Gene Weingarten

Flashback: The Media’s Clown Show Coverage of 2015 Terrorist Attack
Seven years ago, the national media made a spectacle of themselves for both the speed and stupidity with which they seized upon a horrible mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, racing to promote their anti-gun agenda, bashing conservatives and prayer in the process.

When Infecting Others Is Called 'Wonderful, Bracing, Noble of Heart'
Washington Post Magazine humorist Gene Weingarten turned very unfunny and wrote a poem about how mass streets protests during the pandemic is "reckless, incautious, unwise, and un-smart / And wonderful, bracing, and noble of heart."

WashPost Jester Compares Peter Schweizer to Dr. Mengele, Satan

WashPost 'Humorist' Jokes About How Chefs Should Mock Sarah Sanders

WashPost Columnist Weingarten Compares Unwanted Penis to Cleft Palate

D.C. Examiner Exposes Liberals Resurrecting Botched Time Piece on Ryan

Oops: WashPost Humorist Guessed Trump 'Withered Away' on Election Day
What Protesters? WashPost, NY Times Ignore 'March for Marriage,' Print
NPR, WashPost Celebrate Anti-Palin Author in Obits -- Although His Pal

WashPost Humorist Mocks God, Imagines He Confesses The Bible's Full of
Too Hot for the WashPost: Feminist Compares Female Right to Be Drunk a
WashPost Humorist Would Love to Mock Obama, But Chooses Instead to Moc

WashPost Humorist Offers Mean-spirited 'Conservative Jokes' for GOP Yo