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David Wright

FLASHBACK: Slobbering Coverage of the Kennedys’ 2008 Obama Endorsement
January 28th, 2024 10:17 AM
Sixteen years ago, so-called reporters giddily celebrated the confluence of the ultra-liberal Kennedy family (a.k.a., “Camelot”) and the hard-left Obama campaign.

FLASHBACK: How TV News Spun for Hamas During the Last Gaza War
October 14th, 2023 8:49 AM
The last time Israel sent tanks into Gaza, in 2014, we saw many in the U.S. media work to undermine the effort by blaming the Israelis for heavy casualties among Palestinian civilians who were, in fact, put in danger by the cruel decisions of cynical Hamas leaders.

FLASHBACK: Exposed ABC Socialist Hyped Bernie’s ‘Political Revolution'
February 26th, 2020 3:09 PM
News broke on Wednesday that ABC News journalist David Wright had been caught in a new Project Veritas video, exposing the reporter as a self-admitted “socialist” who hates his own network. He has since been suspended. A look back at the socialist reporter's coverage of the socialist Bernie Sanders finds that Wright fawned over the candidate as “on fire” and fighting a political revolution.”

ABC Suspends Veteran Reporter After He Is Caught Bashing Network
February 26th, 2020 12:58 PM
ABC News has suspended correspondent David Wright, after he was caught on tape making damning statements about his employer. In a newly-released Project Veritas video, Wright bashed ABC for only caring about profits and ratings instead of the “truth.” He also admitted his network regularly spikes pro-Trump stories and doesn’t care about voters. In another shocking part, the ABC reporter also…

Nets Yawn at Democrat Defecting to GOP Over Impeachment
December 16th, 2019 1:16 PM
The networks on Monday morning offered a collective shrug over the news that a Democratic Congressman is switching parties over impeachment. NBC’s Today skipped the story entirely. ABC’s Good Morning America allowed 12 seconds on Congressman Jeff Van Drew and CBS This Morning managed 37 seconds.

Liberal Media Lose It Over Video, Yawned at Depictions of Dead Trump
October 14th, 2019 4:31 PM
Between Sunday night and Monday, the liberal media have been up in arms over a parody video using a scene from the movie Kingsman: The Secret Service to depict a fake President Trump committing violence against members of the news media and other opponents and while it's been thoroughly condemned, many in the liberal press showed little to no concern for parodies or threats of violence against…

ABC Annoyed Senate GOPers Not Prejudging Possible Impeachment Trial
October 6th, 2019 10:30 AM
“I would be acting as a juror,” Republican Senator Susan Collins (ME) explained to the press as to why she would not be prejudging President Trump ahead of a possible Senate impeachment trial. But that wasn’t a good enough reason, according to the way the folks on ABC’s Good Morning America were huffing on Sunday.

Giddy ABC, NBC Hype Salacious, Unverified Omarosa Book; CBS Stays Away
August 10th, 2018 9:53 PM
On Friday, ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News showed zero restraint when it came to salacious, unverified claims in an upcoming book by former White House aide and reality TV firebrand Omarosa Manigault-Newman that President Trump used the n-word. Even though there’s already contradictions emerging, both eagerly led with and reported them anyway.

ABC: ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Is Taliban Set to Backdrop of ‘Trump’s America’
May 7th, 2018 12:55 PM
ABC’s Nightline on Friday donated over seven minutes of air time to hype the new season of The Handmaid’s Tale as a Taliban-esque dystopian fantasy set “against the backdrop of Donald Trump’s America.” Reporter David Wright breathlessly explained how the show as “The new American regime is a theocracy that oppresses women in particular. They're not allowed to read or write or think for themselves…

ABC, NBC Glorify Gun Control Rally, Wonder Where 'Movement' Could Go
March 25th, 2018 10:42 AM
The Sunday morning after the so-called March for Our Lives rally where hundreds of thousands of anti-gun kids parroted liberal chants and slogans, the liberal network news outlets of ABC and NBC were eager to throw heaps of praise on them. It was the first story that they got to that morning and each one of them was focused on where the “movement” was going and what change they could possibly…

ABC to Dolly Parton: Call Trump the Face of Modern Sexism!
March 2nd, 2018 12:44 PM
Nightline correspondent David Wright on Thursday night desperately tried to get actress and singer Dolly Parton to label Donald Trump as the face of 21st century sexism. Talking to the entertainer about her role in the iconic film 9 to 5, Wright played a clip of Jane Fonda deriding her character’s boss as a “sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot.”

ABC Suggests White House Hiding Evidence With Memo Redactions
February 25th, 2018 10:37 AM
On Saturday, the White House officially allowed the rebuttal memo drafted by House Democrats on the Intelligence Committee to be released. The memo was meant to rebuke the one released by their Republican counterparts a few weeks ago, but the FBI requested that certain information be redacted because it exposed sources and methods. In response to the release, ABC’s Good Morning America touted the…

ABC Lashes Out at GOP: Claim Memo Helping Putin Meddling Pay in Spades
February 4th, 2018 11:34 AM
The knives came out on ABC during their Sunday morning programming as they made President Trump and the GOP the target of their hyperbolic smear campaign following the release of the House Intelligence Committee memo detailing alleged misconduct by the FBI and Justice Department. And at one point during This Week, host George Stephanopoulos and Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Martha Raddatz…

Nets Ignore Schumer Shutdown Hypocrisy, Trash Trump Instead
January 22nd, 2018 4:21 PM
After Democrats shut down the government on Friday over their demand to protect illegal immigrants from deportation, all three broadcast networks spent the weekend reaching back to 2013 to accuse Donald Trump of changing his mind on the legislative tactic. At the same time, NBC, ABC and CBS completely ignored the stunning hypocrisy of Democratic leader Chuck Schumer.