Chip Reid

FLASHBACK: Nets Mentioned Trump’s Low Polls Almost 2X as Much as Biden
This week saw Joe Biden’s cratering poll numbers fall even lower. On Wednesday, four polls came out and the results are bleak. Reuters: 36 percent. Politico: 38 percent. Rasmussen: 39 percent. Economist/YouGuv: 40 percent. Unsurprisingly, the networks skipped coverage of the latest terrible news for the President.

FLASHBACK: When the Media Championed Election Objectors
Democrats in Congress have protested every Republican presidential election for the past 20 years, without the media accusing them of attacking democracy itself. Yet in 2004, when California Senator Barbara Boxer joined with Ohio Representative Stephanie Tubbs-Jones to object to the certification of Ohio’s electors — as some Republicans pledge to do on Wednesday — the media treated the…

Nets Bash Trump Causing 'Christmas Chaos' Over Dismal COVID Aid
Predictably all three morning networks Wednesday blamed President Trump for holding up stimulus relief checks, after he demanded Congress give more money to the American people in a video posted to Twitter last night.

Cancel Culture CBS Hammers ‘Bloody’ Redskins Name, Skips Approval
The hacks at CBS This Morning on Monday jumped on the cancel culture bandwagon, hyping the effort to force the Washington Redskins to change their name. Reporter Chip Reid featured an ESPN host assailing the “bloody” nickname. NOWHERE in the entire segment was any mention that Native Americans have been repeatedly polled and overwhelmingly support the name.

CBS Slimes Trump’s Legal Team: They’re Not Behaving Like Lawyers

Nets Tout Murkowski: ‘Unexpected Ally’ for Dems, ‘Crack’ in GOP Front
During the Christmas season, wishy-washy Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski gave a present to Democrats and the liberal media trying to remove President Trump from office when she whined about Senate Majority McConnell’s (R-KY) plans for the impeachment trial. During their Thursday evening newscasts, ABC, CBS, and NBC all sang the praises of “moderate” Murkowski.

CBS Spends Almost Half of Cummings Tribute Talking About Trump

CBS Fails to Inform Rule Only Affects 'Illegal' Immigrants

Nets Keep Rooting for Recession, Tout Dems ‘Seizing the Moment’

CBS Parrots Dem Talking Points: Hold Trump 'Accountable' for Slaughter

MELTDOWN: Nets Freak Out Over Proposed Cuts to the Special Olympics

CBS Tries to Shame Karen Pence for Working at a Christian School

Nets Hail ‘Responsible’ Dems to Rescue, Bring ‘Order’ to Trump 'Chaos'