Errin Haines Whack

In Coverage of Cain's Candidacy, AP's Haines Has Strange Definitions o
July 3rd, 2011 11:55 PM
Yesterday, Tim Graham at NewsBusters did an excellent job of addressing a key aspect of a report submitted by Associated Press reporter Errin Haines, who is African-American, of the presidential campaign of Herman Cain, who is also African-American. Haines questioned "voters' ability to look past his skin color and perceive him as a serious candidate."
Herman Cain attended the We The People…

AP Reporter: Herman Cain Needs Voters to 'Look Past His Skin Color And
July 2nd, 2011 12:41 PM
AP reporter Errin Haines couldn't possibly think that being black makes you an un-serious presidential candidate. She's black. But that was the mysterious echo in her (mostly positive) story on GOP contender Herman Cain. Perhaps she meant that a black Republican can't possibly be anything more than a token or a gimmick? Her third paragraph:
Already losing some of his cachet to tea party…