John Yang

PBS Panics Over Dip in LGBTQ Support As 'Queers' 'Assert Their Rights'
PBS again went to bat for the “LGBTQ-Plus” warriors on the PBS News Weekend Sunday, lamenting a slight dip in America’s gushing over the alphabet folks in “U.S. support for LGBTQ+ rights is declining after decades of support. Here’s why.” In the show introduction, anchor John Yang fretted over “declining support for LGBTQ-plus rights, reversing years of increasing support,”…

PBS Peddles ‘Pregnant People’ Propaganda Attacking Catholic Hospitals
PBS News Weekend ran yet another propagandistic take on how the lack of access to abortions and treatment of related pregnancy complications was the fault of Catholic hospitals: “Investigation finds policies at Catholic-run hospitals restrict reproductive health care.” From the introduction by weekend anchor John Yang: Tonight on PBS News Weekend, with hundreds of thousands…

PBS: ‘Pregnant People’ Fooled By ‘So-Called Crisis Pregnancy Centers'
PBS News Weekend anchor John Yang on Saturday threw some trendy trans silliness into his introduction to a news story suspicious of crisis pregnancy centers that actually help women deliver their babies instead of aborting them (which PBS has no problem with): Crisis pregnancy centers provide counseling and other prenatal services from an anti-abortion perspective. Their supporters…

ICK: PBS Marks Black History Month by Lauding Cop Killer Assata Shakur
Your tax dollars at work -- to laud violent Marxism and a cop killer for Black History Month. PBS News Weekend on Sunday devoted its semi-weekly “Hidden Histories” segment to praise the militant Marxist-black power group the Black Panther Party, founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland. His Rutgers professor guest Donna Murch valorized left-wing heroine and cop killer, Assata…

Tax-Funded PBS, NPR Eagerly Push Planned Parenthood 'Study' of Rapes
PBS and NPR are funded by taxpayers – federal, state, and local. But they’re “owned” by the Left. Look no further than a very biased Planned Parenthood study fishing numbers out of the air to assert that there were more than 64,000 “people” who became pregnant from rapes in red states with abortion bans. No one who would criticize or even question this effort was allowed on air.

PBS’s Abortion Expert BUNGLES: ‘Hyde Amendment...a 19th-Century Law'
On Saturday’s edition of PBS News Weekend, the abortion expert relied upon by PBS, professor Mary Ziegler, made an embarrassing flub of a basic fact, apparently confusing the Hyde Amendment of 1976, which outlawed federal funding for abortion, to the Comstock Act of 1873, making Ziegler just over a century off. Ziegler, professor at the University of California-Davis Law School, was…

PBS Remains Willfully Ignorant on How Shuttering Schools Hurt Kids
PBS NewsHour devoted two stories about children struggling in schools after the COVID pandemic. But amid the handwringing there was no mention of how teachers unions are to blame for what turned out to be unnecessary school shutdowns, for over a year in some liberal cities, ruining activities and life events students had come to rely on. Even worse, a story about delays in speech…

PBS Marks Fringe Liberal Win: Old MN Flag 'Cluttered, Genocidal Mess'
Taxpayer-funded PBS once again pushed a fringe issue into the forefront of the news. This time it was a purely symbolic one. Saturday’s PBS News Weekend, devoted a full five minutes to Minnesota’s move to replace its state flag, staggeringly described by PBS as “what one critic called a cluttered, genocidal mess,” with a less offensive design. Well, that escalated…

PBS Takes Up Issue of Homelessness, But Biden Blame Is Brushed Off
On Christmas Eve, PBS News Weekend found the publicly-funded outlet pushing that old "war on poverty" agenda that not even other networks are covering: homelessness. This used to be a larger issue for PBS and the press, which was at home criticizing Republican presidents for people on the street during the late 1980s, blaming Reagan and Bush. But blame for Biden was brushed…

PBS: Go Vasectomies! Birth Control Not Just For ‘People With Uteruses'
After the PBS News Hour aired a story on “How climate change risks impact people with disabilities,” they offered another niche left-wing cultural selection on Saturday’s PBS News Weekend, courtesy of St. Louis-based PBS “community correspondent” Gabrielle Hays, about a spike in men supposedly rushing out to get vasectomies after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade…

PBS Weeps Over Denying ‘Gender-affirming Care’ for TX Transgender Kids
Friday’s edition of the tax-supported PBS NewsHour reacted with alarm about news that what the left calls “gender-affirming medical care” for children (i.e., puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and irrevocable surgeries) has been outlawed in Texas. Reporter Laura Barron-Lopez: "'s important to note that all of the major American medical associations say that this is -- gender-…

PBS Alarm Over Indoctrination, LGBTQ Rights in Catholic Charter School
Overreact much? The PBS News Weekend show set off klaxon alarms Sunday evening about the pseudo-constitutional concept of "separation of church and state," based on the establishment of an online Catholic charter school in Oklahoma, the first publicly funded religious charter school in the nation. Host John Yang introduced his segment under a graphic that read “Church and State.”

PBS, ProPublica Insult Justice Thomas:‘He's Always Wanted to Get Paid’
The Thursday evening PBS NewsHour showcased the latest attack on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas with a two-pronged attack, hosting Joel Anderson of the Slate podcast "Slow Burn" and Brett Murphy from ProPublica to talk about that outlet’s latest glossy attack on the conservative Supreme Court justice. Using ProPublica’s obsessive scoops as ammunition, PBS has…

COVID Uptick Sends New York Times and PBS Clutching Their Masks Again
After three and a half years, there’s still no immunity from COVID hysteria at the New York Times or PBS NewsHour. A slight, predictable summer uptick in COVID cases (up from very low levels) caused a mini-frenzy in the liberal media, which were always eager to enjoin citizens to “mask up” and get their umpteenth booster shot while shunning other people. Both outlets relied on…