Column: Indecent Biden Advised to Enjoy the Gutter

January 28th, 2022 6:01 AM

One of the most insincere campaign promises Joe Biden ever made was to bring unity and decency back to the presidency. When Joe Biden called Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy a “stupid son of a bitch,” he showed he won't demonstrate decency or empathy to a journalist who isn’t obsequious to him.

Joe Scarborough Jon Meacham MSNBC Morning Joe 1-27-22

Scarborough's Violent Fantasy: Will Trump 'Bleed Out' Like UK Boris?

January 27th, 2022 11:57 AM

Is the strain of Joe Biden's pitiful polling numbers getting to Biden fanboy Joe Scarborough? The Morning Joe host has long been a leading Trump hater but Thursday morning seemed to be the first time he indulged in violent fantasies about the former president. It happened during a segment on Boris Johnson's woes in the UK and Scarborough hoped Trump would "bleed out politically" like…


WORST OF 2021: The Praising and Protecting Old Joe Award

December 25th, 2021 10:15 AM

Today we present the WORST OF 2021: The Praising and Protecting Old Joe Award.


Brian Williams Signs Off MSNBC With NASTY Goodbye, ABSURD Tributes

December 10th, 2021 3:08 AM

Brian Williams signed off late Thursday night for the final time after 28 years between MSNBC and NBC, claiming on The 11th Hour that he’s “not a liberal or a conservative,” but “an institutionalist” fearful of “the darkness...has spread” across America while equating Trump supporters to arsonists and murderers that frighten him as “an aging volunteer fireman.”


On MSNBC, Beschloss & Meacham Compare Biden to Eisenhower, FDR

November 17th, 2021 11:42 AM

On Monday evening, MSNBC featured the views of two of its longtime presidential historians to lavish praise on President Joe Biden for getting the infrastructure funding bill passed, with comparisons being made to Presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower.


Jon Meacham: Fate of Western Liberalism in Hands of Manchin and Sinema

October 1st, 2021 8:13 PM

The very fate of western liberalism with the U.S. Constitution is now in the hands of Joe Manchin and Sinema according to the sanctimonious master of hyperbole, Jon Meacham.


MSNBC Kooks: Earth May Become Uninhabitable Unless Biden Saves Us!

July 23rd, 2021 10:05 AM

On Wednesday's Andrea Mitchell Reports, MSNBC regulars fearmongered about the possibility that the world will become uninhabitable for humans unless the Joe Biden administration can enact regulations on the fossil fuel industry that were blocked by President Donald Trump.

Mika Brzezinski  Joe Scarborough Jon Meacham MSNBC Morning Joe 6-17-21

How Much Is Biden Paying for MSNBC's Dignity? Praises Dem's 'Poetry'

June 17th, 2021 2:25 PM

Morning Joe slobbers over President Biden's G-7/NATO/Putin summit trip. Joe Scarborough says, "I can't think of a more successful diplomatic trip in the 21st century than this one."  And speaking of Biden's press conference after his meeting with Putin, Jon Meacham claims to find "poetry in his prose."

Joe Scarborough Claire McCaskill MSNBC Morning Joe 4-8-21

Scarborough & Co. Slam GOP as 'Party of No,' 'Darkness and Doom'

April 8th, 2021 9:54 PM

On Morning Joe, ex-conservative Joe Scarborough laments that the GOP has become "the party of 'No." But as the late, great, William F. Buckley Jr. once said, "a conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop!" Scarborough also criticizes Joe Manchin for wanting to work with Republicans, and not wanting to pass Biden's bills via reconciliation, or by "reforming" the filibuster…

THRILLS and TINGLES: Media’s Long History of Adoring Barack Obama

November 13th, 2020 7:55 AM

Before they despised Donald Trump, the liberal media adored Barack Obama. From the moment then-state senator Barack Obama showed up on the national stage to address the Democratic convention in 2004, the news media were in love. When Obama ran for President four years later, news reporters led the cheers. And as President, reporters touted his “prodigious talents,” his “amazing legislative…

Time Cover

After Being Fired By MSNBC, Meacham Turns to Time to Boost Biden

November 12th, 2020 2:50 PM

Shortly after being fired from MSNBC as a paid contributor after he failed to disclose that he had been writing speeches for Joe Biden, on Thursday, ex-Newsweek editor and left-wing “historian” Jon Meacham turned to the pages of Time magazine to boost his Democratic Party boss. In the puff piece, he finally publicly admitted: “I helped contribute to a few of his major speeches about ‘the soul…


ZERO Ethics: MSNBC Contributor Has Been Writing Biden’s Speeches

November 9th, 2020 6:19 PM

In a revelation announced Monday by The New York Times, former Newsweek editor, liberal historian, and MSNBC/NBC contributor Jon Meacham has been writing speeches for former Vice President Joe Biden, including his Saturday night “victory speech.” Of course, Meacham and the Comcast-owned networks never disclosed this fact.


MSNBC's Meacham: National Nightmare Is Over, Voters Kept the Republic

November 7th, 2020 6:05 PM

MSNBC's self-proclaimed non-partisan, Biden-supporting historian Jon Meacham reacted to the news that Biden has been declared president-elect by claiming that our long national nightmare is over and that the voters have kept the republic.

Andrea Mitchell

Worried NBC Can’t Believe ‘Unacceptable’ Trump is Competitive

November 4th, 2020 11:01 AM

Appearing on NBC’s Today show Wednesday morning, the network’s resident Democratic Party shill and senior Washington correspondent Andrea Mitchell was bewildered that President Trump, “who is deemed unacceptable,” could possibly be competitive in the still undecided election. Later on the show, Biden campaign surrogate and so-called “historian” Jon Meacham lamented that Trump voters…