CNN's Stelter Tosses Softballs to NY Times Editor: Is Trump Dangerous?

February 27th, 2017 8:38 AM
Talk about softball pitching. CNN Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter interviewed New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet on Sunday, and set him up to boast that the Times has never been hotter and that President Trump hates them because he has this "dangerous" tendency to hate newspapers who hold him accountable. Stelter didn't point out that the Times endorsed Hillary Clinton as an…

Extensive NYT Study Calls for Job Cuts, Diversity...Same Old Politics

January 18th, 2017 8:59 AM
If its frantic anti-Trump post-victory coverage hasn't given it away, a new internal report from the New York Times made clear the journalistic organization has failed to learned anything from Trump’s election victory. While the 8,700-word report and an accompanying memo from the brass emphasized the need to improve the race and gender diversity of the paper (but with fewer editors), it said…

NYT Brass Say Sorry for Blowing Vote, As Liberal ‘Narrative’ Crumbles

November 12th, 2016 7:01 PM
After Donald Trump’s victory shocked a media that was confidently and happily predicting a safe, historic win for Hillary Clinton, the New York Times seems to dimly recognize it has a credibility problem. Times media writer Jim Rutenberg noted in a front-page mea culpa on behalf of both his paper and his industry Thursday: “Most ominously, it came in the form of canceled subscriptions, something…

Bozell & Graham Column: The New York Times, Savaging Its Enemies

October 5th, 2016 8:27 AM
On October 2, The New York Times published an admittedly “fragmentary” front-page story about Donald Trump’s taxes. Through these pages, the Times reported Trump claimed a $915 million loss, which could – emphasis on the “could” – have allowed Trump to avoid paying federal taxes for “up to 18 years.” The Times was typically harsh in tone. The tax records “reveal the extraordinary tax benefits…

NYT's Top Editor Continues ‘Trump Lies’ Victory Tour, Ignores HRC Lies

September 24th, 2016 7:46 PM
New York Times Executive Editor Dean Baquet is going on a victory tour among his liberal media colleagues, celebrating his paper “Calling Out Donald Trump’s Lies,” the title to Friday’s “Inside the Times” podcast hosted by Susan Lehman. After cueing up Trump’s claim that the Clinton campaign had started the “birther” myth, Baquet responded: “It was demonstrably, unequivocally false, and he had to…

Top NYT Editor: Trump's a Conscious 'Liar,' But Hillary's a Normal Pol

September 23rd, 2016 11:30 AM
On Thursday's Morning Edition, National Public Radio host Steve Inskeep interviewed New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet regarding the paper’s provocative decision to overturn journalistic convention in the wake of Donald Trump’s success and to start reporting his alleged misstatements as “lies.” But when asked about HIllary, Baquet apparently forgot Clinton's 25 years of public…

NYT Editor: I Would've Given Ed Snowden a 'Back Massage' for Exclusive

November 13th, 2015 4:41 PM
New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet couldn’t care less if Edward Snowden is a traitor or not, he just regrets missing out on getting an exclusive. He told PBS host Charlie Rose, on his November 9 show, that he would’ve gone as far as giving Snowden a “back massage” to land the story for the Times.  

What a Relief! NYT Editor Assures Paper Not Biased Against Hillary

October 11th, 2015 12:51 PM
Yeah, that's been our big beef with the New York Times: it's too tough on top Democrats . . .  So we'll all sleep better now that Times Executive Editor Dean Baquet has assured us that the paper is not "too aggressive" or "unfair" in its coverage of Hillary Clinton. On CNN's Reliable Sources today, Bacquet, as proof of the paper's even-handedness, noted to host Brian Stelter a Times story on…

Team Clinton Blasts NY Times for Slowness In Fixing 'Egregious' Errors

July 31st, 2015 4:55 PM
An official with the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign sent a lengthy missive to Dean Baquet, executive editor of the New York Times, indicating “grave concern” over a controversial report the newspaper carried regarding the former secretary of state's private email account. That's pretty audacious when Mrs. Clinton destroyed her own e-mail server and the State Department's getting scolded…

The New York Times Not Afraid to Run All Religiously Offensive Images

January 9th, 2015 11:05 AM
The New York Times smugly explained to Buzzfeed why it refuses to rerun the "offensive" images of the Prophet Muhammad published by Charlie Hebdo: "we do not normally publish images or other material deliberately intended to offend religious sensibilities." So why has the Times previously run cartoons that offend Christian and Jewish sensibilities, without any apparent concerns?

NYT's David Carr: Dean Baquet Threatened to Resign If Abramson Stayed

May 19th, 2014 11:25 AM
Last night (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I pointed to the track record of Dean Baquet, who has ascended to the hallowed perch of executive editor at the New York Times, and observed that "someone who has clearly been a troubling and disruptive presence is now in charge." Two incidents spanning seven years support my contention. The first occurred in 2006 at the Los Angeles Times, where…

In Lionizing NYT's Baquet, Press Ignore Childish Insubordination Which

May 18th, 2014 11:49 PM
At the Politico, concerning Dean Baquet, the new Executive Editor at the New York Times, Dylan Byers wonders: "How will ... (he) handle the necessary digital transformation facing 'All the news that’s fit to print.'?" The better question is: How will he handle the financial constraints Times management will almost inevitably have to impose on a stagnant if not shrinking newsroom operation? To…

NY Times Editor Abramson Called Brusque, 'Very Unpopular,' Defenders C

April 25th, 2013 11:04 AM
Politico media reporter Dylan Byers stirred up media indignation with an unflattering article Tuesday on Jill Abramson, the New York Times executive editor, "Turbulence at the Times", based largely on anonymous Times sources who snipe that Abramson is detached, brusque, and a "very, very unpopular" presence in the newsroom. One Monday morning in April, Jill Abramson called Dean Baquet into…

Politico's Byers Writes a Tome on NYT's Baquet-Abramson Conflict, Omit

April 24th, 2013 10:57 AM
In a 1,700-word report on conflict and office politics at the New York Times, the Politico's Dylan Byers omitted critical context about the apparent personality clash between Jill Abramson, the paper's executive editor, and Dean Baquet, its managing editor. Byers could have remedied the situation by including these seven words at an appropriate point: "Baquet, who has a history of…