
Biden Media Allies Are Turning On Him, — MRCTV’S Hamill Reacts On Fox

July 11th, 2024 4:11 AM

MRC’s Contributing Writer Stephanie Hamill was a guest on Wednesday’s Fox News at Night with host Trace Gallagher, to react to the shift in tone in media coverage of President Joe Biden. 


ABC Aids Biden Campaign Messaging, Claims Trump Taking Away Rights

June 25th, 2024 5:37 PM

On Tuesday, ABC’s Good Morning America essentially gave an in-kind donation to the Biden campaign ahead of Thursday’s debate. They highlighted a Biden Campaign ad while parroting talking points about how former President Trump was going to take away people’s right, while also decrying attacks against President Biden and calling them conspiracy theories.


ABC’s Stephanopoulos Gets SHUT DOWN By Priebus Over Trump Charges

December 3rd, 2023 8:30 PM

ABC senior anchor George Stephanopoulos has a habit of hectoring Republicans into answering whether they will vote for Donald Trump if he’s the 2024 GOP nominee, despite pending criminal charges against him. He tried that against former RNC chair Reince Priebus, and got promptly shut down.


Stephanopoulos to Youngkin: Why Not Just Keep Abortion At 26 Weeks?

November 5th, 2023 5:42 PM

The shock of watching media advocate for policies that are completely beyond the American mainstream never really wears off. Today George Stephanopoulos, formerly of the Clinton Administration and currently of ABC-Disney, nonchalantly advocated for abortion up to 26 weeks in an interview with Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin

Flashback: When ABC Tapped Hard-Core Clinton Partisan As Top Anchor

June 17th, 2023 8:56 AM

In his on-air role at ABC, former Clinton campaign operative George Stephanopoulos has been a reliable mouthpiece for the Democratic spin of the day — using his perch as an analyst and correspondent to boost liberals, undermine conservatives and lobby for liberal policies.


Brazile Lashes Out at Biden for Supporting Override of DC Crime Bill

March 5th, 2023 11:43 AM

The Democrat Party meltdown continued apace Sunday over President Biden's decision not to veto a congressional override of Washington D.C.'s soft-on-crime legislation if it reached his desk. This time by ABC contributor and former DNC chair Donna Brazile who scolded Biden to "not be engaged in D.C. affairs" during ABC's This Week's "Powerhouse Roundtable." 


TV News Censors Buffett’s Slam of Biden’s ‘Illiterate’ Class Warfare

March 4th, 2023 9:00 AM

This week, the liberal news networks said absolutely nothing about billionaire Warren Buffett’s barely-veiled slam of President Biden and other liberals for their newest class warfare gambit: demonizing corporations that buy back their stock. That’s a far cry from 2011 and 2012, when those same networks helped juice then-President Obama’s re-election campaign by trumpeting Buffett’s call for…


FLASHBACK: Lib Media Used ‘Bridgegate’ to Kneecap Hillary Foe

January 7th, 2023 9:25 AM

Reporters loved calling it ‘Bridgegate,’ summoning images of the grand Watergate scandal. But ‘Bridgegate’ is really a case study in how the liberal media thugs will use their clout to rough up politicians who might stand athwart their agenda.


Nets Hype Biden’s Climate ‘Code Red’ Alarmism, Push to Waste Trillions

September 8th, 2021 12:55 PM

Wednesday’s network morning shows were thrilled that President Biden was trying to exploit a deadly natural disaster in order to sell his radical political agenda that would waste trillions of taxpayer dollars. Rather that challenge any of Biden’s fearmongering rhetoric, the CBS, ABC, and NBC broadcasts all touted it as if it were a statement of fact.


Snopes Cries 'Mostly False' for Attack on Cuomo's Vaccine 'Bad News'

November 19th, 2020 7:21 AM

On Tuesday, the “fact checkers” at Snopes ardently defended Gov. Andrew Cuomo by attacking an accurate tweet as "Mostly False." The headline was: "Did Gov. Cuomo Say It Was ‘Bad News’ Pfizer Vaccine Progress Came Under Trump?" The correct answer is Yes.


Are They on Mars? Bruce, Muir Insist Biden Was ‘Steady,’ Kept ‘Cool’

September 30th, 2020 3:25 AM

After Tuesday’s presidential debate, ABC senior congressional correspondent Mary Bruce and World News Tonight anchor David Muir were opining from another planet, insisting Joe Biden kept “his cool,” was “the adult in the room,” and remained “fairly steady in temperament and tone” despite calling Trump “a clown,” “the worst President...ever” and told him to “shut up.”

Gayle King and Cindy McCain

Nets Hope Cindy McCain ‘Giving Cover’ for Republicans to Back Biden

September 23rd, 2020 12:36 PM

On Wednesday, all three network morning shows one again did the bidding of the Biden campaign by bringing on the widow of the late Republican Senator John McCain, Cindy McCain, to announce her endorsement of the Democratic presidential nominee. Not only was Mrs. McCain treated to gushing interviews, but the leftist media hosts actively urged her to lecture “fellow Republicans” on the need to…


Ronan Farrow: NBC ‘Ordered A Hard Stop to Reporting’ About Weinstein

October 11th, 2019 5:14 PM
Appearing on ABC’s Good Morning America on Friday to discuss his new book, Catch and Kill, journalist Ronan Farrow described how NBC News executives ordered him to cease all reporting on allegations against Harvey Weinstein in 2017. That revelation came following another bombshell in the upcoming book that Weinstein may have used knowledge of disgraced Today show host Matt Lauer’s wrongdoings to…

ABC’s Abrams Claims ‘Anything in Theory Can Be Impeachable’

September 30th, 2019 1:38 PM
Appearing on Monday’s Good Morning America, ABC News chief legal analyst Dan Abrams adopted a remarkably flexible standard for what can justify removing a duly elected President of the United States from office, arguing that “anything” could be deemed an impeachable offense. That’s certainly much looser than the “high crimes and misdemeanors” standard laid out in the Constitution.