Snowden Enabler Glenn Greenwald's CAIR Connection

July 20th, 2014 7:32 AM
While the liberal media establishment have a thinly disguised soft spot for massive leaker Edward Snowden and his enabler Glenn Greenwald, the editorial writers at Investor’s Business Daily offered an incredible take this week on how these men are “aiding and abetting the Islamist enemy.” They released the names of several Muslim terrorist targets under surveillance by the NSA and FBI in a…

Glenn Greenwald Calls 'Bulls***' On Snowden Doubters on 'Real Time

June 23rd, 2014 3:30 PM
Glenn Greenwald, Edward Snowden abetter and columnist of The Guardian, appeared on the June 20 edition of Real Time With Bill Maher determined to defend Snowden as a patriotic whistle blower. The agitated liberal journalist called “total bulls***” on Real Time panelist Paul Rieckhoff, veteran and founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, for questioning Snowden’s true motives in…

There's Two Snowden 'Hero' Movies In The Works -- One by Oliver Stone

June 3rd, 2014 8:18 AM
How radical is Hollywood? There are two competing movie projects sure to lionize Edward Snowden betraying America’s secrets. Naturally, one of them is helmed by Oliver Stone, who bows to no one in casting America as a global supervillain. See his Untold History of the United States bilge on Showtime. "This is one of the greatest stories of our time," said the leftist director. "A real…

Glenn Greenwald Slams 'F**king Hawk' Hillary Clinton as 'Banal, Corrup

May 12th, 2014 11:47 PM
With his book entitled No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA and the U.S. Surveillance State set for release on Tuesday, the GQ website posted an extensive interview with radical-left reporter Glenn Greenwald in which he covers a wide range of topics, ranging from his continuing friendship with Snowden to his strong distaste for the presumptive Democratic candidate in the upcoming 2016…

CNN Host Brian Stelter Grilled Attkisson, But Treated Leftist Glenn Gr

April 22nd, 2014 11:36 AM
In the textbooks, journalists are supposed to be watchdogs of government – not just government of one party, but both parties. If Edward Snowden’s massive leaks on government surveillance programs (approved by presidents of both parties) win a Pulitzer Prize for  “Public Service,” why isn’t exposing President Obama’s scandals like Benghazi and IRS harassment hailed as a public service? This…

NY Times Notes 'Conservative' Breitbart Expansion, But Glenn Greenwald

February 17th, 2014 2:28 PM
The “new media” is expanding in the digital realm, but one trend of liberal bias certainly isn’t new: While The New York Times repeated and repeated that expanding Breitbart News network is “conservative,” left-wing ventures by Glenn Greenwald and Ezra Klein were apparently non-ideological, and drew no ideological labels of any kind – liberal, leftist, progressive – at all. On the front of…

Buchanan: ‘There Is an Inherent Conflict of Interest Between Journal

January 4th, 2014 1:21 PM
On Thursday, the New York Times called for the Obama administration to enter into a plea bargain or offer clemency to National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden in order to bring him back to the United States. On PBS’s McLaughlin Group Friday, syndicated columnist Pat Buchanan observed during a discussion about this issue, “There is an inherent conflict of interest between journalists and…

Greenwald Schools MSNBC Host: ‘I Defend Snowden Like People On MSNBC

December 26th, 2013 4:24 PM
Something absolutely marvelous happened on MSNBC Thursday that could have only been a better Christmas gift to those fighting liberal media bias if the host at the time had been a more prominent person on that so-called “news network.” When MSNBC Live substitute host Kristen Welker scolded the Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald for appearing to always be defending NSA leaker Edward Snowden, Greenwald…

Glenn Greenwald: NY Times Has 'Helped to Kill Journalism as a Potent F

October 28th, 2013 6:32 PM
"[T]he kind of traditional New York Times model...I think has neutered and, in a lot of ways, helped to kill journalism as a potent force for checking power." So said Glenn Greenwald during an interview with Democracy Now's Amy Goodman Monday (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Top Papers Breathless Over New Venture by Leftist 'Treason Chic' Journ

October 16th, 2013 11:07 PM
Both The Washington Post and The New York Times thought it was big news on Thursday that leftist writer Glenn Greenwald is leaving the leftist British rag The Guardian and starting a new journalism venture with eBay moneybags Pierre Omidyar. Greenwald even claimed (sans laugh track) that the new site would not be driven by a particular political ideology, but added that “setting out to pursue…

Glenn Greenwald: ‘Journalism Is Not a Crime and It Is Not Terrorism

August 20th, 2013 11:14 PM
The Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald made a comment on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Tuesday that out of context might make conservatives who believe the media is corrupt chuckle. “Journalism is not a crime and it is not terrorism” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Former CIA Director Woolsey: Snowden Has Done ‘Substantial’ Damage

June 24th, 2013 10:37 AM
One of the claims by many of Edward Snowden’s supporters is that what he revealed from the National Security Agency had little to no impact to national security. According to former Central Intelligence Agency director James Woolsey, nothing could be further from the truth. Appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Monday, Woolsey said Snowden has done “substantial” damage to national security.

John Cusack Slams David Gregory: 'Lowest Point for Meet the Press In I

June 23rd, 2013 10:40 PM
Actor and liberal activist John Cusack was tremendously displeased with NBC's David Gregory Sunday for asking the Guardian's Glenn Greenwald on Meet the Press if he should be charged with a crime for aiding and abetting National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden. Cusack took to Twitter shortly after it aired going on a several hour rant that included, "In my memory the lowest point for meet…

Greenwald: 'Who Needs Government to Try to Criminalize Journalism When

June 23rd, 2013 12:39 PM
NBC's David Gregory is taking a lot of heat for asking the Guardian's Glenn Greenwald on Sunday's Meet the Press if he should be charged with a crime for aiding and abetting National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden. Greenwald and a host of folks struck back at Gregory on Twitter (video follows with transcript and commentary):