Ginia Bellafante
‘Cost of Unmasking’ NYC Toddlers Too High for Neurotic NY Times Writer
News flash: New York City toddlers must suffer for a New York Times columnist’s piece of mind. Ginia Bellafante, the paper’s “Big City” columnist, was in full coronavirus panic mode on Sunday. Did she want to close down restaurants and nightlife again? No, instead she wanted to do something even more useless and cruel -- keep toddlers masked in school. So why must toddlers alone bear…

Hannity Rebuts NY Times Hit Piece, But the Academics Say He's Deadly

Poisonous Lies: NYT Blames Fox News for Man’s Death from Coronavirus
In the repugnant, never-ending liberal media crusade to not only annihilate but mortally wound Fox News (thus putting thousands out of work), New York Times columnist Ginia Bellafante took the not only false but grotesque plunge in her April 18 column blaming FNC for the April 9 death of 74-year0old Brooklyn bar owner Joe Joyce from the coronavirus.

Starstruck NY Times Liberal Outraged at Giuliani's Homeless Criticism

NYT Heralded Phony Memoir on NYC's 'Retrograde,' Anti-Feminist Women

NYT Ombud Hit Paper's Elitism, Missed Hypocritical Cozying Up to Rich
NYTimes Ponders 'Moral Vacuity' of Moneyed Elite While Running Stories