
Amanpour Tries to Hide Smiling at Israel Being Told 'To Go F Itself'

April 4th, 2024 2:12 PM

PBS’s Amanpour and Company is, apparently, where irony goes to die. On the Wednesday show, first aired on CNN International, host Christiane Amanpour welcomed alleged comedian Bassem Youssef, who has family in Gaza, to lament double standards in media coverage on Israeli and Palestinian suffering while the latter told Israel “to go F itself,” something no media personality would ever…


MSNBC's Morning Joe Cheers for Dems to Take Over Texas, Laments Delay

March 6th, 2024 6:41 AM

Promoting the series God Save Texas -- currently running on HBO -- MSNBC's Morning Joe regulars recently lamented that Democrats are not seizing control of Texas quickly enough as predicted by the media for decades. And, as The New Yorker's Lawrence Wright appeared on both Morning Joe and on PBS's Amanpour & Co. to promote the series (which he…


Amanpour Demands Media Stop Treating Biden's Age Like Hillary's Emails

March 2nd, 2024 2:33 PM

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour welcomed the Columbia Journalism School’s Margaret Sullivan to the Saturday edition of The Amanpour Hour where the two condemned their media colleagues for allegedly focusing on President Joe Biden’s age to the exclusion of everything else. They also claimed it should be their “public service role” to not let Biden’s age turn into Hillary Clinton's emails or…


Amanpour Trashes 'Very, Very Dyed-in-the-Wool Conservative' Catholics

February 18th, 2024 6:06 PM

Conservative taxpayers fund PBS and find themselves presented as the focus of evil in the modern world. On Ash Wednesday, the PBS show Amanpour & Co. focused on the Catholic Church and Pope Francis, especially how some "very, very dyed-in-the-wool conservatives' are forcing a "backlash" against "what the Pope has done for the LGBTQ community."


PBS Hails 'Victory For Science' As Case Silences Climate Skeptics

February 15th, 2024 2:06 PM

Climate scientist Michael Mann recently won his $1 million defamation lawsuit against Rand Simberg and Mark Steyn where the two men fiercely criticized his work. On Wednesday, he joined PBS’s Christiane Amanpour to take a victory lap for his efforts to squash free speech.


Amanpour Prods Israel to Surrender to Two-State Solution Despite Hamas

February 4th, 2024 10:30 PM

Journalist Christiane Amanpour’s eponymous international affairs show (airing on PBS and CNN International) is obsessed with getting Israel to back down from its war on the terrorist group Hamas and make potentially dangerous concessions to Hamas-run Gaza Strip. Thursday’s Amanpour & Co., devoted almost entirely to anti-Israel points, featured not one but two guests in a row who…

PBS Hands 'Meathead' Megaphone to Bash Trump-Loving Christians in Doc

February 3rd, 2024 2:02 PM

Christiane Amanpour was eager to promote on her eponymous PBS program new documentary, “God & Country,” on the supposed threat posed by “Christian nationalism in America,” produced by actor, director, and veteran liberal alarmist Rob Reiner. Amanpour underlined that "Christian nationalism" inspired the January 6 riot "as the mob inside claimed to be defending Christian supremacy in America…


Amanpour, Gore Demand 'Massively Radical' Anti-Fossil Fuel Measures

February 3rd, 2024 2:00 PM

Al Gore is not just a former vice president, according to a Saturday CNN chyron, he is also an “eco-warrior.” Such was the context for Gore’s appearance with Christiane Amanpour as the two demanded “some massively radical thing” to be done about the supposed horror of fossil fuel usage.


PBS: Press Must Report Biden 'Brings Huge Amount of Wisdom’ to Job

January 26th, 2024 1:58 PM

Amanpour & Co. host Christiane Amanpour examined the possible 2024 Biden-Trump presidential election rematch with New York Times’ London bureau chief Mark Landler, who reveres the left-wing BBC, and Emily Maitlis, a former BBC anchor. Takeaways from their Wednesday appearance on the PBS show were that the media should highlight Biden’s essential competence and Trump’s…

On PBS, Ex-NYT Reporter Pushes ‘Public Health Fascism,' Citing China

January 25th, 2024 9:42 AM

There was much media angst over Donald Trump declaring he would be a dictator on “Day One” of a second term in office to promote border security and oil drilling. Scrape off the spicy language, and it sounds more like the standard executive orders every president issues upon taking…


Amanpour Touts 'Barbie' as 'Subversively, Seriously Feminist' on PBS

January 18th, 2024 10:29 AM

On the PBS show Amanpour & Co., host Christiane Amanpour celebrated Latino actress America Ferrera and her monologue in the Barbie movie. Ferrera said  "it's the Barbie movie that no one asked for. That no one thought we needed, you know." Amanpour shot back: "And kind of subversively, seriously feminist."


Amanpour Claims Genocide Case Against Israel Is 'Pretty Conclusive'

January 13th, 2024 1:11 PM

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour tried to pressure Maryland Democratic Sen. Chris Van Hollen on Saturday into agreeing that South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice is “pretty conclusive” and wondered if the U.S. could stop the “mass killings” conducted, not by Hamas, but allegedly by Israel.


Amanpour Lamely Responds To Lebanon FM Blaming ISIS Bombings On Israel

January 4th, 2024 12:36 PM

CNN/PBS anchor Christiane Amanpour may claim to be truthful and not neutral, but when Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib joined her on her Wednesday show to blame Israel for the twin bombings in Iran that killed 84 people at the tomb of Qasem Soleimani, Amanpour simply noted that was “your opinion,” but since the program aired, ISIS has taken credit for the attacks, which was always…

PBS Hosts UK Editor to Lecture US: Trump a 'Make or Break' Moment?

December 25th, 2023 8:26 PM

Amanpour & Co., which airs on taxpayer-supported PBS, on Tuesday called the 2024 elections a “make-or-break moment for democracy” in the “flawed democracy” known as the United States, because of the risks of a victory by former president Donald Trump. The Economist deputy editor Tom Standage talked to Amanpour reporter Hari Sreenivasan, who set up Standage to…