Imtiaz Tyab
Networks Censor Palestinian Extremists HUNTING Jews on U.S. Streets
Over the course of the week, there were numerous stories about “pro-Palestinian” (essentially pro-Hamas) mobs gathering around the country to “protest” the ongoing conflict in Israel devolving into wild hunts for Jewish Americans. And despite the fact these heinous acts were incited by the Hamas sympathizers in “The Squad,” none of the attacks were given airtime on ABC, CBS, and NBC’s morning…

CBS Blames Israel for the Conflict, Pushes Misinformation on Evictions
On Monday, CBS Evening News continued its unholy crusade against the Jewish state of Israel by blaming them for the conflict and pushing misinformation about the evictions in East Jerusalem. It came as the network was still using Gaza casualty numbers provided by the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry, and they scoffed at the idea that Israel’s airstrikes were “surgical.”

CBS Skips Israeli Boy Killed by Hamas Rocket, Blames Violence on Jews
This week, a five-year-old boy in Sderot, Israel was killed after a Hamas rocket broke through the Iron Dome defense system and blew up his family’s house. His death went unreported on the CBS Evening News that night, even after NewsBusters called them out on Tuesday for underreporting Israeli casualties. On top of that, none of the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, or NBC) retracted…
CBS Decries Trump Stockpiling Glass Vials for American COVID Vaccines
Since the early days of the pandemic, CBS News has repeatedly suggested the Trump administration was not taking coronavirus seriously and was doing next to nothing to address it. But on Thursday CBS Evening News was disgusted after learning that the administration was in the process of stockpiling glass vials in anticipation of a vaccine. On top of that, they omitted how the…

Nets Thrilled by Kids Skipping School for Global Climate 'Strike'
The three major broadcast networks spent time promoting radical environmental activism on Friday’s morning broadcasts. Teens and children conducted a global “strike” this morning against climate change ahead of a United Nations summit on the subject. ABC, NBC and CBS couldn’t get enough of the youths' liberal activism, gushing about the kids as young as 9 years old walking out of school to “…

CBS & NBC Play Footsie With Iran, Tout Terrorist Regime Sliming U.S.
Both CBS This Morning and NBC’s Today show on Friday boasted of exclusive interviews with top Iranian officials eager to attack the United States and condemn international sanctions against the terrorism-sponsoring regime. Rather than show their journalists pressing Iran’s leaders on the authoritarian nation’s criminal behavior, the network reports instead offered pure propaganda.