Felicia Sonmez

Maher Mocks Washington Post as an 'Unlicensed Daycare Center'
June 18th, 2022 10:16 AM
On Friday’s edition of Real Time on HBO, host Bill Maher skewered the Washington Post for its Dave Weigel-Felicia Sonmez controversy, labeling the Post as an “unlicensed daycare center” and mocking the recently sacked Sonmez for lacking of a sense of humor.

LAME: WashPost Protests GOP Tweeting 'Altered Photo' of Pelosi
January 9th, 2020 4:44 PM
The Washington Post is so exquisitely sensitive to mockery of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that an unflattering image of her became a small scandal. Their headline was "Rep. Stefanik tweets altered photo of Pelosi in GOP fundraising appeal".

WashPost Hails Obama's 'Bold Act' in Making Recess Appointment While S
January 5th, 2012 10:52 AM
Washington Post scribes David Nakamura and Felicia Sonmez dutifully set out today to paint President Obama as the hero of the masses for his "bold act of political defiance" in naming "Richard Cordray as head a new consumer watchdog agency Wednesday, bypassing Republican opposition in the Senate that derailed his nomination last month."
Nakamura and Sonmez waited until the 10th paragraph in…

MSNBC's Hall Moderated CBC Event Where Rep. Carson Blasted Tea Party
August 31st, 2011 5:09 PM
On Tuesday, The Washington Post's Felicia Sonmez noted how MSNBC's Tamron Hall moderated the recent Congressional Black Caucus town hall where Rep. Andre Carson smeared the Tea Party by accusing them of wanting to bring back Jim Crow laws and endorsing the lynching of blacks. Former Obama aide turned NBC employee Joy-Ann Reid also attended the CBC event, but omitted Rep. Carson's attack from…
Liberal-Media Super Committee Beefs Emerge: Too White and Male, Too Pr
August 15th, 2011 11:06 PM
Just days after suggesting the Republicans who didn't agree to the compromise that created a budget Super Committee were crabby and irresponsible, several media outlets began complaining about the deficiencies of the new super committee. The Washington Post found it to be too white and male, and the AP lamented its representatives were too cozy with defense contractors.
Post reporter Felicia…

Nineteen Democrats Scorn Pelosi in Speaker Vote, WaPo Buries Story on
January 6th, 2011 4:02 PM
The first vote cast by the 110th Congress on January 4, 2007 was for election of Speaker of the House. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) won all 233 Democratic votes (including her own). All 202 Republicans voted for Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio. Two years later Pelosi secured 255 (including her own), and there was only one Democrat, one Rep. Gutierrez who did not vote. Minority Leader Boehner received…
WaPo Finds It Scandalous Beck Would Challenge Obama's Religious Belief
August 30th, 2010 7:23 AM
The Washington Post found it newsworthy that "Beck challenges Obama's religious beliefs after rally in D.C.," but emphasized how Glenn Beck's views could cause a backlash, and papered over Rev. Jeremiah Wright's wild-eyed radical sermons as merely focusing on "the importance of empowering the oppressed." In the story on page A-4, Post reporter Felicia Sonmez made no mention of the president's …