NYT's Krugman on PBS NewsHour: Democrats' 'Fiscal Cliff' Proposal Seri

December 5th, 2012 12:48 PM
During the December 4 edition of the PBS NewsHour, anchor Gwen Ifill decided to give a lofty eight minute and forty second interview to Obama cheerleader and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman so he can try to convince us that the fiscal cliff isn’t that big of a deal.  Of course, in his estimation, Democratic proposals for higher taxes and higher spending were serious, while Republican alternatives…

Andrew Sullivan Makes a Fool of Himself on ABC's 'This Week' With Geor

October 28th, 2012 2:10 PM
Andrew Sullivan made a fool of himself on ABC's This Week Sunday. For the entertainment pleasure of viewers, George Will and PBS's Gwen Ifill assisted the Obama-loving Daily Beast columnist (video follows with transcript and commentary):

On PBS, Roll Call Reporter Ties Mourdock to Romney, Remembers Akin Gaf

October 25th, 2012 5:46 PM
During the October 24 broadcast of the PBS Newshour, Gwen Ifill explored the state of current U.S. Senate races with Rothenberg Political Report’s Nathan Gonzales and Roll Call’s Shira Toeplitz. The first on the list was Indiana race between Richard Mourdock and Rep. Joe Donnelly.  Here, liberal media creep leeched into Toeplitz’s analysis as she found Mourdock’s comments about life and…

PBS NewsHour Omits Obama's Support for Blasphemy Law

September 26th, 2012 6:46 PM
During the September 25 broadcast of the PBS Newshour, anchor Gwen Ifill invited Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass and former U.S. Ambassador Nicholas Burns to discuss President Barack Obama’s foreign policy and his recent address to the UN. Reporter Judy Woodruff also had a segment on the president speech. Yet none of the segments dealing with the address mentioned the fact…

PBS Anchor Gwen Ifill Touts Pro-Obama Polls, Dismisses Mideast Violenc

September 20th, 2012 11:37 AM
On last night’s broadcast of the PBS Newshour, anchor Gwen Ifill discussed the latest polls with Pew’s Andrew Kohut and Mark Blumenthal, "senior polling analyst" of The Huffington Post.  Her talk about voter engagement and enthusiasm got a little hazy – if not completely insensitive – when she referred to last week’s embassy attacks as a “dust up.”  Perhaps "dust up" in her mind only refers…

WaPo Writer Calls Chalian Smear a 'Joke,' But Called Romney's Birther

August 29th, 2012 11:22 PM
Last night, Yahoo! News Washington Bureau Chief, David Chalian, slandered Romney by saying that the Republican nominee and his wife, Ann, were "happy to have a party with black people drowning."  These remarks were made during ABCNews.com's webcast of their coverage of the RNC convention.  As a result, Mr. Chalian has been fired by Yahoo!, but some liberal journalists aren't happy about it.…

Gwen Ifill Stands Up for Fired David Chalian: ‘God’s Gift to Polit

August 29th, 2012 3:25 PM
Notorious PBS liberal Gwen Ifill took to Twitter to defend David Chalian, the former Yahoo Washington bureau chief who was fired for claiming that Mitt and Ann Romney are "happy to have a party with black people drowning," claiming that he was unjustly fired. Her defense was markedly over-the-top: "One mistake does not change this. @DavidChalian is God's gift to political journalism. #…

NYT's Stelter: PBS Host Gwen Ifill 'Livid' Over Not Being Chosen to Mo

August 20th, 2012 11:02 AM
New York Times media reporter Brian Stelter made a little news at the end of his Saturday report on the picking of the moderators for the upcoming presidential and vice presidential debates: "Criticism Greets List of Debate Moderators." Dismissing conservative concerns of liberal bias on the part of moderators as a predictable Rush Limbaugh talking point, Stelter focused more on liberal…

PBS's Ifill Compares Romney to Gordon Gekko, Uninterested in Discussin

July 17th, 2012 5:21 PM
Gwen Ifill of the PBS Newshour hosted Jonathan Martin of Politico and Molly Ball of The Atlantic magazine in a left wing cuddlefest that bashed Romney over Bain, his taxes, and Solyndra on July 16.  Ms. Ifill was not the least concerned that this story is mere fodder for the Obama campaign to pivot away from its abysmal economic record, but nevertheless, started off the shooting gallery by…

PBS Ombudsman Says PBS Anchor Should Have Avoided Sebelius-Honoring Ev

April 20th, 2012 11:51 PM
My Wednesday blog on PBS anchor Gwen Ifill emceeing a gay group's fundraiser that honored HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius for implementing ObamaCare drew some attention across the web, including The Washington Post and The Huffington Post. WashPost media blogger Erik Wemple looked askance at the PBS star's appearance of a conflict of interest. But the strongest response came from PBS ombudsman…

PBS Anchor Gwen Ifill To Emcee LGBT Fundraiser Hailing HHS Secretary's

April 18th, 2012 5:56 PM
In 2008, it was questionable that PBS NewsHour and Washington Week anchor Gwen Ifill could moderate the vice-presidential debate as she was writing a book called “The Breakthrough” about the rise of Barack Obama and other black liberal politicians. On Thursday night, Ifill will cross another Obama line by acting as emcee for a fundraiser for the LGBT health and advocacy group the Whitman-Walker…

Gwen Ifill's Overactive Imagination: Media Unfair to Obama on Race and

August 24th, 2011 7:27 AM
President Obama's vacation in Martha's Vineyard also became an occasion for a panel of liberal journalists, politicians, and academics to mourn his alleged mistreatment in the media at a race-and-the-media panel discussion organized by Harvard professor Charles Ogletree. PBS Washington Week anchor Gwen Ifill  lamented the overwhelming media bias against Obama in the Henry Louis Gates…

Gwen Ifill: 'Last Person to Actually Get Elected President to Win a St

August 14th, 2011 3:59 PM
After Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's win in Saturday's Iowa Straw Poll, the Obama-loving media have been working overtime to make darned certain the public doesn't think this has any significance. Doing her part was PBS's Gwen Ifill who said on Sunday's "Face the Nation," "The last person to actually get elected president to win a Straw Poll was George W. Bush" - as if that was soooo long…

PBS's Gwen Ifill Suggests With Straight Face That Obama Might Steal 'D

April 15th, 2011 9:59 PM
PBS fans love how the show Washington Week is such a peaceful regurgitation of the conventional liberal media wisdom. But there are times in the calm that you wonder what world these liberals are living in. For example, the show's host, Gwen Ifill, seems to think it's plausible that President Obama -- the man who's made trillion-dollar-plus deficits a routine -- could take the "deficit slasher…