Chris Matthews

REWIND: Riding to Obama’s Rescue, After Wright’s Radicalism Exposed
Sixteen years ago this weekend, Illinois Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign was in real trouble, after ABC exposed the radicalism of Obama’s longtime pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Liberal journalists, however, adored Obama, so over the next several days the media elite became the candidate’s personal rapid-response team.

FLASHBACK: The Media’s Skewed Coverage of Past Super Tuesday Primaries
To political junkies, Tuesday is “Super Tuesday,” when 16 states (plus American Samoa) hold primaries or caucuses to choose their 2024 presidential nominees. Here’s a quick re-cap of how the media elite have spun the last four Super Tuesday primaries.

FLASHBACK: Recalling Years of Liberal Media Mockery of CPAC
For years, both journalists and late-night comics have ridiculed CPAC as akin to “the bar scene in Star Wars,” “an aviary for far-right ‘wacko birds,’” and an “audience of malignant children.”
FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media Hate-Storm After Justice Scalia’s Passing
Eight years ago this week, as the nation mourned the loss of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, left-wing pundits unleashed an appalling storm of hateful comments about the longtime conservative jurist, slashing him as “regressive,” “cruel” and “reprehensible.”

FLASHBACK: Slobbering Coverage of the Kennedys’ 2008 Obama Endorsement
Sixteen years ago, so-called reporters giddily celebrated the confluence of the ultra-liberal Kennedy family (a.k.a., “Camelot”) and the hard-left Obama campaign.

FLASHBACK: The Media’s Skewed Coverage of Past New Hampshire Primaries
Since 2008, the NewsBusters archives shows the intensive political coverage surrounding the New Hampshire primary has been a chance for journalists to take gratuitous potshots at conservative candidates, while liberals (often referred to as “moderates”) are treated to rock-star treatment.

Chris Matthews Rants at Trump Voters: Hope You Enjoy the Tyranny!
Former MSNBC host Chris Matthews just turned 78, and when they let him loose on Morning Joe now, you can't help but think how much he resembles Joe Biden. He's bitterly anti-Trump, he rants and he rambles, and you have no idea when or where he's going to end his remarks. On Tuesday, Matthews put on his crabby face. The thrill up his leg was gone.

FLASHBACK: The Media’s Skewed Coverage of Past Iowa Caucuses
In coverage of past Iowa caucuses, the media elite have mocked religious conservatives like Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum and Ted Cruz, yet always seem to be thrilled by their Democratic choices, spinning radicals as “moderates.”

FLASHBACK: An Election So Biased, Even the Media Had to Admit It
Fifteen years ago today, November 4, 2008, American voters elected liberal Democratic Senator Barack Obama to the Presidency. It was a campaign in which the public recognized the media elite’s tremendous favoritism towards Obama, and even many reporters admitted the coverage had been slanted against the Republicans.
FLASHBACK: Media Hit GOP Over Anti-Hillary Benghazi ‘Witch Hunt’
Eight years ago, when ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton faced tough questions over the Benghazi disaster, helpful news reporters lavished praise on her performance while condemning the partisanship of Republicans who dared question the Democratic presidential frontrunner.

FLASHBACK: The Media’s Long History of One-Sided Shutdown Coverage
Journalists’ shutdown playbook is straightforward: single out Republicans for blame; highlight “victims” of the shutdown to build public anger; and then claim Democrats won because they were the “grown-up” party.

Video: How the Media Should Be Covering Biden’s Burisma Scandal
It’s safe to say that CNN, MSNBC, and the broadcast networks have no interest in fully explaining the Biden/Burisma corruption allegations. We got tired of waiting around, so we decided to do it for them. Using a handful of out-of-context news clips from the Trump Presidency, we’ve simulated what it might look like if the media ever actually covered the Burisma scandal.
FLASHBACK: Lib Journalists Loved Obama’s Ill-Fated Iran Nuke Deal
Eight years ago this week, the liberal media touted the “major victory” of President Obama’s “historic” deal with Iran that would supposedly limit the terrorist state’s access to nuclear weapons for at least a decade.

Media VILIFIED GOP Budget-Cutters During 2011 Debt Fight
During the 2011 debt ceiling fight, the media relentlessly harassed Republican attempts to rein in spending, as journalists demanded tax increases and blasted conservatives as hostage takers and bomb-toting terrorists.