Eli Stokols

CNN Ignores Its Plane Expert, Accuses Trump Of Firing Plane Experts
On Tuesday’s edition of CNN’s Inside Politics, aviation correspondent Pete Muntean told host Dana Bash that it appeared the Delta Airlines flight that crashed in Toronto on Monday did so due to a landing gear malfunction. He also noted how there is no common thread linking it with other recent plane crashes, but that didn’t stop Bash and her assembled panel from noticing “this…

Everyone Laugh at Team Biden Hating NYT for Not Being Liberal Enough
In need of a laugh? Check out this unintentionally comical story running 3,850 words from Thursday in Politico about the Biden regime’s apparently disgust with The New York Times: “The Petty Feud Between the NYT and the White House; Biden’s people think they’re ‘entitled.’ The Times says ‘they’re not being realistic.’” In short, Politico’s Eli Stokols revealed the…

ICYMI: Jacqui Heinrich Grills Flustered KJP Over Biden Border Crisis
In a Friday White House press briefing that perhaps flew under the radar, Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich threw down with a flustered Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre over the ongoing Biden border crisis, including her pointing out the President’s hesitation to act via executive order on the border was curious given his penchant to use the pen on issues like student loans.

Politico Uses Climate Change to Hype Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Politico makes the wild stretch to claim that green energy programs will be imperiled unless we enact "comprehensive immigration reform."

Real Squad: Doocy, Wegmann, Colleagues Push Psaki for Answers on Bombs
Less than an hour after President Biden addressed the nation early Thursday night on the deadly terror attacks at the Kabul airport, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki took to the podium and continued her terrible, horrible, no good, very bad return from vacation as reporters from across the spectrum kept up the heat in seeking answers on the collapse of Afghanistan. Thursday’s episode of…

Nicolle: As an Ex-Republican, I Know They NEED Voter Suppression
On Tuesday's installment of Deadline: White House, host Nicolle Wallace claimed that her status as a former Republican gives her the ability to say that the GOP knows it needs to suppress the vote in order to win, thus proving President Biden correct when he said earlier in the day that Republicans pose the greatest threat to democracy since the Civil War.

Stooges: WH Reporters Refuse to Ask Psaki About Bombshell Fauci Emails
Continuing to show their undying fealty to the altar of Dr. Tony Fauci, the White House press corps refused to ask Press Secretary Jen Psaki a single question during Wednesday’s briefing about the bombshell trove of emails from the NIH official from the early moments of the pandemic. It was on the mind of at least one reporter in the room as our friend Amber Athey of The Spectator had…

MSNBC Analyst: Trump is a 'Public Health Hazard' to American Citizens
Just three weeks after MSNBC analyst Dr. Irwin Redlener compared President Trump to mass suicide-leading cult leader Jim Jones, he appeared on MSNBC Live and picked up where he left off. This time, Redlener, the Director of Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness, described the President as a “personal public health hazard to the citizens of this country.”

MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace: Trump Tweeting 'Like a Punk' While People Die
Who's the worst emitter of liberal media bias and Trump hatred on MSNBC? Rachel Maddow? Joy Reid? Fuggedaboutit. When it comes to the most hideous Trump hater on MSNBC, nobody comes close to former Republican, failed McCain campaign official, and Deadline: White House host Nicolle Wallace, in the opinion of this NewsBuster. On her show Friday afternoon, Wallace accused President Trump of…

MSNBC Dubs Pompeo's Ukraine Trip 'Peak Awkwardness' and 'Tone Deaf'
Throughout the entire impeachment saga, the media have lamented that President Trump does not sufficiently support Ukraine in its fight against Russia. To assuage any concerns that the Ukrainians themselves might have about the Administration, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is heading to the country on Friday, but such a trip led to widespread mockery on Monday's MSNBC Live.

Matthews, Steele Mock Benghazi, Fast & Furious; GOP ‘D***ing Around’
On Thursday’s Hardball, MSNBC political analyst Michael Steele reminded viewers why there’s no reason to consider him a conservative or Republican. Not only did Steele bash the investigations into the deadly Benghazi terror attack and Operation: Fast and Furious, but he seemed to express disappointment with Congressman Will Hurd (R-TX) for not leaning toward impeachment.

MSNBC Says Dems Aren’t Partisan, Have ‘Phenomenal Case’ to Impeach
Fresh off his time in the spin room following Wednesday’s 2020 Democratic presidential debate, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews partnered with a team of liberal sycophants on Thursday to wax poetic that, in this impeachment inquiry, Democrats haven’t been partisan in presenting evidence in arguing for the impeachment (and removal) of President Trump.

MSNBC Panel Tries to Memory Hole Dem Anti-Semitism in Denouncing Trump
Responding to the President’s latest self-inflicted error Tuesday by questioning the loyalty of Jewish voters to their faith, MSNBC’s Hardball all but memory holed the whole reason the kerfuffle arose to begin with, which was the blatant anti-Semitism from Congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).

Matthews Takes Issue with Guest Praising Pelosi's Attacks on Trump
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews took an interesting tact during a discussion Thursday night regarding impeachment and the feud between President Trump and Speaker Pelosi, challenging New York Times columnist and fellow lefty Michelle Goldberg over whether Pelosi’s actually praying for the welfare of the President considering how she’s “gaslighting” him with questions about his mental…