Daniel Okrent

Is the NYT a Liberal Paper? Former Public Editors Confront Question
July 21st, 2017 4:20 PM
The New York Times shut down their Public Editor position last May, a position established in 2003 in the wake of the mortifying scandal involving reporter Jayson Blair. Andy Robinson talked to all six former Public Editors of the New York Times for the Columbia Journalism Review. Among the questions about anonymous sourcing and testy newsroom relations, Robinson re-surfaced one that…
ESPN Doc Marks Duke Lacrosse ‘Rape’ Case -- a Stain on the NYTimes
March 15th, 2016 9:29 AM
It’s been ten years since the Duke lacrosse rape hoax, an occasion marked by “Fantastic Lies," the latest entry in ESPN’s acclaimed 30 for 30 documentary series, which aired last Sunday night. Former New York Times Public Editor Daniel Okrent made an appearance, but evidently spoke in only general terms about the media frenzy, while the New York Times’ own sorry complicity in the saga didn’t get…
NYT's Rolling Stone Hoax Coverage Skips Own Shameful Rape Hoax Story
April 6th, 2015 11:35 PM
New York Times reporter Jonathan Mahler covered the damning indictment of Rolling Stone magazine's story of a gang rape at the University of Virginia, but skipped his own paper's disgraceful coverage of a previous campus rape hoax -- involving the Duke lacrosse team in 2006.
Lamar Smith Column: Former NY Times Public Editor Admits Liberal Media
September 14th, 2012 8:04 AM
It is not often that members of the liberal national media admit their biases. Americans know that the media is not impartial and that objectivity is not a priority when reporting on current events. Americans need and deserve a balanced media.
The New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane gave us insight into the Times’ liberal slant in his final column after two years with the newspaper.…

Krugman: No 'Scientific Impropriety' in ClimateGate - 'Hide the Declin
March 28th, 2011 10:08 AM
For many years, conservatives have been claiming that Paul Krugman makes up economic data to support his political conclusions.
Proving the point, the New York Times columnist said Monday, "Nothing in the [ClimateGate email] correspondence suggested any kind of scientific impropriety," and in the truly damning message from Phil Jones, the former head of Britain's Climatic Research Unit, "it’s…
Bubble Boy? NYT's Rosenthal 'Can't Tell' Maureen Dowd's Politics
September 29th, 2007 8:13 AM
I would defy anyone to label Maureen Dowd by party affiliation or ideology. I've known her and worked closely with her for 20 years and I can't tell you the answer to either one -- Andrew Rosenthal, editorial page editor of The New York TimesWhat would be worse: that when Times editorial page editor Rosenthal claims not to know Maureen Dowd's politics he's not being honest -- or that he is?