
FALSO: Univision dice que Trump jamás denunció a supremacistas blancos

October 4th, 2020 9:20 PM

Univision, un comité de acción política de interés migratorio con licencia de teledifusión que pide permiso a la FCC para caer bajo el 100% de control foráneo, sigue sembrando la desinformación con el fin de lograr el triunfo electoral para el candidato más afín a sus intereses comerciales: Joe Biden.


Univision Falsely Reports Trump Never Condemned White Supremacists

October 4th, 2020 4:24 PM

Univision, a liberal immigration-interest PAC with a broadcast license seeking FCC approval to be 100% foreign-owned, continues to spread disinformation in the hopes of securing a win for the candidate most amenable to the network’s business interests: Joe Biden.


DISINFORMATION: Jorge Ramos Spins Biden Stance on Abortion

October 3rd, 2020 7:27 PM

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos tried to shame a pro-life activist for not falling in line with the liberal line that all Hispanics should vote based on racial grievance. He was stopped cold, and then had to scramble and pitch some Biden talking points in a manner that makes his positions on abortion less extreme to Univision viewers. In other words: disinformation.…


FLASHBACK: Jorge Ramos’ Iowa Confrontation Of Trump Was Totally Fake

August 25th, 2020 11:07 AM

Five years ago today, Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos left the comforts of his Miami studio, headed to Dubuque, Iowa; and attended then-candidate Donald Trump’s press conference. The confrontation that took place became the top story of the day, and would eventually become a landmark media TDS moment that foreshadowed what coverage of Trump presidency would eventually become. But it was…


Jorge Ramos' Gaslighting Gets SHUT DOWN By Former AG of Puerto Rico

August 23rd, 2020 5:40 PM

In what has become a tale as old as time, Univision’s Jorge Ramos attempted to gaslight his viewers into believing that a Trump statement on immigration was meant to disparage an entire community. This time, though, he was met head-on and absolutely shut down by a prepared guest.

The NYT Scrubs Anti-Blackness From Jorge Ramos’ Op-Ed

August 16th, 2020 6:47 PM

Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos has a habit of saying one thing to American media and another overseas. And it appears that The New York Times got wind of his overseas remarks after publication of his latest op-ed. The opinion piece, originally published on August 7th, was entitled “Can a Latina Girl Dream of Being President of the United States?” Shortly after publication, the op-ed’s…

Jorge Ramos: Blacks 'Already Had' a President So It’s Time for AOC ‘24

August 4th, 2020 11:55 AM

Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos is at his most candid and revealing when discussing U.S. politics with overseas press. His recent interview with El País Semanal, Spain’s equivalent to The New York Times Magazine, is no exception. Ramos sat down with El País for a broad interview, which he closes out by reaffirming his singular devotion to the cult of Alexandria…


Marxist Terrorist Supporter on Univision: ‘Trump Is an Ally to Nazis’

July 19th, 2020 3:01 PM

Univision, a radical immigration advocacy PAC with a broadcast license seeking government permission to become a foreign-owned entity exercising undue influence in our electoral process, has predictably taken a side in the Great Goya War of 2020.


Biden Surrogate Disparages Pro-Trump Hispanics As 'Crazy'

June 23rd, 2020 10:05 PM

Another day, another smear of conservative Hispanics at Univision- this time coming from a surrogate for the Biden campaign and under the watchful eye of Jorge Ramos. Watch below as Luis Miranda, chairman of the Latino Victory Fund and Biden surrogate, smears Hispanics who support President Trump as "crazy", during Univision's "Voting is Power" election special:


Jorge Ramos's Misleading DACA Editorial Is an Electoral Call to Arms 

June 18th, 2020 5:57 PM

In a triumphalist editorial opinion, Univision’s Jorge Ramos made misleading statements regarding the scope of the Supreme Court's controversial ruling on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and further leveraged the issue into a call to vote on November 3rd. 

FLASHBACK: Jorge Ramos Asked Beto Whether Ted Cruz Is a Race-Traitor

May 26th, 2020 5:12 PM
​A look at MRC Latino's archives reveals a moment between Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos and former Texas congressman Beto O'Rourke which explains why Joe Biden might have thought he had standing to weigh in on the ethnic authenticity of others, as evidenced by his recent "you ain't Black" gaffe.

Ramos cubrió acusaciones contra Kavanaugh 51X más que contra Biden

May 13th, 2020 2:30 PM
Previamente, MRC Latino analizó la falta de cobertura de las acusaciones serias que pesan contra el virtual candidato a la presidencia por el Partido Demócrata, el ex vicepresidente Joe Biden, en los medios de habla hispana de Estados Unidos- las cuales recibieron 38 veces menos cobertura que las acusaciones de improperio sexual contra el juez Brett Kavanaugh. Pero las cadenas hicieron mejor…

Jorge Ramos Covered Kavanaugh Allegations 51X More Than Biden’s

May 5th, 2020 2:46 PM
Previously, MRC Latino analyzed the lack of coverage of the serious allegations against Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden across the nation’s domestic Spanish-language networks, which received 1/38th of the coverage given to the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. In comparison, the networks did a far better of covering Biden than did their best-known anchor.

Univision Guest Can’t Decide Whether to Bash Trump or Give Him Credit 

May 5th, 2020 2:10 PM
A funny thing happened on the way to bashing Trump at Univision´s afternoon coronavirus newscast. An interview with former Secretary of Treasury Rosario Marin badly backfired when she wandered off-script and actually validated Trump's decision to reopen the nation's economy.