The Certitude of Ineptitude

April 23rd, 2022 1:00 PM

I really am flummoxed by the ineptitude of President Joe Biden and his chief of staff, Ron Klain. Biden has been a Washington politician for half a century, including eight years as vice president and before that a senior senator. Klain is a consummate Washington insider, having worked for Janet Reno, Al Gore, Biden and others. How are they this inept? Last summer, the border got swamped with…

Guns, Babies and the USA

March 18th, 2022 6:56 PM

Alabama and Ohio have passed versions of “constitutional carry.” That is a law that allows a lawful owner of a firearm to carry that firearm without additional governmental permission. Georgia's state House and Senate have both passed versions and a committee is set to reconcile differences. Georgia should have the law passed in the next week, becoming the 24th state to pass such legislation.…

The State of Disunion

March 4th, 2022 11:01 PM

By now you may have forgotten President Joe Biden gave his State of the Union address last week. On Monday, Biden walked across the White House lawn alone and in a mask. On Tuesday, he walked into a crowd of House members rejoicing that no more masks were needed. It was the perfect metaphor for Biden at governance and Biden at speech. First, forgive Biden for his flubs and twisted words. He is…

Snuff Out the Torch

February 9th, 2022 9:28 AM

In 1936, Adolf Hitler presided over the Summer Olympics. It was a coming-out party for the Nazis. They put their best foot forward to show their recovery after World War I. They intended to wow the crowd with Nazi grandeur. The international press and much of the world ate it up. Two years later, Germany annexed Austria. World War II began less than a year later. Now, in 2022, the…

The Beginning of the End

December 27th, 2021 10:19 AM

Sometime just over 2,000 years ago, contrary to the song, it was not a silent night. In Bethlehem, a young woman gave birth to a baby in a stable. The story went exactly as one would tell a story if one did not want the story taken seriously. The first witnesses were shepherds, men so unreliable that their testimony was inadmissible in court. Key eyewitnesses were women, also seen as…

Turning From Darkness to the Light of Jesus

December 10th, 2021 12:45 PM

A suicide just happened. Somewhere out there, maybe down the street or across town or in the next state, someone just took their own life. By the time you finish reading this, someone else will be in their final moments before taking their life. One hundred thirty-two times today, someone in the United States is going to commit suicide.

A Reminder to Be Thankful For Our Many Blessings

November 29th, 2021 2:51 PM

If you are a longtime reader, you will know my wife has lung cancer. It is not from smoking or radon or any environmental cause. When we first got married, due to my wife's family history of breast cancer, she had a prophylactic mastectomy. Sixteen years later, having thought we dodged a bullet, doctors diagnosed her with a genetic form of lung cancer.

Into the Metaverse We Go

November 23rd, 2021 2:57 PM

On June 23, 2003, Linden Labs unveiled a website called Second Life. It is a website wherein individuals can interact and live a second life as an online character, called an avatar. In 2004, several politicians held virtual press conferences in Second Life. The Maldives and Sweden opened virtual embassies. Second Life is still around, but it's now used primarily by those without social lives…

Editor’s Pick: Erickson Wonders If Comcast Is Thirsting for ‘Race War’

November 22nd, 2021 11:34 AM

In a Monday morning post on his Substack, longtime conservative writer and talk radio host Erick Erickson pointed to a sad and troubling reality that’s been unfolding before our very eyes (and can be backed up by countless examples we’ve highlighted at NewsBusters), which is that the liberal media sure seem hellbent on wanting a race war.

When They Gaslight Everything

November 15th, 2021 3:46 PM

The term “gaslighting” comes from the 1938 British play “Gas Light.” In the play, a woman's husband pushes her to the edge of sanity by insisting their gas lighting is not dimming. In fact, it is dimming. Gaslighting is a manipulation tactic meant to convince people the things they see and know are not actually happening. In the last four years, Democrats railed against then-President Donald…

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

October 23rd, 2021 2:51 PM

Narcissus was a beautiful hunter in ancient Greece. He shunned all romantic advances. None were as beautiful as he knew himself to be, so there was no reason for a relationship with anyone. Eventually, Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water by a stream. He stared so lovingly and longingly at himself, unmoved and unmoving, staying and staring till death. The gods…

Twitter Censors GOP Congressman for Calling Rachel Levine a ‘Man’

October 23rd, 2021 12:36 PM

On Saturday morning, Congressman Jim Banks (R-IN) announced that Twitter had suspended his account and removed a tweet "misgendering" HHS Deputy Secretary Rachel Levine as a man when, in fact, Levine -- a transgender woman -- is a biological woman.

Good News for Joe Biden?

October 11th, 2021 1:54 PM

More Americans have died from COVID-19 during the Biden administration than during the Trump administration. That is not the good news for President Joe Biden. Former President Donald Trump initiated Operation Warp Speed. We had Democrats casting aspersions on the efficacy of a would-be and supposedly rushed vaccine. We finally got the vaccine at the end of the Trump administration. The moment…

Regarding Gabby Petito and Coverage of Missing Women

September 28th, 2021 5:32 PM

Twenty-two-year-old Gabby Petito is dead. Authorities found her body in Wyoming. Her boyfriend, Brian Laundrie, returned home to Florida after Petito went missing on their cross-country excursion through national parks. Laundrie subsequently walked off into a wilderness preserve, presumably to flee from authorities who now wish to question him. The story broke a week ago. It sailed past me…