
PBS: Go Vasectomies! Birth Control Not Just For ‘People With Uteruses'

November 14th, 2023 8:39 PM

After the PBS News Hour aired a story on “How climate change risks impact people with disabilities,” they offered another niche left-wing cultural selection on Saturday’s PBS News Weekend, courtesy of St. Louis-based PBS “community correspondent” Gabrielle Hays, about a spike in men supposedly rushing out to get vasectomies after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade…

PBS Weeps Over Denying ‘Gender-affirming Care’ for TX Transgender Kids

September 5th, 2023 11:36 PM

Friday’s edition of the tax-supported PBS NewsHour reacted with alarm about news that what the left calls “gender-affirming medical care” for children (i.e., puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and irrevocable surgeries) has been outlawed in Texas. Reporter Laura Barron-Lopez: "'s important to note that all of the major American medical associations say that this is -- gender-…


PBS Alarm Over Indoctrination, LGBTQ Rights in Catholic Charter School

August 16th, 2023 10:00 PM

Overreact much? The PBS News Weekend show set off klaxon alarms Sunday evening about the pseudo-constitutional concept of "separation of church and state," based on the establishment of an online Catholic charter school in Oklahoma, the first publicly funded religious charter school in the nation. Host John Yang introduced his segment under a graphic that read “Church and State.”

PBS, ProPublica Insult Justice Thomas:‘He's Always Wanted to Get Paid’

August 14th, 2023 6:03 PM

The Thursday evening PBS NewsHour showcased the latest attack on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas with a two-pronged attack, hosting Joel Anderson of the Slate podcast "Slow Burn" and Brett Murphy from ProPublica to talk about that outlet’s latest glossy attack on the conservative Supreme Court justice. Using ProPublica’s obsessive scoops as ammunition, PBS has…

COVID Uptick Sends New York Times and PBS Clutching Their Masks Again

August 8th, 2023 11:43 PM

After three and a half years, there’s still no immunity from COVID hysteria at the New York Times or PBS NewsHour. A slight, predictable summer uptick in COVID cases (up from very low levels) caused a mini-frenzy in the liberal media, which were always eager to enjoin citizens to “mask up” and get their umpteenth booster shot while shunning other people. Both outlets relied on…

PBS Indulges Neurotic Liberals With ‘Climate Psychology Therapist’

August 5th, 2023 3:35 PM

The PBS NewsHour is once again indulging the apocalyptic fears of residents of the liberal bubble (i.e. their viewing audience) with a full segment on the psychological woes wrought by…climate change. On Sunday’s edition of the tax-supported program, anchor John Yang interviewed a “climate psychology therapist” over this rather niche, first-world woe.

PBS Pushing Transgender Activism on Children Via 'Learning Toolkit'

May 13th, 2023 4:40 PM

Tax-supported PBS has attracted heat of late for indoctrinating children on “queer,” transgender, and related issues, including through its PBS LearningMedia brand used in schools, under the rubric “Understanding LGBTQ+ Identity: A Toolkit for Educators.” Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt vetoed funding for the state’s PBS station for “indoctrination and over-sexualization” of children.…

PBS: Pass Health Care to Boost US Lifespan; End School Lunch 'Crisis'

April 18th, 2023 10:07 PM

The PBS NewsHour Weekend show on Sunday pitched for more Euro-socialist-style government programs -- for the children in a school lunch “crisis,” and in the name of U.S. average life expectancy. To make the argument that the United States should be more like other “industrialized” countries in order to boost U.S. life expectancy, host John Yang teed up a liberal doctor and a universal…


PBS Cheers for 'Gun Safety' Laws from Democrats in Michigan

March 22nd, 2023 10:35 PM

Over the weekend, PBS continued its bias favoring the Democrat agenda on guns as weekend anchor John Yang devoted a segment to letting a gun control advocate cheer for Michigan to finally pass new gun restrictions, now that the legislature is controlled by Democrats. He also allowed his liberal guest to inaccurately suggest that Illinois residents can legally purchase guns in neighboring…

PBS Never Satisfied: ‘Oscars So Male’ and Other Academy Award Gripes

March 14th, 2023 5:02 PM

Media activists who obsess over “representation” in Hollywood (think the #OscarsSoWhite hash-tag on Twitter), will never be satisfied as long as there are ways to slice the racial-gender figures of directors, actors, award nominees, and box-office results so that liberals will come away disappointed in the alleged lack of “representation” at the movies. The Oscars are a prime season to air…


PBS Promotes Anti-'Gun Access' Leftist Lamenting U.S. 'Gun Culture'

January 29th, 2023 7:01 AM

On Wednesday evening, PBS NewsHour continued its push for more gun restrictions as reporter John Yang spoke with gun control activist Gloria Pan of the group Moms Rising.

PBS’s ‘Spectacular’ Smear of US Immigration Policy: ‘Racist...Journey'

January 10th, 2023 9:32 AM

As President Biden traveled to the Mexican border with a purported plan to stem the flow of refugees, public television is nudging the administration to the left to encourage and “embrace” refugees to come on up to America. In the PBS News Hour’s occasional "brief but spectacular" segment that closed the show on Sunday, a refugee from Nepal, Devashish Basnet, was given several minutes…


CREEPY: OB-GYN Hypes Medication Abortion as 'Extrarordinarily Safe'

January 7th, 2023 7:19 PM

On Wednesday's PBS NewsHour, viewers received a bucket of happy talk about medication abortions from Dr. Jennifer Villavicencio. Twice, she insisted the use of mifepristone was "extraordinarily safe" -- but it's not safe for the unborn baby, who is expelled from the mother and killed.

PBS Drops Barrel of 'Far Right' Labels on New Netanyahu Team in Israel

December 31st, 2022 9:24 PM

Thursday's PBS NewsHour broke out every term for extremism in reporting on the new Israeli government. The online headline for the segment was "Netanyahu once again prime minister with most far-right government in Israel’s history."