewsBusters. 

MSNBC: Trump Speech Protects ‘White America’ Thanks to Talk Radio

July 22nd, 2016 1:04 AM
Reacting to Donald Trump’s nomination acceptance speech to conclude the Republican National Convention (RNC), Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and MSNBC’s AM Joy host Joy Reid ruled late Thursday that Trump channeled a “conservative talk radio” culture in pledging “to white America” that he would “protect” them from illegal immigrants and secularists. 

Reid Admits It Felt ‘Hostile,’ ‘Weird’ to Be ‘Person of Color’ at RNC

July 19th, 2016 2:54 AM
MSNBC’s AM Joy host Joy Reid bemoaned in Tuesday’s early hours at the Republican National Convention (RNC) that Melania Trump’s plagiarized speech was unfortunately “the first of the night that didn’t have this subtext...that brown people are dangerous” to the point that Reid felt uncomfortable being around the RNC that she found to be so “not inclusive.”  

Helping Hillary Overcome Her Many Scandals

July 11th, 2016 9:26 AM
Today, Part Six of the eight-part NewsBusters’ special report, “Hillary Clinton’s Media Fan Club,” documenting how the media have helped fuel Clinton’s political campaign by showering her with fawning news coverage, even as they discredit her critics. This installment provides examples of journalists trying to wave away her many scandals — from Whitewater in the 1990s to current Benghazi and the…

Media Attack Guns, Men, Christians, GOP Instead of Islam in Orlando

June 13th, 2016 10:32 AM
Sunday’s tragic and devastating shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando predictably brought out the worst in the left-wing media, who took to Twitter to politicize the events before even a day had passed. Like tragedies before it, the media automatically blamed the NRA, gun-supporting politicians and the GOP. But this time, some liberal media pundits even blamed men in general and Christians for…

Matthews Shrieks Hillary’s Anti-Trump Lines ‘Jumped Out Like a Cougar'

June 8th, 2016 12:24 AM
Whether it’s a 2008 speech by Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton’s June 2 foreign policy speech, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews can be counted on to have a hot take that’ll evoke some head scratching and Tuesday can be added to the list as he shrieked that Clinton’s primary victory speech lines attacking Donald Trump “jumped out” at him “like a cougar” and made him think “wow.”

Current, Former MSNBC Hosts Remain 'Huge Tax Delinquents'

May 31st, 2016 6:04 PM
Joy-Ann Reid, host of the new weekend morning program AM Joy, has yet to pay off a $4,948.15 tax warrant that drew a great deal of attention during 2015. The same is true for fellow MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton, who owes nearly $600,000 for two tax warrants listed by the New York state government. According to an article posted Tuesday by investigative journalist Evan Gahr of the Daily Caller…

Hilarious Matthews 'Slip' On 'Americans' Vs. Anti-Trump Protesters

May 27th, 2016 11:30 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews had one of his classic gaffes on Friday's Hardball as he watched live footage of Trump supporters facing off against protesters outside one of the billionaire's rallies in San Diego, California. Matthews stopped himself from calling the Trump backers "Americans," and continued by labeling them with their apparent political ideology: "So we hear 'USA'  from the Amer — well,…

MSNBC Praises Violent Protesters as ‘Expressing Their Humanity'

May 25th, 2016 9:22 AM
Outside of a Trump rally Tuesday night in Albuquerque New Mexico, anti-Trump protesters showed up and became violent, throwing rocks, smashing doors, jumping on cop cars and setting Trump flags on fire. For a couple of hours, police tried to control the protesters and find a way to let the hundreds of people who attended the rally, trapped inside, out safely. An NBC reporter was even knocked down…

NYT Correspondent Praises Hillary's New 'Stronger Together' Slogan

May 23rd, 2016 6:07 PM
Hillary Clinton unveiled her new campaign slogan, “stronger together,” on Meet the Press Sunday and most the panelists at the roundtable weren’t too enthusiastic about it. Many felt the slogan was too defensive and provided no drive for supporters, but New York Times Correspondent Helene Cooper had nothing but praise for it. “I want to put some love in for Hillary's new slogan,” she stated, “[It…