Gene Wojciechowski

Media Lions Roar at Christian Athletes
September 6th, 2012 3:39 PM
During the first centuries of Christianity, Christians were thrown to lions in arenas to be jeered by mocking crowds. Today, Christian athletes face the taunts of a media strongly opposed to their faith.
No Christian athlete draws more media catcalls than New York Jets quarterback Tim Tebow. writer Dan Bernstein dismissed Tebow as “little more than an affable simpleton” and…

ESPN Columnist Agitates for Coach's Firing for Proclaiming His Religio
May 1st, 2012 5:00 PM
ESPN columnist Gene Wojciechowski wouldn't mind seeing Nebraska Cornhuskers assistant coach Ron Brown sacked, but for a reason that has nothing to do with his performance coaching from the sidelines and everything to do with Brown's religious faith.
In his April 27 column, Wojciechowski managed both to demonize and misrepresent Brown's religious convictions on homosexuality, by saying that…