Jim Rutenberg

The Aggressively Anti-Trump Media STILL Insist They’re Not Biased
In the last eight years, the media have left their biased fingerprints all over the news, starting with their hostile coverage of Trump. Yet our archives are full of quotes from journalists insisting that they have no partisan axe to grind.

NY Times Admits 'MSNBC's Leftward Tilt,' But Presents NBC as Neutral!
The New York Times devoted nearly 3,000 words by writer-at-large Jim Rutenberg and media reporter Michael Grynbaum to a topic rarely acknowledged: Media bias from the left, in “How MSNBC’s Leftward Tilt Delivers Ratings, and Complications.” (Right-leaning Fox News, by contrast, is a constant target of the paper’s hostility.) But what does it say about the paper’s own tilt…

Pot Meet Kettle: CNN Claims Murdochs Lacks 'Journalistic Integrity'
To promote CNN’s new doc-series entitled The Murdochs: Empire of Influence, consulting producers Jim Rutenburg and Jonathan Mahler joined Thursday’s Don Lemon Tonight to discuss the namesake family and accuse them of having “a major political bias.” Meanwhile, Lemon alleged “the journalistic integrity is not always there.”

Wow! Nicolle Wallace, NYT Reporter Question Biden's Russia Threat
The liberal media has ripped President Trump for downplaying the apparent cyberattack by Russia into high levels of the US government. So when Joe Biden spoke out today, trashing President Trump's handling of the matter, accusing Russia for the attack, and vowing to punish it, you would have thought that on her MSNBC show this afternoon, Nicolle Wallace & co. would have cheered Biden. But…

Hack Democratic Rag NY Times Warns of GOP's 'Authoritarian Bent'
New York Times reporter Michael Wines climbed back onto his liberal hobby horse -- thuggish Republicans denying voting rights under the spurious excuse of fighting non-existent vote fraud -- in “Limit Votes? The Right May Need a New Tactic.” Meanwhile, “Plan to Make Losing Look Like a Win,” by Jim Rutenberg and Nick Corasaniti, purported to outline a years-long conspiracy by the Trump…

NY Times Whines: GOP Science 'Denialists' 'Seized' on Wacky Green Deal

NY Times Media Columnist Wonders Why Tara Reade's Not on TV (Bias)

NYTimes Gloat: ‘Virus Battle Shreds the Right’s Political Playbook'

NYT Boosts Biden’s Sad Social Media Presence vs Trump 'Disinformation'

NYTimes: No Lean at Nation; Weekly Standard All Kinds of Conservative

Vile NY Times Attack: Fox Linked to Terror in Pittsburgh, New Zealand

SICK: Amanpour Links Fox News to New Zealand Massacre

Fox News Drives NY Times into Hysterics: ‘Destabilizing Democracies'