Howie Carr

Carr Highlights Media's Lack of Interest in Attack on MAGA Hat Wearer
February 27th, 2019 7:52 PM
This week, an illegal immigrant was taken into custody and detained by ICE after attacking a person in a Make America Great Again hat inside a Massachusetts bar on February 15. So on Tuesday, Tucker Carlson brought it up on his show with Massachusetts radio host Howie Carr, who asserted that, needless to say, the media coverage has been inadequate because it “doesn’t fit the narrative.”

AP Sanitizes Joseph Kennedy II's Quote on Chavez's Death, Avoids Notin
March 6th, 2013 11:25 AM
CNN, which if I recall correctly severed formal ties with the Associated Press some time ago, quoted former congressman Joseph Kennedy II's reaction to the death of Venezuela's authoritarian leader Hugo Chavez as follows: "President Chavez cared deeply about the poor of Venezuela and other nations around the world and their abject lack of even basic necessities, while some of the wealthiest…

Lawrence O'Donnell Takes Conservative Boston Herald's Side Over Obama
May 18th, 2011 10:40 PM
If you looked out your window at roughly 8:50 Wednesday evening, you may have seen pigs flying.
At that moment, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell was actually taking the side of a conservative newspaper in a dispute with - wait for it - President Obama (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Boston's Howie Carr: 'Much More to Kennedy's Legacy Than Reported on M
August 28th, 2009 2:29 AM
“While offering condolences to the Kennedy family at this sad moment, it is important to note that his life was not as simple, nor heroic, as is now being portrayed,” Howie Carr maintained in scolding the media in his Thursday Boston Herald column. He cited what “was invariably described as Ted Kennedy’s 'collegial' Senate -- where voices were seldom raised, and partisan bickering ended when the…
Bos. Herald: Conservative That Prevents a Suicide, 'Does Indeed Have a
February 6th, 2009 9:56 AM
How do you turn a hearwarming tale into just another excuse to call conservatives heartless, mean ol' hatemongers? Just ask Jessica Heslam from the Boston Herald who, right in the first sentence of her story, decided it would be fun to take a slap shot at a conservative that helped save a woman's life, this week.
Boston's conservative radio host, Howie Carr, helped a women decide against…