Dan Kennedy

PBS Journalist: GOP Win Means Public ‘Turned Their Backs on Planet’
November 5th, 2014 7:36 PM
The latest in the annals of hyperventilating, far-left, excessive environmental panic turned into personal demonization. When results came in Tuesday night which put Republicans into the majority in the Senate, “Americans had turned their backs on the planet,” Dan Kennedy claimed in a Wednesday post on the WGBH News site.
No BS about the Wall Street Mess
October 16th, 2008 5:49 PM
When the Dow hit below 8,000, the media went nuts, crying the economy was on the brink of collapse. But a lot of that same economy is still doing quite well, despite the mainstream media. Businessman Dan Kennedy, a new columnist with the Business & Media Institute, shows how skewed the standard view really is. Between 91 and 94 percent of all home mortgages in the United States are current,…